Update on Team vaccination rates

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Aug 14, 2010
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If the medical community thought it was anywhere close to having that potential, the government would declare Martial Law and lock everyone up in their house while using the 3 million active military to enforce the lockdown. Then they would come to your house with a vaccine and a gun. You pick which one you get injected with,
You came up with the "point" that there is talk about the potential already having been reached.

Let's take facts ... and later we can reflect on them with an example.

The virus started and it was a great unknown. Lots of hospitals were jammed with people and many died because the hospital were overwhelmed at a time when we were just learning about the disease. In time, hospitals started learning about better treatments for the virus. However; the numbers went up because some Karens refused to wear masks because it was their freedom. At the end of 2020, vaccines started becoming available. Right around that time some variants started popping up with some worse results on the world's population. People started getting the vaccine and it was a big push from the latest administration, probably to fight off those latest variants. India was doing great until the Delta came along recently, was much worse, and a huge amount of Indian citizens died quickly because of the fast spread. This variant quickly traveled around the world and in about a month it became the main variant seen around the world.

These are all facts (perhaps some timelines are off by a few weeks but nothing important to the story).

Now let's consider another similar situation, but not related to a virus.

Let's consider fire.

Some fool does a reveal party for their soon-to-be baby. Unfortunately, this causes a fire to start. In a short time, this fire turns out to be worse than previous fires because the dry conditions, the hot weather, the windy conditions and the ample amount of flammable material made it easy to spread quickly.

This is not just some made up story. It happened.

Now forest fires were running rampant throughout the west coast of the US. However; this fire was worse than the rest because of the ideal conditions.

Time for a question:

Do you think that this fire was just going to stop because some random person thought that fires had gone far enough and they were just going to disappear?

No. Either the fire burns down all the forests around it (death), torrential rains come and douse the fires (an act of God) or firemen try some ways to stop its progress (the most effective is clearing out combustible material from its path). Seeing that waiting for an act of God is wishing for a miracle, there are two choices: let nature run its course or try to prevent it.

Now let's get back to the virus discussion.

Besides an act of God, we either let the virus run its course or try to impede it.

Seeing that hospitals are already overwhelmed with the Delta variant unvaccinated patients, letting the virus run it course is not a good thing because it will continue to feed on the human fuel that is readily available. The longer it continues, the easier it is to get a new, more dangerous variant because, just like a forest fire, it won't just suddenly end when there is a constant supply of red cap-wearing fuel to be had.

So the only option is for doctors and scientists (scary stuff for Cro-Maga Man), the firefighters in this situation, to try something.

Well, they created their own version of a firefighter's backfire. Like a firefighter would set a backfire to remove combustible material in front a burning fire to prevent it from spreading forward, doctors and scientists created a medical backfire called a vaccine to prevent the spread of the virus.

What does Cro-Maga man do?

He could have been like the old-time homeowner who says that he would prefer to burn inside his house instead of leaving it. That would have been tragic, but at least it would have only affected that old-timer who burned with his home.

No, Cro-Maga man decided that it was his right to have the freedom of running through the forest, throwing his lit cigarette lighter around the fallen leaves, past the backfire.

Well, that is going to just spread the fire or the virus, making it possible to get even better conditions for worse results.

You have to stop blindly listening to what someone says to you and think for a bit. A virus is a force of nature and it is going to act like other forces of nature. If the conditions are good, neither a fire or a virus is going to end because some people start talking about it having inconvenienced them for long enough. It is going to keep burning so long as it has fuel to burn.

96% of doctors having been vaccinated and others about to be vaccinated. 99% of hospitalizations are from unvaccinated patients, including a substantial increase in younger patients.

Yet people have to think about it?

Here is a question for you?

You are driving in a rural area. It is dark and scary because there are no street light. It IS a rural area, after all. You are passing some railroad tracks when your car dies right when you were crossing those tracks and your car ends up stuck right on top of the tracks.

Now you ask yourself a question: should I stay here until morning in this safe and warm car or should I go into the scary night and try to find a farm house for help?

Those are good questions and you need to consider your answer carefully. Questions like: how cold is it going to get in the car? How far might it be to a farm house? Is there some insane asylum where escaped hooked-handed patients are roaming around the countryside? Are farmer's daughters as attractive and promiscuous as I heard they were?

All questions that require a lot of thought.

Now you see the glow of a coming train.

Are you going to wait around pondering the questions or are you going to get the hell out of the car?


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2011
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Well, they created their own version of a firefighter's backfire. Like a firefighter would set a backfire to remove combustible material in front a burning fire to prevent it from spreading forward, doctors and scientists created a medical backfire called a vaccine to prevent the spread of the virus.

What does Cro-Maga man do?

He could have been like the old-time homeowner who says that he would prefer to burn inside his house instead of leaving it. That would have been tragic, but at least it would have only affected that old-timer who burned with his home.

No, Cro-Maga man decided that it was his right to have the freedom of running through the forest, throwing his lit cigarette lighter around the fallen leaves, past the backfire.
Here is the most important part of your story that I quoted.

So if and when a cro-Maga man decides to not listen to advice and put his cigarette on the lit fire and it burns further out of control.... those words of advice become words of command. And if and when he continues to lit the fire more causing more harm, those commands become forceful and physically remove the man and his cigarette.

I like your imagination though. Let me know if you ever write a graphic novel. I might buy it.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Got my first shot of Pfizer a couple of days ago and Ive noticed my 5G getting 4 bars as opposed to 2.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2013
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More than 97% of people getting hospitalized with Covid-19 now are unvaccinated, Walensky said last week.

And 99.5% of deaths are among the unvaccinated, US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said Sunday.
Getting people vaccinated as quickly as possible, Murthy said, "is our fastest, most effective way out of this pandemic."

The 97% number comes from case counts from January 1, 2021 through present. Although a true factual statement using that date (though she left that out), the January date was selected to skew the numbers becaise there was a large surge of cases and very few people were vaccinated.


CCS Donator
Aug 14, 2010
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Forensic recount ( historic and never done before) in 3 states, soon to be in 50 states. Lets wait for the results. Tell me what you were trying to explain and why. I simply stated people should ask questions and do research and not blindly follow.
The level of self awareness here is mind boggling.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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We should all get the vaccine. It is the only way to stop/slow down the variants. It is the only way to get back to normal.

We will get to heard immunity. It is just going to take longer because we need to wait for the anti-vax people to get sick and for many die, unfortunately.

Vaccinated people will win a slow war of attrition.


Well-known member
Oct 19, 2013
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It also appears those who were previously infected have substantially many times more immunity over those with the Pfizer vaccine:

More than 7,700 new cases of the virus have been detected during the most recent wave starting in May, but just 72 of the confirmed cases were reported in people who were known to have been infected previously – that is, less than 1% of the new cases.

Roughly 40% of new cases – or more than 3,000 patients – involved people who had been infected despite being vaccinated.

Natural infection vs vaccination: Which gives more protection?


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2014
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We should all get the vaccine. It is the only way to stop/slow down the variants. It is the only way to get back to normal.

We will get to heard immunity. It is just going to take longer because we need to wait for the anti-vax people to get sick and for many die, unfortunately.

Vaccinated people will win a slow war of attrition.
Or..... maybe the 99+% of people that already survived covid and have natural anti bodies will have to wait for the rest of .you to get covid and survive, or die; to reach true herd immunity?

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Anyone here worried about the long term affects from getting your shot? They rushed this drug thru. Me, I trust things made in nature but nothing made by man. I'm not here to tell anyone to get or not get the shot. But I don't like the fact a lot of unknowns will show up later after it's to late. We have been lied to about everything for years and years but I'm sure this time is different right. lol. All the doctors says it's fine because they can see the future. This is gonna end badly for some. How many is yet to be determined.
Exactly this for me as well.

At least you call it what it is, a drug. It is not a vaccine. At least, not according to the current definition of vaccines in medical dictionaries. It is mRNA gene modification and still in experimental stage, hence the need for "emergency use" and zero liability for its makers. It has already killed and harmed many in the short run as the spike protein causes vascular damage that can induce strokes, heart attacks, migraines, blood clots, etc.This harm caused by the spike protein was shown months ago, in a study done by The Salk Institute.

All seem oblivious as to what damage can be caused in the long run though. It will cause the body's immune system to be overwhelmed when you get a virus. Instead of your immune system operating as it was safely meant to, 1 part at a time, all parts of the body will produce antigenic substances at the same time, causing the immune system to be overwhelmed and weakened until it can't fight off anything anymore.
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