You're right, Ares. In an ideal world the process would play out and people wouldn't rush to judgment on either side. But we don't live anywhere near an ideal world. For the last 3 months, I didn't learn a lot about this case but I sure as **** learned a lot about how people on this board, on social media, and in my personal life view rape and rape victims and the culture surrounding all of it (I refrain from using the term rape culture because that just sets off everyone). Basically it just gave people a chance to express their viewpoints using this case as the outlet.
And we still won't know if Kane was guilty or innocent. So I'm not going to sit here and tell you what to think of Kane. Most of us are adults here and I think you should be allowed to form that opinion by yourself.
But what I can tell you is what I think of Kane, and it's that he's embodies every negative stereotype you've ever heard of the spoiled, rich, elitist, upper-class mid/late-20s bro. He's the reason the word douche bag exists. This opinion has developed from Kane's antics over the years as well as from a surprising amount of first-hand accounts about Kane that I've heard. I won't label him a rapist. I won't advocate that the Hawks trade him. But I couldn't give less of a **** about that prick.