Who here is drinking koolaid? I mean seriously the most optimistic people here are saying 70-75 wins. Drinking koolaid would be suggesting they are going to make a run at the playoffs. Has it really come to the point where suggesting they will win 5 more games than the previous season and finish with 85-90 losses makes you a biased homer?
Really? Since when does taking over in the win column constitute as the only absolution for drinking koolaid?
What is the last negative thing you said about the Cubs FO?
You say you want Tanaka, but not for very much money.
You also say that it was a good move to get rid of Soriano because the Cubs have to see other players. He was blocking NO ONE!
Are you serious to think that Lake, Sweeney, Schierholtz and Ruggiano are anything moving this team forward? What are they going to net in return?
First off, none of those players could hold Soriano's jockstrap, and second, none of those players are even going to be part of this team moving forward.
If you disagree, what does it make you?.