Update on Team vaccination rates

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Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Vs Australia that went strong on tracing and lockdowns.
It’s population is less than 40% of Australia. But, cases: Sw 1 million +, AU 32,000 +; Deaths: Sw 14,615, AU 916. That’s 1,438 deaths per million of population in Sweden and 35 per mil in AU. plus, AU has had months of zero death av, until Delta and, Delta is only just getting started in Sweden. What might save Sweden from a big death rate may be vaccinations and - a lot of their vulnerable may already have had the virus.

Sweden is now also 60% vaccinated. Higher than the USA with a population that is considerate of these risks to others.
Add that the peninsula of Norway,Sweden, and Finland creates a natural travel barrier and you would expect these areas to fare better. That said, Sweden's death rate has been 1000% (10x) that of Norway's and 800% that of Finland's.
Suffice it to say the geographically similar neighbors, even the one sharing a land border with Russia, fared much better. Hell,they have been going greater than 7 days without a death several times since May, they told Sweden to hold their beer months ago.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Are you comparing Sweden and the U.S. to an island country that can 100% seal its borders?
Of course that's what you'd get from a comprehensive post. Are you comparing Swedish compliance and government recommendations to that of the USA?
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Oct 19, 2013
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Do you have anything from actual news or science sources instead of right wing Middle Eastern religious zealot sources?
A smaller sample size from a group of miners where the vaccinated were infected near as much as the unvaccinated who never had the virus, but the people who had immunity from prior infection did not test positive. Is the CDC good enough for you?

The attack rate was 15/25 (60.0%) in fully vaccinated miners, 6/15 (40.0%) in those partially vaccinated or with a history of COVID-19, and 3/4 (75%) in those not vaccinated. Attack rate was 0/6 among persons with a previous history of COVID-19 versus 63.2% among those with no previous history (Table). No other factors were found to be associated with the risk for infection.

Breakthrough Infections of SARS-CoV-2 Gamma Variant in Fully Vaccinated Gold Miners, French Guiana, 2021


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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A smaller sample size from a group of miners where the vaccinated were infected near as much as the unvaccinated who never had the virus, but the people who had immunity from prior infection did not test positive. Is the CDC good enough for you?
The vaccine doesn't prevent you from contracting or passing on the virus. It prevents the virus from making you very ill.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Add that the peninsula of Norway,Sweden, and Finland creates a natural travel barrier and you would expect these areas to fare better. That said, Sweden's death rate has been 1000% (10x) that of Norway's and 800% that of Finland's.
Suffice it to say the geographically similar neighbors, even the one sharing a land border with Russia, fared much better. Hell,they have been going greater than 7 days without a death several times since May, they told Sweden to hold their beer months ago.
This but they will do better now that they have a high vax rate and growing along with actually believing in the threat. They chose a different path with a populous that would conform. I won't hate on them for it but they themselves realize they went to lenient.

This bird has already flown it's cage but here's what's been said after the fact.

The architect of Sweden’s controversial lighter lockdown policy for dealing with coronavirus has for the first time conceded the Scandinavian country should have imposed more restrictions to avoid having such a high death toll. Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s state epidemiologist, agreed with the interviewer on Sveriges Radio that too many people had died in the country. “If we would encounter the same disease, with exactly what we know about it today, I think we would land midway between what Sweden did and what the rest of the world did,” said Mr Tegnell in the interview broadcast on Wednesday morning.


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Oct 19, 2013
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Another study shows that two vaccine injections may lower the natural immunity from Covid recovered patients:

Our results demonstrate that the second dose increases both the humoral and cellular immunity in naïve individuals. On the contrary, the second BNT162b2 vaccine dose results in a reduction of cellular immunity in COVID-19 recovered individuals, which suggests that a second dose, according to the current standard regimen of vaccination, may be not necessary in individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2.

Differential effects of the second SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine dose on T cell immunity in naïve and COVID-19 recovered individuals

Yet they are insisting that everyone, including those with far superior natural immunity, get the vaccine, not just one, but two jabs.
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Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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A smaller sample size from a group of miners where the vaccinated were infected near as much as the unvaccinated who never had the virus, but the people who had immunity from prior infection did not test positive. Is the CDC good enough for you?
Vaccines don't stop initial infections. Help to stop propagation and symptoms. Your immune system doesn't react until there is a threat. If we tested everyone for the flu in season, you'd find positives for those with shots or not enough viral loads to readily spread. How often have you heard, get the flu shot because it will help, even if the strain changes.

It's just that there's no reason to bother with flu testing in that scenario. Not as many would test positive as with something more infectious and virulent like Covid but it's would be there. You simply lack an understanding of what vaccines do and are supposed to do. Just like people test positive after already having Covid. They have immunity but it's more about symptoms and spread than never ever testing positive again. Antibody counts drop when there is nothing to fight off and return when there is. That lag, especially when the virus changes is when you test positive.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Another study shows that two vaccine injections may lower the natural immunity from Covid recovered patients:

Yet they are insisting that everyone, including those with far superior natural immunity, get the vaccine, not just one, but two jabs.
You are batting 1000% on being completely wrong. Again accepting as fact a study that that it's own authors say, "Our study has clear limitations," all they are saying is the second dose doesn't enhance and may decrease the gains a previously infected patient gets from a single dose.
The specifically say, "We conclude that using ex vivo SARS-CoV2 specific cellular immunity tests may allow health authorities to screen individuals for pre-existing immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and update their priority strategy for ongoing vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 to provide vaccination certificates to those individuals with pre-existing immunity after the first vaccine dose."

Do you willfuly misrepresent the facts in your chosen studies, or are you just not able to understand scientifically written articles?

"While robust spike-specific antibodies and T cells are induced by a single dose vaccination in SARS-CoV-2 seropositive individuals [3, 4], the second vaccination dose appears to exert a detrimental effect in the overall magnitude of the spike-specific humoral response in COVID-19 recovered individuals"

Translation: One shot give much much gooder amount of antibodies in people that got the Corona, but the second shot made the gooder effects a little less gooder.
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Spitta Andretti

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Aug 21, 2012
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Have their been cases of someone catching it twice yet?

Like if you had it last year, has there been any cases of reinfection?


Dongbears is THE worst
Nov 29, 2014
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You are batting 1000% on being completely wrong. Again accepting as fact a study that that it's own authors say, "Our study has clear limitations," all they are saying is the second dose doesn't enhance and may decrease the gains a previously infected patient gets from a single dose.
The specifically say, "We conclude that using ex vivo SARS-CoV2 specific cellular immunity tests may allow health authorities to screen individuals for pre-existing immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and update their priority strategy for ongoing vaccination campaigns against COVID-19 to provide vaccination certificates to those individuals with pre-existing immunity after the first vaccine dose."

Do you willfuly misrepresent the facts in your chosen studies, or are you just not able to understand scientifically written articles?

"While robust spike-specific antibodies and T cells are induced by a single dose vaccination in SARS-CoV-2 seropositive individuals [3, 4], the second vaccination dose appears to exert a detrimental effect in the overall magnitude of the spike-specific humoral response in COVID-19 recovered individuals"

Translation: One shot give much much gooder amount of antibodies in people that got the Corona, but the second shot made the gooder effects a little less gooder.
The guy is a grade A Special person.


Dongbears is THE worst
Nov 29, 2014
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Have their been cases of someone catching it twice yet?

Like if you had it last year, has there been any cases of reinfection?
a friend of mine had COVID-19 then caught the delta variant too, she was vaccinated.

hospitalized both times, but as i said in another post she’s in remission. Immunity compromised. And these dickheads won’t take a shot to help prevent someone like her getting sick.


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Aug 12, 2013
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Black Rainbow’s Grandma’s house.

a friend of mine had COVID-19 then caught the delta variant too, she was vaccinated.

hospitalized both times, but as i said in another post she’s in remission. Immunity compromised. And these dickheads won’t take a shot to help prevent someone like her getting sick.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Yeah a lot of the people catching covid twice are immunocompromised. My ex-coworker caught it twice too because of that but luckily didn’t have to be hospitalized.


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Jul 15, 2021
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To be fair, the places where you would get sources are being censored big time. For example, Bret Weinstein had to take down all of his podcasts from YouTube talking to actual qualified doctors about the side effects. Twitter and Facebook will censor in the same fashion. You won’t hear any of the dissenting voices on TV, unless you watch something like OAN I presume, but I’m not sure what hey talk about on their channel. In a climate like this, it’s hard to dig up sources.

Personally, I think this is a choice between each individual and their doctor. Nobody without a medical license should be telling others they should get vaccinated or they shouldn’t.

As for everyone complaining about it getting politicized, everything gets politicized. Because politics encompasses everything. It’s just the way it is. In this country, one side will argue for policy to reach a certain goal and the other will argue against it. The democrats want vaccine mandates. The republicans want it to be available to all, but leave it to the individual to decide.

Discus fish salesman

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Mar 31, 2018
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To be fair, the places where you would get sources are being censored big time. For example, Bret Weinstein had to take down all of his podcasts from YouTube talking to actual qualified doctors about the side effects. Twitter and Facebook will censor in the same fashion. You won’t hear any of the dissenting voices on TV, unless you watch something like OAN I presume, but I’m not sure what hey talk about on their channel. In a climate like this, it’s hard to dig up sources.

Personally, I think this is a choice between each individual and their doctor. Nobody without a medical license should be telling others they should get vaccinated or they shouldn’t.

As for everyone complaining about it getting politicized, everything gets politicized. Because politics encompasses everything. It’s just the way it is. In this country, one side will argue for policy to reach a certain goal and the other will argue against it. The democrats want vaccine mandates. The republicans want it to be available to all, but leave it to the individual to decide.
I just thought the picture was funny and fitting for this thread


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Aug 28, 2017
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If we have to go digging for evidence, the odds are great that it really isn’t that good of evidence to rely upon.
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