Hope all the "Kane is done in Chicago" hyperbole can calm down now that the most realistic scenario has played itself out. The odds of Kane even missing a game in a he said she said case were always incredibly low. Let alone being cut or traded. The only way he would be out of Chicago was if he was found guilty, in which case he'd never play hockey again for anyone.
Given the fact that our legal system requires those making accusations to prove them, it was almost an impossibility that he would ever be found guilty in a case like this. So it makes sense for all involved to settle and move on to get it out of the press. She got her money. He gets to play without this shadow following him. A few people that dug in early and decided to use this case as a platform for their own issues and agenda will never let it rest, but like Kobe and Big Ben, for the vast vast majority life will go on as normal and a year from now this will be a trivia question. Quietly the sponsors will return, Kane will receive an extended standing ovation the first time he takes the ice, and after the initial press "do you think kane is a rapist" "no i do not" type questions for his team mates, once the season starts everyone will settle into the usual routine and this will become a memory.