The Rooney Rule


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Aug 20, 2012
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See, you're part of the problem. Thankfully, you're not in the NFL. But that "no such thing" attitude is what we're trying to combat.

Right on brother, preach it. #lovetrumpshate #moralsuperiority


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Aug 21, 2012
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The white people on this thread have no idea the difficulty black people go through everyday.

I’m not white, but some white people may have an idea of the difficulty. And it’s not just blacks. Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, etc. Better said, other races.

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Nov 5, 2012
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Tomlin is thankful for it. The Steelers were gonna hire some other guy before Tomlin came in and changed their minds.

Nothing is gonna protect minorities against overt bigotry. I think its more to protect against unconscious or casual type racism that's rampant in the sports world EG; only white guys can play QB, only blacks can play WR, etc.... that line of thought(Obviously being extreme to the max here even though this kind of stuff is definitely changing).

Plus they actually do get to practice some interview skills, and get a feather in their cap. Can't hurt that badly. I agree its sad that such a thing even has to exist, but that's where we are.


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Aug 20, 2012
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I’m not white, but some white people may have an idea of the difficulty. And it’s not just blacks. Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, etc. Better said, other races.

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How many of them have ever been owned by another human being, having their sole purpose to live as other people’s property? How many of them wake up every morning wondering if today could be their last because they could be shot by the police? How many of them have had their entire families arrested for victimless crimes? How many of them have their ideas stolen by more privileged people? How many of them knownpoverty?


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Aug 21, 2012
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How many of them have ever been owned by another human being, having their sole purpose to live as other people’s property? How many of them wake up every morning wondering if today could be their last because they could be shot by the police? How many of them have had their entire families arrested for victimless crimes? How many of them have their ideas stolen by more privileged people? How many of them knownpoverty?

“An idea” are the key words buddy.

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Nov 28, 2014
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Mike Tomlin was a Rooney Rule interview, and totally blew the Steelers away. Basically hired him on the spot. It does get these guys in front of the ownership/management groups and lets them see who they are and what they're capable of.
And, I believe there is a program to get more minorities involved in assistant coaching ....


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Jan 9, 2014
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Harford County, MD
I'm White and I work for the Federal Government.

I have been the token interview because of a rule about hiring practices. Minorities are not the only ones that are exposed to this process. It helped me prepare for a Job interview that actually got me a promotion.

Mike Tomlin is an example of the rule actually making a difference, he was interviewed only because of the rule (they wanted to hire Ken Whisenhunt), but Tomlin nailed the interview and was hired because of it.

It might seem like a silly rule, but it has a purpose, and it has made a difference for at least one coach.


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Aug 21, 2012
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They don’t, and until you understand that you are part of the problem.

Nope. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true. Fact of the matter is, everyone is a victim of racism. Doesn’t matter if you been through a lot of shit or little. You have whites hating on innocent black people. You have black people hating on innocent white people. You have Hispanics hating on white people. You have Asians hating on hispanics. You have Arabs hating on white people. Not all blacks are bad. Not all whites are bad. Not all Hispanics are bad. Not all Asians are bad. Every race has good people as well as bad. Some are racist and some are not. What’s sad is you got some black, Hispanics, Asians, etc. hating on all white people because they ran into a white racist. Not all of them are racist. What’s sad that some white people hate blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. because they run into a bad person and they automatically think they are all like that. There are some good people out there of color. Fact is, everyone is part of the fucking problem. Racism has been here before American slavery. It’s nothing new. It’s always going to be there no matter how hard you try to take it away. I’m against it but if someone wants to hate a race, they have a right to. As long as they don’t assault, threaten, or abuse someone. You can have your opinion about anything. Just don’t break the law hurting someone physically.

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Aug 21, 2012
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Tomlin is thankful for it. The Steelers were gonna hire some other guy before Tomlin came in and changed their minds.

Nothing is gonna protect minorities against overt bigotry. I think its more to protect against unconscious or casual type racism that's rampant in the sports world EG; only white guys can play QB, only blacks can play WR, etc.... that line of thought(Obviously being extreme to the max here even though this kind of stuff is definitely changing).

Plus they actually do get to practice some interview skills, and get a feather in their cap. Can't hurt that badly. I agree its sad that such a thing even has to exist, but that's where we are.

Tomlin was not a product of the Rooney Rule technically.....they had already interviewed Rivera and did not need to have another minority interview when they interviewed him.


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That totally makes sense, but in a case such at the Raiders one, what the hell's the point?

But even if it goes as you say... they really like the guy, but are still going with someone anyway... if that minority candidate was good, he'd stick around wherever he was for a while and wouldn't be hired in the future by you anyway. Or if he went elsewhere and sucked, well, again, he probably wouldn't be hired by you.

It just seems like a giant waste of time if you have your guy in mind.

I don't think leaders of NFL teams view interviews as a waste of time. I think there is something to be gained out of every interaction they have. Whether it's positive or negative interaction, is what will be taken away from the meeting. It could end up being a guy they consider for a coordinator position or head coach down the road. We've seen front office personnel move around freely, you never know when one of those guys moves on to greener pastures and really liked what he saw out of a candidate they interviewed due to the Rooney Rule.

I just don't see anything negative that can come from sitting down and having a conversation with someone about a common interest. If it works out great, if not, then it's another potential candidate down the road.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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Nope. Just because you say it doesn’t make it true. Fact of the matter is, everyone is a victim of racism. Doesn’t matter if you been through a lot of shit or little. You have whites hating on innocent black people. You have black people hating on innocent white people. You have Hispanics hating on white people. You have Asians hating on hispanics. You have Arabs hating on white people. Not all blacks are bad. Not all whites are bad. Not all Hispanics are bad. Not all Asians are bad. Every race has good people as well as bad. Some are racist and some are not. What’s sad is you got some black, Hispanics, Asians, etc. hating on all white people because they ran into a white racist. Not all of them are racist. What’s sad that some white people hate blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc. because they run into a bad person and they automatically think they are all like that. There are some good people out there of color. Fact is, everyone is part of the fucking problem. Racism has been here before American slavery. It’s nothing new. It’s always going to be there no matter how hard you try to take it away. I’m against it but if someone wants to hate a race, they have a right to. As long as they don’t assault, threaten, or abuse someone. You can have your opinion about anything. Just don’t break the law hurting someone physically.

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There is no black racism against whites. You are just proving you don’t understand the issue or how it effects people. Racism is an institution that existed for 500 years to hold down black peoples. Black peoples are not capable of oppressing white people, thus not racist. A black man may voice his displeasure with a white man, but it does not mean that he has oppressed him, thus is not racist.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2012
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See, you're part of the problem. Thankfully, you're not in the NFL. But that "no such thing" attitude is what we're trying to combat.

I'm part of the problem is a bit strong. I readily admit I'm far removed from this issue and my opinions aren't formed from experience and thus might be entirely different in a different circumstance.

I just find it hard to believe that anyone would inadvertently miss out interviewing a successful coaching candidate. "I guess I never considered the guy who had been running a top 10 defense. Good thing the Rooney rule was there, could've missed that one."

Any hiring bias doesn't happen by accident in this league.

And yes, Tomlin was hired after the Steelers had interviewed Rivera. He wasn't a Rooney rule interview.


Aug 21, 2012
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There is no black racism against whites. You are just proving you don’t understand the issue ornhownitneffectsnpeople. Racism is an institution that existed for 500 years to hold down black peoples. Black peoples are not capable of oppressing white people, thus not racist. A black man may voice his displeasure with a white man, but it does not mean that he has oppressed him, thus is not racist.

I agree with the issue of institutional racism, but there is racism against whites by blacks. It just doesn't take the form you describe. Racism is not just about oppression. Oppression is oppression. They are two distinct topics that can overlap, but don't necessarily do in every case.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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There is no black racism against whites. You are just proving you don’t understand the issue ornhownitneffectsnpeople. Racism is an institution that existednforn500 years to hold down black peoples. Black peoples are not capable of oppressing white people, thus not racist. A black man may voice his displeasure with a white man, but it does not mean that he has oppressed him.

It’s hate. At the end of the day, it’s someone hating on someone for color, religion, or whatever it may be. It’s not right to some people but it ain’t wrong to others. To each their own. At the end of the day, there’s bad in this world. Hitler killings, black slavery, 911 terrorist attacks, etc. Can’t do nothing about it. I don’t believe in the Bible but if you do, the first family had bad people. Didn’t Able kill Cain or vice versa? There was hate. Your right on your last sentence. But it does not mean that every black persons does not oppress him. Some do. That goes for every other race. I guarantee you racism and hate will be here 3,000 years from now. It’s just life unfortunately. History has proven that. Anyone can be mad about it. Not a problem. Nothing wrong with that. But unfortunately it ain’t going to change nothing.

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No, you're right, this rule isn't hurting anyone. I know why it was put in place. I think the way that it is, is kind of dumb. And even when a team does comply, as the Raiders did, having your intent questioned is stupid. The Bears may have wanted Nagy the entire time... if that is found out, is it really fair for them to be penalized because they didn't seriously consider a minority candidate? It's just dumb.

Tomlin is thankful for it. The Steelers were gonna hire some other guy before Tomlin came in and changed their minds.

Nothing is gonna protect minorities against overt bigotry. I think its more to protect against unconscious or casual type racism that's rampant in the sports world EG; only white guys can play QB, only blacks can play WR, etc.... that line of thought(Obviously being extreme to the max here even though this kind of stuff is definitely changing).

Plus they actually do get to practice some interview skills, and get a feather in their cap. Can't hurt that badly. I agree its sad that such a thing even has to exist, but that's where we are.



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Or Rivera wasn't the Rooney Rule required interview. Do we really know which candidate fulfilled the rule? Rivera was a DC for 2 seasons under Lovie when that interview took place as opposed to Tomlin who had 1 year as DC for the Vikings. I think Rivera was the more established coach, especially soon after the Bears' Super Bowl appearance. I'd say Tomlin was the lesser known higher risk candidate at the time.
