Come awwwwwwwwwwwn mang.
LoL again....
Don't get so dam personal over a good argument we are having.
Its a fucking messageboard...I'm not stalking you, I just enjoy your company...I feel the same way you do because I feel like your stalking me, even when I'm not talking to know what I'm talking about so don't fool yourself...Maybe its my newly adopted avatar, LMAO, you mad as hell and you know it...I think ill keep the avatar

..You are one interesting guy and make my experience here much more enjoyable....especially with this lowsy offseason with not much to talk about....Keep it interesting man.....good job, but you don't get to me just make me laugh...ha ha
I AIN'T MAD have your views, I have mine......but facts are facts....Barkley had a very very big headed ego that possibly, and I said possibly could of held back from the greatness he had.....Personally I think he was at his best in Philly....He was a great player, but very hard iz wut it iz brah......just sayin.
Plus a few less mcdonalds cheeze burgers and donuts also would of done a world of wonder for his physical health....No wonder Charles had so many injury issues throughout his career....That's a lot of weight Sir Charles to try to carry running back and forth across the court everynight.....I'm suprised he didn't have heart problems....:dunno:
Prop Joe and Barkley, hmmmmm... .:thinking: .What is this pattern with you and Fat people?
Are you obese yourself?....I'm not judging you or anything, just trying to make sense of things here....
Good Grief......or shall I say, Good Beef?......
P.S, when my avatar is held next to yours, mine a little bigger....SEE? Just look for yourself.
We don't have the same avatar after all, so I stole nothing....its all in your head, like an optical illusion.