The Pee Video


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I would bet the other side does that same types of things if not worse, only they cant' afford cameras, HIYO... but seriously. It's horrible yes. But who knows what I would feel like doing in that position. I've seen some people say they would do some horrible things to child molestors, or murderers or this type or person or that. These terrorists strap bombs to children and use them to blow up busses, they use women like rag dolls and puppets. This is probably some of the lighter stuff that people have done to their corpses. Sure it's not right in many ways, but it's war. I just hope that it helps them leave it there and it doesn't escalate things so that they bring it back with them.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
Seriously though, I'm with those of you who say this is pretty tame. I don't hold the human body as something that is Holy when it is dead and lifeless. For the record, I didn't see any pee in the video (I could be blind). Looked to me like they were all standing around praying out loud with their hands folded at the waist. Morons for taping it? Yep. Less than human for doing it? No way. Some of you think being human, or having humanity means you never do anything wrong, or that you hold other human life in the highest. I disagree.

Challenge to anyone who wants to accept: Watch the unedited Nick Berg video and then come back on here and preach to me about humanity.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Seriously though, I'm with those of you who say this is pretty tame. I don't hold the human body as something that is Holy when it is dead and lifeless. For the record, I didn't see any pee in the video (I could be blind). Looked to me like they were all standing around praying out loud with their hands folded at the waist. Morons for taping it? Yep. Less than human for doing it? No way. Some of you think being human, or having humanity means you never do anything wrong, or that you hold other human life in the highest. I disagree.

Challenge to anyone who wants to accept: Watch the unedited Nick Berg video and then come back on here and preach to me about humanity.

That one affects me less because Nick Berg had alot to do with Nick Berg getting beheaded. (now its been awhile this is what I read at the time) Nick may have been "involved" with some shady shit with insurgents, and they decided to use him in a way they deemed best, instead of the way Nick may have intended.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
That one affects me less because Nick Berg had alot to do with Nick Berg getting beheaded. (now its been awhile this is what I read at the time) Nick may have been "involved" with some shady shit with insurgents, and they decided to use him in a way they deemed best, instead of the way Nick may have intended.

I don't care about the circumstances, just the fact that men sawed his head off with a dull knife while you hear his screams gurgling out the hole in his throat.


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May 14, 2010
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I thought marines prided themselves on honor. Where was the honor in this? Although I find it disturbing. I don't find it nearly as despicable as this that I read on yahoo last night.

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — An American soldier charged with abuse that led to the suicide of a 19-year-old fellow soldier in Afghanistan is facing a preliminary hearing Sunday on a base in the country, the U.S. military said.

Spc. Ryan J. Offutt is charged with offenses including maltreatment, assault, involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide in the death of Pvt. Danny Chen, the military said in a statement. Offutt is one of eight infantrymen charged in connection with the suicide.

Chen shot himself in a guardhouse Oct. 3 in Afghanistan after what investigators say were weeks of racial slurs, humiliation and physical abuse.

Offutt, 32, of Greenville, Pa., was charged in December along with seven others in the same unit. He joined the Army in 2006 and served 14 months in Iraq before being deployed to Afghanistan. An attorney for Offutt could not immediately be contacted.

Chen, a native New Yorker of Chinese descent, had only been in Afghanistan for two months when he killed himself.

He had told relatives he endured weeks of racial teasing and name calling while in training in the U.S.

After arriving in Afghanistan, investigators said, Chen was subjected to hazing by members of his unit, the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment, 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division based in Fort Wainwright, Alaska.

Chen's family has said investigators told them that at a remote base in southern Afghanistan, he was subjected to racial slurs and forced to do excessive sit-ups, push-ups, runs and sprints carrying sandbags.

On the day of his death, he had reported to the guard tower without his helmet or adequate water and was forced to crawl about 100 yards (100 meters) across gravel carrying his equipment as his comrades threw rocks at him, a family representative has quoted investigators as saying.

Sunday's hearing under Article 32 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice will determine whether Offutt faces court-martial. It was unclear how many days it will take. The process allows for cross-examining of any witnesses.

The two most serious charges, involuntary manslaughter and negligent homicide, carry prison sentences of up to 10 years and three years, respectively.

The hearing is being held at Kandahar Air Field, the sprawling base for U.S. and NATO operations in the south.

Chen's family and Chinese community members in New York have called for legal proceedings related to his death to be held in the United States, so they could witness them.

Offutt's mother, Carol Tate of Sharon, Pa., told The (Sharon) Herald last month that she has spoken to her son and thought there were other factors that have not been made public, but she declined further comment.

The Army has identified the other soldiers charged as 1st Lt. Daniel J. Schwartz, 25, of Maryland (no hometown was given); Staff Sgt. Blaine G. Dugas, 35, of Port Arthur, Texas; Staff Sgt. Andrew J. Van Bockel, 26, of Aberdeen, S.D.; Sgt. Adam M. Holcomb, 29, of Youngstown, Ohio; Sgt. Jeffrey T. Hurst, 26, of Brooklyn, Iowa; Spc. Thomas P. Curtis, 25, of Hendersonville, Tenn; and Sgt. Travis F. Carden, 24, of Fowler, Ind.

VanBockel, Holcomb, Hurst, Curtis and Offutt were charged with the most serious offenses, including involuntary manslaughter, negligent homicide, and assault and battery.

The NATO-led force also said two service members in southern Afghanistan died Sunday of injuries that were not battle-related.

A coalition statement did not say whether the injuries were the result of an accident, suicide, or other causes and it did not provide the troops' nationalities.

Sunday's deaths bring to 16 the number of coalition troops who have died in Afghanistan this month.

On Saturday, a roadside bomb killed two Afghan police officers as they were driving home in the eastern province of Khost, provincial police chief Sardar Mohammad Zazia said.

Both officers were members of a counternarcotics squad, he said. Khost lies along the border with Pakistan's lawless northwestern tribal region and is a stronghold of the al-Qaida-allied Haqqani network.

Read more: http://www.mysananto...p#ixzz1jecpgZZu


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May 14, 2010
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Billings, Montana
I think the story of this soldiers suicide shows lack of leadership by that unit. They shouldn't have allowed one soldier to be ridden so harshly by the other men. Don't get me wrong the actual men who harassed him should be in trouble too. But it showed a lack of leadership by their commander.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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For those who have no issues with this sort of behavior.

Would you think otherwise if it were killed American soldiers being pissed on? And be honest.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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For those who have no issues with this sort of behavior.

Would you think otherwise if it were killed American soldiers being pissed on? And be honest.

Please, you're asking the masses to potentially admit that they are hypocrites


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
For those who have no issues with this sort of behavior.

Would you think otherwise if it were killed American soldiers being pissed on? And be honest.

Pissed on, burned, hung on stakes, hung from bridges after being decapitated..............does it really make a difference?

The Mule

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Dec 11, 2011
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This kind of behaviour shows a lack of respect and hatred. The point isn't which "side" is doing worse, more degrading shit. The point is that degrading shit is being done and no matter who is doing that shit, the message is profoundly negative.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
This kind of behaviour shows a lack of respect and hatred. The point isn't which "side" is doing worse, more degrading shit. The point it that degrading shit is being done and no matter who is doing that shit, the message is profoundly negative.

Obviously they have a lack of respect and hatred towards the USA and all things Western. Since I have never served in the military I will leave it up to those who have to tell me if soldiers have a lack of respect for, or hatred towards our enemies. I would say, in general, if someone was trying to kill me, I would have a severe lack of respect for them, and yes, I would hate them.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Obviously they have a lack of respect and hatred towards the USA and all things Western. Since I have never served in the military I will leave it up to those who have to tell me if soldiers have a lack of respect for, or hatred towards our enemies. I would say, in general, if someone was trying to kill me, I would have a severe lack of respect for them, and yes, I would hate them.

This is how I feel about the Canadian government. I love my country but I hate my government. My government isn't my country it's just a body within it that I hate.

If they ain't helping me stay alive they are trying to kill me. I don't think my Canadian government is trying to help keep me alive (I am not even sure they know my name). I think people need to ask that about their own governments sometimes. Are soldiers being placed in wars to die? Yes. So hate your own government?

p.S. I am just being an ass...but I truelly do dislike my government.

The Mule

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Dec 11, 2011
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Obviously they have a lack of respect and hatred towards the USA and all things Western. Since I have never served in the military I will leave it up to those who have to tell me if soldiers have a lack of respect for, or hatred towards our enemies. I would say, in general, if someone was trying to kill me, I would have a severe lack of respect for them, and yes, I would hate them.

To be clear I didn't say that all soldiers have a lack of respect or hatred, that merely this incident showcases those qualities.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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The thing I don't understand from a military perspective is wouldn't acts like this fuel more hatred from your enemy? Doesn't it add just a little more fight in them? That seems like something that the US military should be very concerned with.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army lieutenant colonel, commenting on the Marines' video

“I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater s ...ecurity contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.

“All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq?

“The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.

“As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), a former Army lieutenant colonel, commenting on the Marines' video

“I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater s ...ecurity contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.

“All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq?

“The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.

“As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell.”

Republican Allen West needs to google Shugart and Gordon or any of the other incidents if he doesn't think there was outrage over those acts. I recall a lot of reaction towards those events esp the Shugart and Gordon incidents. A LOT!!!

Do modern day politicians understand what the media is in todays world? It's not just NBC news or CNN anymore.

And yes war is hell. No one would ever think otherwise (accept my grandfather who loved WW2)..but actions such as this just make the fires of hell that much hotter.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Back in Jax
I don't think anyone is saying what they did was right, or good. I think some of us are saying, life's a *****, shit happens.......and when that life involves war, all bets are off. TCD, you are correct, this is probably going to make the enemy fight harder. However, this is war, it isn't a group of humans sitting around the campfire airing out their grievances with each other and discussing what it is like to be a decent human being. The "OMG how can you treat other human beings this way" crying from libs is just plain nonsense. Do you think I give a **** that they are a human being? I just shot the motherfucker through the heart!
