Update on Team vaccination rates

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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The Delta variant actually affects kids much more and more severely than the other strains before. And those kids cant get vaccinated yet. So the vaccine isn’t just to protect yourself, it is to help protect all those that are susceptible and cant take it yet.
Those kids are beyond being aborted so **** those lil brats either bootstrap or get rekt. Survival of the fittest bro.


Mitch Trubisky Fan
Sep 14, 2012
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LOLOL I have done my own research and not here lol. What does libtards, commies, pedo's have to do with the shot? really you lost me. Also how was I defending them or defending anyone? I am lost as hell. I went to the college of hard knocks and I did it alone and by myself. Not one thing you said made any sense at all.

I told you to do your research. To ask questions. About doctors being apart of a communist pedo cabal. You got SQUIRMY, almost DEFENSEIVE of these commy pedo doctors.

It's the same with scientists too, you know. So before you spew out your dumbass LIBTARD reply to this post, do some research on DOCTORS and SCIENTISTS being apart of COMMUNIST PEDOPHILIC CABALS.

stop being a sheep.

Gustavus Adolphus

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Forensic recount ( historic and never done before) in 3 states, soon to be in 50 states. Lets wait for the results. Tell me what you were trying to explain and why. I simply stated people should ask questions and do research and not blindly follow.
How'd those forensic recounts go?


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
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The Delta variant actually affects kids much more and more severely than the other strains before. And those kids cant get vaccinated yet. So the vaccine isn’t just to protect yourself, it is to help protect all those that are susceptible and cant take it yet.

I have heard that it is more severe for people in their 30s and 40s than the original strain. But nothing on kids and teenagers. In fact, I just talked with a pediatrician on his thoughts on getting kids under 12 vaccinated. He said he recommends it but that it is not going to be approved until atleast December. I asked why and he said that kids simply are not getting seriously ill enough and because of that, it requires extra follow up on the studies to make sure the benefit outweighs the risk in young kids. And since kids almost never are hospitalized or even have long covid, that they have to make sure that the side effects of the vaccine are low enough to meet the risk vs reward threshold. Basically his words that I am paraphrasing.


I don't have a party
Aug 31, 2014
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Socialist Republic of California
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Your position is quite simply wrong. Today alone, I admitted 3 people under the age of 40 unvaccinated with hypoxic Covid Pneumonia.

It literally isn't. There is no data that supports a large number of people under the age of 65 dying or having major covid issues.

Also, you do realize that these same outlier anecdotal stories can also be applied to people fearful of getting the vaccine and having adverse reactions to it, right? You don't get to have it both ways.

My daughter also works in a hospital. Their entire ICU is full of unvaccinated covid patients. All but one under the age of 50. They are having to turn away patients because they have no place to put them. And they are dying.

I have gotten to the point with people like you that I just smile. Get Covid.......go to the hospital.......die. No sympathy. None. You think you are invincible go right ahead. We really don't give a shit.

Edit: I am at the point of suggesting hospitals turn away unvaccinated people taking up all of the beds just because of their fucking stupidity.
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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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Dude life is precious why are u trying so hard to discount death? I get people doing their own risk assessments but lol ? what sort of under 65 numbers do u need to actually acknowledge covid kills and fucks up all sorts of ppl?
More than a few anecdotal horror stories.

If people under 65 were dropping dead or being admitted to the hospital at alarming rates from COVID, it would be reflected in the data, but it is not. Just as it would be wrong for me to say vaccines are unsafe based on a few horror stories I've seen online, it is also wrong to pretend COVID is more dangerous to certain age groups than it actually is, based on your own personal horror stories.

You've been railing everyone in this thread who's muttered even the slightest hesitation over getting a vaccine based on this exact line of reasoning, but then suddenly take no issue when people use that same line of reasoning over something you agree with? Nobody should take you seriously.


I don't have a party
Aug 31, 2014
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Socialist Republic of California
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More than a few anecdotal horror stories.

If people under 65 were dropping dead or being admitted to the hospital at alarming rates from COVID, it would be reflected in the data, but it is not. Just as it would be wrong for me to say vaccines are unsafe based on a few horror stories I've seen online, it is also wrong to pretend COVID is more dangerous to certain age groups than it actually is, based on your own personal horror stories.

You've been railing everyone in this thread who's muttered even the slightest hesitation over getting a vaccine based on this exact line of reasoning, but then suddenly take no issue when people use that same line of reasoning over something you agree with? Nobody should take you seriously.

Just facts.


Dongbears is THE worst
Nov 29, 2014
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Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Nothing is more insufferable then a sheep.. If you are not asking questions then you are a fool.

And there is nothing more sheep like than someone having those questions answered with mounds and mounds of scientific proof, but choosing to mindlessly follow the ignorance of their false prophet shepherd.


Dongbears is THE worst
Nov 29, 2014
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Sorry to hear that. I am one of the few lucky ones that have had no deaths of anyone I know or am related to. I don't even know anyone who got sick. Lucky me.
Do you live in a small community?


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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Anyone here worried about the long term affects from getting your shot? They rushed this drug thru. Me, I trust things made in nature but nothing made by man. I'm not here to tell anyone to get or not get the shot. But I don't like the fact a lot of unknowns will show up later after it's to late. We have been lied to about everything for years and years but I'm sure this time is different right. lol. All the doctors says it's fine because they can see the future. This is gonna end badly for some. How many is yet to be determined.
Looking forward to the new form of transportation.


Clint Eastwood

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Mar 23, 2016
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It literally isn't. There is no data that supports a large number of people under the age of 65 dying or having major covid issues.

Also, you do realize that these same outlier anecdotal stories can also be applied to people fearful of getting the vaccine and having adverse reactions to it, right? You don't get to have it both ways.
It literally is. I work in an ER. There are currently over 60 admitted unvaccinated people in our hospital. They are not old decrepit people. This is not anecdotal, it is factual. They are not outlier stories. My hospital system includes over 10 hospitals in the region all experiencing the same situation as we meet regularly to discuss our approaches to the increasing pandemic. There is lots of data supporting hospitalization of people under the age of 65 having major covid issues. Unless you don’t consider hospitalization major.

There have been over 100,000 deaths under the age of 65 from covid in the United States as of July 7th. You may not consider that a large number, but I think most others do.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Just facts.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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More than a few anecdotal horror stories.

If people under 65 were dropping dead or being admitted to the hospital at alarming rates from COVID, it would be reflected in the data, but it is not. Just as it would be wrong for me to say vaccines are unsafe based on a few horror stories I've seen online, it is also wrong to pretend COVID is more dangerous to certain age groups than it actually is, based on your own personal horror stories.

You've been railing everyone in this thread who's muttered even the slightest hesitation over getting a vaccine based on this exact line of reasoning, but then suddenly take no issue when people use that same line of reasoning over something you agree with? Nobody should take you seriously.
You are a sad sad man imo.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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some are skeptical and want to find out more before getting the shot which is a virus too.
They are not skeptical. They are the Maga-sheep that have been force-fed the "skeptical" line.

I can predict the future. These Maga-clowns are going to follow their shepherds and 99% of the deaths are going to continue to come from them.

What you fail to see is that, while the Delta variant is still controlled by the vaccines, if these Karens continue to cry about their rights, there is going to come along a variant that is going to wipe out the world's population because no vaccine will be able to control it.

So the choice is simple.

Take the vaccine and worry about maybe having some terrible side effects 20 years down the line or don't take the vaccine and die, kill your neighbors and family members, suffer some terrible side-effects because of catching the virus and surviving or help create a super-virus that wipes out the Human race.

Just there, it is 1 to 4 of possible results from taking or not taking the vaccine.
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