A couple things here:
1. My guess is that 90% of this site have played multiple sports in their lives. The difference is that most don't broadcast it, and if you're willing to do that you can't be mad at people who 'go there.'
2. You ever notice that nobody criticizes what you, desperado, or others do for their physical activity? We get it, you guys don't like crossfit. The problem is that the only real criticisms I've seen in this are the form (see #3), the cost, and the apparel, and the apparent fad about it.
3. As 1CO said before your post that I'm quoting, it is pretty convenient that poor form in other activities aren't mentioned. And we don't even have to talk about lifting either.
4. Finally, I initially pointed when the topic turned this way - why would anybody, in this country, be mad at anybody for getting themselves off their couch and begin to work out, regardless of what you or others may deem 'worthy?'