The Rooney Rule


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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The white people on this thread have no idea the difficulty black people go through everyday.

LOL, that is cute. Holler at Mexicans fam. Y'all get to pull the race card for everything. We just get shit on.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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LOL, that is cute. Holler at Mexicans fam. Y'all get to pull the race card for everything. We just get shit on.

Possibly because you don't have a deep history of oppression borne out of complete dehumanization.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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Possibly because you don't have a deep history of oppression borne out of complete dehumanization.

Someone knows fuck all about Mexican history.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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And they have no idea the difficulty I go through being Polish.

Your people are joked about non-stop. But I mean when you have one plane packed full of your government...the jokes write themselves.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Oh I have cable, I just don't watch junk news.

Why watch it when you can live it right? It’s so simple to see how shit is. I’m not ok with certain shit but I’m fine. History is history. I can’t change that. I’m glad I wasn’t born in any past time. Like real back. At the end, I can’t change shit what today is. People try and that’s good but it won’t change things for good. It’s all good. I’m good with anyone. If someone fucks with me, I fucks with them. If they are good with me, I’m good with them. (Them=another human.) Someone wants to talk shit about the race I fall in, cool. That’s great. Go ahead. Freedom of speech. You want to get in my face or try to start some shit with me, it’s going down. Not for the words that was said from the other person. Its going down for trying to start some shit with me. Just defending myself with knocking motherfuckers out. Or vise versa. You win some, you lose some.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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I’ve always thought it would be embarrassing to know you’re only being interviewed to satisfy a rule. Nothing would make me feel “more” unequal that that.

Maybe just having the experience interviewing is worth it, but if the whole world knows it isn’t serious I’d agree with you. How is it helping? Maybe just for PR?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Exactly. It's disrespectful to any minority person to be interviewed knowing it's to satisfy the Rooney rule. The freakin rule is obsolete. We have had a Black President already for Christs sake. It is the very kind of thing that keeps racism alive today.


Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 20, 2012
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Your people are joked about non-stop. But I mean when you have one plane packed full of your government...the jokes write themselves.

I've been tellin Polish jokes my whole life. It's part of the experience. :)


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Someone knows fuck all about Mexican history.

Oh please, share with us the history of Mexican slavery followed by the Jim Crow society that left Mexican people as the most disadvantaged and oppressed group of people in this country's history.


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Dec 9, 2010
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Quad Cities, IA
The Raiders case is a perfect one for showing the problem with the rule. You have a guy that you want. You know you want to hire him, for a multitude of reasons. In the case of Gruden, you had to tell him you are serious, and give him an idea of what you'd pay him to get him to consider going back to coaching. You do all this and it works out, and then to satisfy this rule you do a few BS interviews, knowing full well that you already have your guy. Then, after you hire the guy you wanted the whole time, here comes an investigation. It's total BS. Either don't have the rule, or accept the fact that there are times when teams know who their guy is and are only doing other interviews (with people of any race) to satisfy a rule. That's it.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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Exactly. It's disrespectful to any minority person to be interviewed knowing it's to satisfy the Rooney rule. The freakin rule is obsolete. We have had a Black President already for Christs sake. It is the very kind of thing that keeps racism alive today.

I disagree, it still draws attention to the minority interview, and while it might be a long shot he/she gets the job, a long shot is still better than no shot (no interview). While I have no doubt in my mind many of these interviews are just to satisfy the rule, each time it happens the likelihood of that candidate being looked at again by another team in the future increases.

But hey, what do I know, I am a white guy. I would be curious to here what black men have to say about the rule.


CCS Donator
Nov 27, 2014
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The Raiders case is a perfect one for showing the problem with the rule. You have a guy that you want. You know you want to hire him, for a multitude of reasons. In the case of Gruden, you had to tell him you are serious, and give him an idea of what you'd pay him to get him to consider going back to coaching. You do all this and it works out, and then to satisfy this rule you do a few BS interviews, knowing full well that you already have your guy. Then, after you hire the guy you wanted the whole time, here comes an investigation. It's total BS. Either don't have the rule, or accept the fact that there are times when teams know who their guy is and are only doing other interviews (with people of any race) to satisfy a rule. That's it.


Reggie Mckenzie

btw Oakland Raiders GM is a black man.

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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The Raiders case is a perfect one for showing the problem with the rule. You have a guy that you want. You know you want to hire him, for a multitude of reasons. In the case of Gruden, you had to tell him you are serious, and give him an idea of what you'd pay him to get him to consider going back to coaching. You do all this and it works out, and then to satisfy this rule you do a few BS interviews, knowing full well that you already have your guy. Then, after you hire the guy you wanted the whole time, here comes an investigation. It's total BS. Either don't have the rule, or accept the fact that there are times when teams know who their guy is and are only doing other interviews (with people of any race) to satisfy a rule. That's it.

Especially when their GM is a Black Man.

I disagree, it still draws attention to the minority interview, and while it might be a long shot he/she gets the job, a long shot is still better than no shot (no interview). While I have no doubt in my mind many of these interviews are just to satisfy the rule, each time it happens the likelihood of that candidate being looked at again by another team in the future increases.

But hey, what do I know, I am a white guy. I would be curious to here what black men have to say about the rule.

Fair enough point.


HS Referee HoF
Aug 20, 2012
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Chicago, IL.
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Oh please, share with us the history of Mexican slavery followed by the Jim Crow society that left Mexican people as the most disadvantaged and oppressed group of people in this country's history.

Ahhhh putting a qualifier on it now. See, your original post didn't limit it to Mexican oppression within US borders.

Possibly because you don't have a deep history of oppression borne out of complete dehumanization.

Even if I simply overlook the fact the above is grossly factually incorrect Africans weren't the only enslaved peoples, might want to brush up on your history of slavery in America. Do you think that Mexicans during the time of slavery were just freely walking around like white people were with equal rights and stature? Slavery was a cornerstone in the Spanish Casta system dumbass. And take a wild fucking guess who provided a shitload of those slaves for America? The Spanish...Who conquered Mexico? Most people don't even know that Obama wasn't even the first American president of African descent. It was Mexico's president Guerrero whom also abolished slavery in Mexico in 1829...before the U.S. Civil War. Seriously Mick, go fuck yourself you ignorant cunt.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Ahhhh putting a qualifier on it now. See, your original post didn't limit it to Mexican oppression within US borders.

Even if I simply overlook the fact the above is grossly factually incorrect Africans weren't the only enslaved peoples, might want to brush up on your history of slavery in America. Do you think that Mexicans during the time of slavery were just freely walking around like white people were with equal rights and stature? Slavery was a cornerstone in the Spanish Casta system dumbass. And take a wild fucking guess who provided a shitload of those slaves for America? The Spanish...Who conquered Mexico? Most people don't even know that Obama wasn't even the first American president of African descent. It was Mexico's president Guerrero whom also abolished slavery in Mexico in 1829...before the U.S. Civil War. Seriously Mick, go fuck yourself you ignorant cunt.

Uhm, no, the original remark you made that prompted me to mention it was about how black people get to pull the race card, now, in the United States, while you don't ...

LOL, that is cute. Holler at Mexicans fam. Y'all get to pull the race card for everything. We just get shit on.

which would embarrass you if you weren't really stupid.
