Update on Team vaccination rates

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Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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You’re showing off your ignorance again… nothing new for you.

No one ever accused Russia of changing votes. What Russia did was troll every social media platform, spread misinformation, and create phony news and activist websites all in the name of sewing unrest, creating chaos, and getting Trump elected (which would secure the 1st two goals). They did influence votes but those people who did vote for Trump meant to vote for Trump.

The misinformation and chaos opened the door for a business man and his son who maid their money in porn and who ran websites full of child porn and white supremacy to start posting as Q and turn everything into a conspiracy theory.

You and every other Trumpard were basically unwittingly turned into Russian operatives doing the will of the Kremlin and to top it off you joined a NXIVM style cult. All you next is “MAGA” branded on your forehead.
Not dissimilar to what Qanon has done this last term. Now that the election has past Q has vanished.


CCS Donator
Aug 14, 2010
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Not dissimilar to what Qanon has done this last term. Now that the election has past Q has vanished.
The Anonns are still around. They just got pushed to shittier websites since FB and Twitter finally did what they should’ve back in ‘16 and started removing the conspiracy theory bullshit.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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You’re showing off your ignorance again… nothing new for you.

No one ever accused Russia of changing votes. What Russia did was troll every social media platform, spread misinformation, and create phony news and activist websites all in the name of sewing unrest, creating chaos, and getting Trump elected (which would secure the 1st two goals). They did influence votes but those people who did vote for Trump meant to vote for Trump.

The misinformation and chaos opened the door for a business man and his son who maid their money in porn and who ran websites full of child porn and white supremacy to start posting as Q and turn everything into a conspiracy theory.

You and every other Trumptard were basically unwittingly turned into Russian operatives doing the will of the Kremlin and to top it off you joined a NXIVM style cult. All you next is “MAGA” branded on your forehead.
They're the best at it and have messed with other countries like this forever. It's why Obama kicked out a dozen Russians 'diplomats' before the 2016 election.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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The Anonns are still around. They just got pushed to shittier websites since FB and Twitter finally did what they should’ve back in ‘16 and started removing the conspiracy theory bullshit.
Of course they are but their fearless leader is missing.


Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 20, 2012
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Just looked and since June 1 you have posted 120 times only 8 times in a thread not about the vaccine of those 8 only 3 weren't about race or just being snarky to someone and 2 were actually about football.

You may literally be the least sports talking poster on this site. And yet have the balls to bitch about the lack of football content on here.

Maybe you should ask Rush to run a forensic audit on your posts to make sure some libtard isn't changing every single one of your well thought out football posts into nothing but political rants.
Pulling put the flame thrower. ?


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
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Just looked and since June 1 you have posted 120 times only 8 times in a thread not about the vaccine of those 8 only 3 weren't about race or just being snarky to someone and 2 were actually about football.

You may literally be the least sports talking poster on this site. And yet have the balls to bitch about the lack of football content on here.

Maybe you should ask Rush to run a forensic audit on your posts to make sure some libtard isn't changing every single one of your well thought out football posts into nothing but political rants.
LOL. Those pesky facts again. It's difficult to believe how much ammo some misguided posters supply.


CCS Donator
Aug 14, 2010
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They're the best at it and have messed with other countries like this forever. It's why Obama kicked out a dozen Russians 'diplomats' before the 2016 election.
Obama knew what was going but because he was afraid to make it look like he was interfering with the election he didn’t do shit other than kick out the diplomats.

Pisses me off because of where we are today.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
Obama knew what was going but because he was afraid to make it look like he was interfering with the election he didn’t do shit other than kick out the diplomats.

Pisses me off because of where we are today.
I feel the same but I kinda understand? What to do? Shut down the internets? Make believers out of the fake news right. Obvious miscalculation but he may have thought it could backfire in what should have been a relatively easy win. Hilary would have gone after them. Trump benefitted and did his sheep thing with our greatest threat doing the wolf thing.

It's just so ironic that those who consider themselves true patriots were so manipulated by enemies of the state, the religious right declare a heathen womanizer with a couple divorces (not in the eyes of God) that cheated on every wife multiple times as the 2nd coming and then the actual POTUS disregards process and constitution to attack his own country while lining his pockets. (still is) The last 4 years was like living in opposite world.
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CCS Donator
Aug 14, 2010
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I feel the same but really, what was he going to do? Shut down the internets? Make believers out of the fake news right. Obvious miscalculation but he may have thought it could backfire in what should have been a relatively easy win.
I agree it was a tough spot but that why we (fairly) elect leaders. In 2016 “fake news” was a new thing and Trump hadn’t completely taken over the concept yet. Very few (compared to today) believed the news they were reading or watching was manufactured.

Trump literally called for Russian interference during a campaign speech during the whole Wikilinks scandal and just days later they complied. This could’ve been used as tangible proof to showcase what the Obama administration already knew.

It was a misstep for sure but a misstep that allowed Russia to complete their mission. The Obama administration owns that IMO.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2013
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Just looked and since June 1 you have posted 120 times only 8 times in a thread not about the vaccine of those 8 only 3 weren't about race or just being snarky to someone and 2 were actually about football.

You may literally be the least sports talking poster on this site. And yet have the balls to bitch about the lack of football content on here.

Maybe you should ask Rush to run a forensic audit on your posts to make sure some libtard isn't changing every single one of your well thought out football posts into nothing but political rants.
Already said I gave up trying to talk sports here more then a year ago. Can't. Been here 5 years, the first 4 years were 100% sports posts, not even one post on politics. But don't let facts or truth stand in your way. Find even 1 non sports posts in the first 4 years/ You can't. Started fighting back. Sorry if you don't like me fighting back.

Discus fish salesman

Well-known member
Mar 31, 2018
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Already said I gave up trying to talk sports here more then a year ago. Can't. Been here 5 years, the first 4 years were 100% sports posts, not even one post on politics. But don't let facts or truth stand in your way. Find even 1 non sports posts in the first 4 years/ You can't. Started fighting back. Sorry if you don't like me fighting back.
As much as I disagree with you on all things politics, I do think the board has become more political the last couple years, as has everything in society. But the right on here is just as at fault as the left. The right is usually first to spew their rhetoric and then the left loves to club them over the head repeatedly once it's out there. The right has most certainly taken over as claiming victim status though.

Discus fish salesman

Well-known member
Mar 31, 2018
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It's odd to want fair elections? Don't you want fair elections?
If I didn't vote I really wouldn't care. Because I would only not vote because of indifference. Also I've yet to see any proof of an unfair election other than citizens united crap. The best thing we can do is get money out of politics and quit running smear campaigns. Run campaigns on what the candidates believe.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
The Anonns are still around. They just got pushed to shittier websites since FB and Twitter finally did what they should’ve back in ‘16 and started removing the conspiracy theory bullshit.

Yeah, fuck free speech, right?


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
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Explain how this election was rigged
He can't. No trump humper can because the election was the cleanest, fairest and most inspected election in American history. But that won't stop people like him from ignoring reality. Reality is uncomfortable to them because it goes against what they wish reality was.
When you feed people bullshit, lies and hate for 30+ years, those people learn to love the taste of bullshit, lies and hate.
And even if the GQP wanted to stop this, they couldn't for fear that Frankenstein's monster will come for them. That's why republican politicians who know better will still kiss trump's ass.

Here is an example... can any trump humper tell me what they think of Republican Alabama Governor Kay Ivey's statement:
"“Folks [are] supposed to have common sense,” Ivey told reporters on Thursday, July 22, 2021. “But it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It’s the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down.”"
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