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I was thinking of curling in the squat rack tomorrow. Should I drink chocolate milk right after?
I do CrossFit Football and Crossfit Endurance and my work usually involves hiking around with an 80 lb pack so...
I have my job because the 2% of society that is even fit enough to do it usually isnt smart enough to do it.
I posted the benchmarks I try to stay above previously in this thread. You have also "skirted" around your athletic background...I imagine something about touchdowns at Polk HS.
Dear workoutblog,
During the school year I'm forced to get up early every day. I have to drop off my stepson at school at 7:15am and I pretty much have to drive right by LA Fitness on the way. Basically, there is zero excuse for going to the gym in the morning...the only thing I have to do is throw clothes for work into a gym bag.
This summer has been rough. Too much sleeping in, maybe getting to the gym 1-2 times a week (which I suppose is better than totally falling out of my routine). This week I had a goal to make it every day and I managed to resist the snooze button and get in there every morning. Achievement unlocked! Monday, school starts so back on it 100%.
It's amazing how much better I've felt all week back in the normal swing of things. Every time I have a layoff and go back it's always like "why the **** did I stop doing this?". Also, this is the first time I've hit it really hard since quitting smoking back in June. Noticeable difference in endurance etc.
Anyways, sorry to interrupt. Back to Crossfit arguments bros....
Back on topic
Classic shit! Sorry Rusty...CF really does practice those type of exercises....bad form and all. I know it is a joke, but it is based on those exercises. Even the air humping pullups that I love to point out lol
Sorry that most disagree with you on this one but there are obvious reasons why. You just do what works best for you and the rest of us will make our gains training in other ways.
I actually had some dude refuse to let me switch the bumper plates he had stacked on the leg press machine for an equal amount of iron so I could do cleans today. I offered to load and unload it and everything...its the closest I've ever came to absolutely losing my shit on a random person at the gym.
i fuckin lost it lolBack on topic
I don't understand. Were you trying to work in with him and he said no? It's nice when people let guys work in but they don't have to. There have been times when I've said no depending on the circumstances.
Still trying to understand how you have to be smart enough to hike with 80 lbs on your back....and how you came up with the elite 2% of people can do that job. Would love to see those case studies and the samples that you/they used for that.
No he had about 300# of bumper plates stacked on the leg press. I asked if I could take the bumper plates to clean and put iron on the leg press machine for him to use. He said no, I almost lost my shit.
You seem to have a comprehension problem. The people that are strong enough to do my job, rarely have the mental acuity to do so. Maybe someone like yourself? The year I finished my training, 1500 people were assessed and 28 completed training. Can you tell me what percentage that is? That is also a higher percentage than usual so...
Sure CF boy. So you need to be assessed to carry 80lbs on your back and be really smart....got it. I guess CF is great for you, it is just that most can't take it seriously for gains, as you have seen.
Sure CF boy. So you need to be assessed to carry 80lbs on your back and be really smart....got it. I guess CF is great for you, it is just that most can't take it seriously for gains, as you have seen.
The term "gains" is one of the most subjective in the entire fitness industry. What if a person's goals are to primarily lose body fat while maintaining or slightly increasing lean muscle? Crossfit is a great way to obtain those goals whether you agree with it or not.
I guess the job is to run up a mountain with an 80 lb sack and then do brain teasers up on the peak.