I cant see Rizzo ever being an high average guy, but if he can hit around .270 he is going to be a good player. My questioning on him is consistency of his swing and hands. I feel like his hands arent always consistent when he is up there. I also completely dislike his guessing. You can tell when he is guessing and looks foolish. His swing has him rolling over on to many balls and putting them weakly in play. He is a strong boy and needs to use all fields. I know this is going to sound like a stretch but Volgelbach has a way better approach at the plate. Rizzo lost that last year. He also looks foolish on hard,low break stuff and has been abysmal against lefties. These are things he has to improve on this year or Chunk may be right on his tails to take his job. Also, am I the only one that thinks he cant catch up to a good fastball because of his hands placement. Ive seen him be overpowered and that was his knock in San Diego that he couldnt catch up to a good mid 90's fastball. He is young and coaching may have a lot to do with it, but this year will be telling. I hope he hits .270 with 30 plus bombs. If he does, Baez, Bryant, and him could make teams fear the **** out of the Cubs in a year or two.