GOD DAMMIT. I knew this would happen the moment I started dicking around with the creation kit, Im spending all my time modding skyrim and not playing it.
So I have about 15 personal companions, I outfitted them all with Armor and weapon mods so they look unique to the rest of the characters in the world. Now I realize I need a bigger friggin player home to fit all these people in.
about 90% of them are Women. So a more accurate description would be my "player harum". I just need a few bro's. It was a pain in the ass finding custom armor mods for females that arent practically nude. Dont get me wrong I like body hugging aesthetically pleasing armor on the chicks, but when I go into battle against ulfric, I want them looking they they are going to fight, not suck him off.
most of the female armors look like this unfortunately, or fortunately depending on whether you want to play a game or beat off.