I have a torn MCL, two torn rotators, one torn labrum and one torn bicep.
Since I got on the CBD train (oil, and salve) all my pain is completely masked and I am playing competitive ball sports again (club level) and lifting 6x/week. Pain-free,
That CBD shite has been a miracle for me. If anyone wants to source the good stuff, DM me, there's a lot of derivative and diluted product hitting the marketplace and I have vetted the good stuff.
I tore my rotator and blew out my labrum. I will never forget the conversations I had with the doctors.
"You have obviously dislocated your shoulder a bunch of times right?"
"No, just this time."
"What?! Are you serious?"
"I've never seen a shoulder get that mangled without multiple injuries."
"When I do things, apparently I do them right the first time."
Then in my pre op visit.
"Well, we are hopeful that you will get some of the movement back in your shoulder."
"I mean, it's not like you are an NFL quarterback or anything."
"You better start treating me like a fucking NFL quarterback."
:Stunned silence:
Then after the surgery when they warned me they would open my shoulder up if it was bad bad. with the intern doc:
"I've never seen a doctor do that big of a repair through the scope. Ever. Every other doctor would've opened up your shoulder to repair it."
"Well thank god for small favors!"
After rehab I have about 95% of my motion and good strength. Its been over ten years since the injury and everything is still working correctly *Knock on wood*
I also lucked out on my doctor, apparently. He was the Lobos shoulder doctor and before that was the doctor for the Philadelphia Eagles. Totally the universe looking out on that one.
I would love to hear about your CBD choices as the waters are totally muddy when it comes to good versus garbage CBD.