The XFL Coming Back In 2020


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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The problem is high school players suck for a year or two. I'm not sure it would be fun watching them try to play professionally. I do like your idea of poaching college guys. Fans still want to see talent.

Hence why you target only the top freshman. There are only 8 teams so unlike college where the good freshman are scattered across several Power 5 teams ie around 40 schools or so, you would have them concentrated on just a few teams. Further, you would be combining that with fringe NFL players or say a guy that was not a top recruit, blew up in college and then you swoop in and offer him some cold hard cash to finish out the next couple of years in the XFL not college.


Aug 21, 2012
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The XFL can actually succeed. Anyone who thinks they are going to have a repeat of the last time is wrong. They are taking their time this go around. Something they did not do last time. They will likely get more money. If they keep it in areas where there is demand an do not expand quickly, they have a shot.

Critics, I have noticed, are also trying to shoot it down simply for the fact that McMahon is friend s with Trump.

If they partner with the right companies to bring accessible content in the form of games viewed online, they could seize a market the NFL is slow to adapt to.

If it works this could force the NFL to get its content online sooner rather than later.

This should be something everyone is welcoming.


vince smiled at a question mentioning if tebow could play in da xfl... yeah he can if he be wants to....
also never ruled out colin kaepernick.. just said if ppl follow the rules laid out by the xfl.. then y nots..

im watching dis shit... entertain me..

but as others b mentioned, vince did mention trouble with da law.. dem players aint playing..

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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If this forces the NFL to implement changes that have bothered guys like me, then I wish the XFL luck.

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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The XFL can actually succeed. Anyone who thinks they are going to have a repeat of the last time is wrong. They are taking their time this go around. Something they did not do last time. They will likely get more money. If they keep it in areas where there is demand an do not expand quickly, they have a shot.

Critics, I have noticed, are also trying to shoot it down simply for the fact that McMahon is friend s with Trump.

If they partner with the right companies to bring accessible content in the form of games viewed online, they could seize a market the NFL is slow to adapt to.

If it works this could force the NFL to get its content online sooner rather than later.

This should be something everyone is welcoming.
I think if they play it smart and go after some of the top college coaches, like a lane kiffin, and let them recruit the shit out of people for the XFL teams, you could end up with a product that in 5 years replaces college football.

Because think about it, because the players are getting paid, no need for NCAA oversight, and because it's a professional workplace you can put stipulations on people to keep all the domestic abusers and rapey rapers on notice can handle that stuff away a professional corporate company would - WWE has a history of firing talent that is accused of sexual abuse or rape.

Take your time, figure out the logistics, in both Premier college coaches will want to coach in this league and agents who wants to do business with this league, because they can do what they've always done on the college level and yet not get penalized for it one bit. In this situation it would be 100% legal.

If I were Vince McMahon, I would be on the phone with many agents and top-flight college coaches and Pitch the hell out of them about the ability to recruit Talent the way they want and not be penalized for how they do it because the players are getting paid. And invite NFL Scouts to the games as well and let it be an open book for them to come and see what they like about these players.

Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk


Well-known member
May 10, 2014
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The XFL can actually succeed. Anyone who thinks they are going to have a repeat of the last time is wrong. They are taking their time this go around. Something they did not do last time. They will likely get more money. If they keep it in areas where there is demand an do not expand quickly, they have a shot.

Critics, I have noticed, are also trying to shoot it down simply for the fact that McMahon is friend s with Trump.

If they partner with the right companies to bring accessible content in the form of games viewed online, they could seize a market the NFL is slow to adapt to.

If it works this could force the NFL to get its content online sooner rather than later.

This should be something everyone is welcoming.

Agree. A lot of people are dismissing this, but there are several reasons it could succeed this time (and why I think it will)

1) People love football.

2) There's a market for football during the NFL offseason (who wouldn't love football in the offseason)

"But we had football in the offseason before with the XFL, and it folded."---which brings me to #3

3) They've already said they're not going to have gimmicks.----The gimmicks made the XFL a spectacle, not football. If the XFL sticks to regular football rules and doesn't do a bunch of weird shit like last time, I tend to think it'll actually work this time. Plus, I expect by 2020, the NFL will be just a stream of commercials and no fun, so I think there will be even more of a market for the XFL in 2020.

Vince McMahon took out $100 million of his own money to make this happen, and says that unlike last time, he's not reliant on what advertisers and the like want anymore---that he's going to create an experience that focuses on football, not spectacle. If he's even close to telling the truth, this will succeed.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Get rid of mom and apple pie too?

It's 2018, not 1953. Mom has better things to do than bake pies.

COming from someone who was not born here. smh

So military babies born outside of US soil aren't allowed their opinions? That include John McCain? Or just people you disagree with? LOL


YUUUGE member
Aug 20, 2012
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Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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the anthem isnt about politics
its about celebrating the heroes that have given us the liberty to be idiots
every citizen should serve in the military
then we wouldnt have as many america hating soy boys

You sound like you're describing a totalitarian dictatorship. Couple of points of note for you:-

- Our anthem is not a military song, it's the anthem of the whole country and belongs to all citizens. Colin Kaepernick's cause - equality of all citizens - is a real American value worth standing (or kneeling, if you see fit) for.

- A country can't be called free if its citizens are forced to join the military (or any other organization or institution).

- Our military hasn't been involved in any kind of fight for our freedom since WW2. Korea, Vietnam and Iraq never have and never will be threats to our freedom. These wars are about economic strategy and are for the benefit of corporations, not your freedom or mine.

- Loving your country is not defined by anything related to the military. Simply appreciating our common values and enjoying where we live and the people we share it with is just fine. You don't get to define patriotism and you don't get to decide who loves and hates America or the reasons as to why.

Hope this helps.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2016
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When I go to a football game, I don't want to see protests in the stadium regardless of the cause or peacefulness. I am there to see a football game. Do those protests outside the stadium. I would feel the same if the protests were in restaurants where I went for a meal, a movie theater, or anywhere else where I am paying for a specific experience. Keep ALL politics outside of sports.

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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When I go to a football game, I don't want to see protests in the stadium regardless of the cause or peacefulness. I am there to see a football game. Do those protests outside the stadium. I would feel the same if the protests were in restaurants where I went for a meal, a movie theater, or anywhere else where I am paying for a specific experience. Keep ALL politics outside of sports.
So I assume that means you are 100% against the flyovers by bombers?


I have a Senior Member
Aug 23, 2012
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South Side Chicago
I never understood the "we fight for your freedom", but only use it in ways we agree with. Quite contradictory.

Xuder O'Clam

CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Apr 22, 2015
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They introduce an aspect that has nothing to do with sports. At all. They also introduce an idea, which some decided to protest this past year. Do you not see the connection, and how this taints your football purity?

Gustavus Adolphus

CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 15, 2010
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My favorite teams
  1. Chicago White Sox
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Nebraska Cornhuskers
  2. Villanova Wildcats

As Xuder asked, what does the flyover have to do with the game? That's something unrelated to football, that's always part of the bigger games/opening weekends.

Do you like the military reunions they do sometimes before games?


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2016
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They introduce an aspect that has nothing to do with sports. At all. They also introduce an idea, which some decided to protest this past year. Do you not see the connection, and how this taints your football purity?

Sorry, but flyovers don't scream politics to me just like the National Anthem does not scream police brutality me and God Bless America does not scream age discrimination to me.

Here is my take on protests. If I was to ever be a protester, I'd choose to do it in a topically relevant area. If I was to protest abortion, I'd do it outside an abortion clinic and not a neo-natal clinic. If I was protesting Weight Watchers, I would not do it outside a Golden Corral AUCE restaurant. If I were protesting police brutality, I'd do it outside a police station or city hall but not in a sporting event. I know that would be a crazy approach.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2016
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As Xuder asked, what does the flyover have to do with the game? That's something unrelated to football, that's always part of the bigger games/opening weekends.

Do you like the military reunions they do sometimes before games?

The flyover has nothing to do with the game or politics for that matter.
