Update on Team vaccination rates

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CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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It is the stance that no one should be allowed to question Fauci at all. As if anything he says must be taken as gospel. That's the cult. Fauci is a human being that has contradicted himself both publicly and privately. He is human and he should be questioned. Yes he has expertise, but he is not infallible.

I have never stated that we need to wait to see long term effects. I stated we won't know if there will be long term effects because this is a relatively new field, but the risk may truly be minimal.

All this is in relation to football players. That was the point of this thread. Not an all encompassing COVID debate.

My hypothesis about football players, which I have stated already, is that they are not in a high risk group. They have seen other players get COVID and make it thru with no problems. The vaccine was politicized before and after the election by both parties. So yes I can understand why people would be naturally apprehensive about taking it.

I've had COVID and I made it thru just fine. For my PERSONNAL point of view if I were not in a high risk group I would not have taken the shot.

And the long game talk that is starting to creep in is that the COVID shot will be a yearly thing, not a one and done thing.

And this attitude right here, folks, is why covid will not be eradicated like polio and will rather become a part of our lives going forward, with tens to hundreds of thousands dying every few years as new variants emerge from host populations that decided not to get a vaccine

people may feel their individual risk is low enough to say fuck it.

But then they are still hosts , providing the virus habitat, affording it time to continue evolving, perpetuating the risk to compromised people everywhere

well done


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Goes back to what I said about safety, and according to who. IMO, getting the "vaccine" is A LOT more dangerous for my health than not getting it, so I'm not. If someone wants to get it then good for them. I feel bad for the players who don't want it because their union agreed to the NFL's draconian measures for those who refuse it.
Curious, but what is it that you are basing your opinion on? I don't want to throw insults around, but if there would be at least 1 peer reviewed study to show data that the vaccine is even 5% as dangerous as the virus, hell even 1%, I could listen.

Having an opinion that a the vaccine is more dangerous is no different than having the opinion that the earth is flat, it's an opinion that requires ignoring every single fact.

Basically that opinion requires ignoring every single piece of hard data, believing every researcher worldwide is complicit in some sort of conspiracy, and that the last year has been a huge global theatrical production.

JP Hochbaum

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May 22, 2012
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Long term effects are absolutely a thing and other biologists disagree with your stance. Dr. Malone went over the short and long term effects that he’s concerned about and has also addressed them with the FDA. The unfortunate reality here is that this has all been politicized from both sides and the public isn’t getting all relevant and objective information and data.
I find it hard to believe that this guy is credible. I just saw him quoted as saying the MRNA alters our DNA, which is an often claimed myth. And he keeps claiming he invented the vaccine when these two did:
It is Dr. Katalin Karikó and her collaborator Dr. Drew Weissman.

So stay away from that guy, he seems to have PLandemic vibe all over him.


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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A lot, but this isn't the place to discuss that.
Then please PM me a link to any peer reviewed study that helped form your opinion of the vaccines dangers. I like to have facts pro and con before making sweeping proclamations. At the moment I have been unable to find anything but anecdotal evidence or straight up unsubstantiated opinions suggesting it is even 1/100th as dangerous as the virus.
Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


Aug 21, 2012
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And this attitude right here, folks, is why covid will not be eradicated like polio and will rather become a part of our lives going forward, with tens to hundreds of thousands dying every few years as new variants emerge from host populations that decided not to get a vaccine

people may feel their individual risk is low enough to say fuck it.

But then they are still hosts , providing the virus habitat, affording it time to continue evolving, perpetuating the risk to compromised people everywhere

well done
Blind faith in Fauci is not going eradicate COVID.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2018
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Then please PM me a link to any peer reviewed study that helped form your opinion of the vaccines dangers. I like to have facts pro and con before making sweeping proclamations. At the moment I have been unable to find anything but anecdotal evidence or straight up unsubstantiated opinions suggesting it is even 1/100th as dangerous as the virus.
Your help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not in the business of changing minds, nor is anything I cite likely to change your mind.

Discus fish salesman

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Mar 31, 2018
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Blind faith in Fauci is not going eradicate COVID.
I'm just not sure why there is so much vitriol for the guy. He was one of the few people in the scientific community being forced to speak on an give advice on a virus there was almost no data on. Of course he was going to have missteps with such limited data. I believe he was trying to give the best information he could and also may have held back unnecessary inflammatory details. I didn't expect perfection from him and appreciate his knowledge


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Blind faith in Fauci is not going eradicate COVID.
Who has ever said that? Fauci has changed course multiple times, but he does it based on the science available at that time. The best every citizen can do is to educate oneself with factual data.

As to getting the shot when you are at low risk is still playing the odds, as the chance of serious complication is much less with the vaccine, but also involves having others vs self view. This is the failure, not sure if it is a failure of worsening self absorbed generations, failure to makes fact more accepted or more transient failure of the current tribal nature of politics, but the willingness to suffer( risk self) for the greater good has all but disappeared.
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Active member
Aug 31, 2013
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Blind faith in Fauci is not going eradicate COVID.
Sorry. You are not important. You are just a regular dude. There's people who know more than you about virology, epidemiology, and medicine. And those experts are not important either. They're just specialized. And we all should listen to them.


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Nov 20, 2012
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Oak Park
I’m in healthcare sales and in order to get into any of hospital or skilled nursing accounts I needed to be up to date on all my shots including TB. Unfortunately some professions require more health regulations than others. If I’m the Bears I would make it mandatory you get a vaccine or you don’t play. Actually i think the entire NFL should do that


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2018
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I wonder why the black vaccination rate is so low.

Discus fish salesman

Well-known member
Mar 31, 2018
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I wonder why the black vaccination rate is so low.
Because they don't trust the Healthcare system because of things like the Tuskegee study and if they are living in low income areas they've been given worse healthcare throughout their lives


Variant Also Negotiates
Aug 21, 2012
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Mountains to Sea
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I'm not in the business of changing minds, nor is anything I cite likely to change your mind.

Kinda seems like you are, in fact much more than discussing...you know...football, until you are asked to provide a scintilla of evidence that would justify your opinion.

As such, it seems you would be eager to prove that your endless posting on the subject had just a smidge of basis in fact.

Just something simple like, my post here ,Factual data. Otherwise, it appears you are just acting like a child with your hands covering your ears screaming lalalalalalalala.

The Big Grabowski

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Aug 21, 2010
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Blind faith in Fauci is not going eradicate COVID.
JFC no one is advocating that. I have personally told you to state your objections with Fauci or STFU. You declined to expand on your doubts about him, and instead have continued to vaguely suggest there are problems with him. Stop passing along insinuations as if they're fact.

You're welcome to your opinions but when you keep pushing them as fact in a public forum, expect to be challenged on it. That's not a cult like reaction. That's the reality of living in a free thinking society.


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Aug 31, 2013
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I wonder why the black vaccination rate is so low.

Why don't you ask a black person? Find a person with whom you have a legitimate friendship. If you know them well enough, then you should be able to ascertain whether they would feel comfortable answering that question. My guess is that they do not have confidence that the vaccine has been studied in a heterogeneous population.

I think the resoundingly more intriguing question is why vaccination rates are appalling low for Caucasians since over the centuries our government has been so generous to them. It's just baffling.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2018
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I think the resoundingly more intriguing question is why vaccination rates are appalling low for Caucasians since over the centuries our government has been so generous to them. It's just baffling.
Well I'm just going off what was posted earlier. If I remember right, something around 50%, give or take a couple percentage points, is "fully vaccinated" in the U.S. Then I saw something like 37% of the black community is "fully vaccinated." That would mean that a disproportionately higher percentage of whites are "fully vaccinated" unless that disparity is made up by other ethnicities like latino or asian. So yea, whites seem to be more likely to get jabbed.
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