yeah at that level you could wear a leia slave outfit and fight with wooden spoons and you would still dominate.
Thats why I started a new character the other day. I was level 55. I was the leader of the Theives guild, Destroyed the dark brotherhood, Leader of the companions, Practically won a war bymyself, slaughtered all sorts of creatures, Defeated a horde of dragons and defeated some unkillable demon dragon that has existed since the beginning of time, that was going to unmake the world......
Then some schmuck wants me to go get his fucking helmet he lost in a cavern.
This time im going to do all the trivial shit first....when it could actually be difficult.
It's funny, I've gotten pretty much through the end of the companions, thieves, and dark brotherhood but have finished any of them off, only thing left is basically take the lead.
Oh and by the way... destroy the dark brotherhood? HAHHAHAHAH Shall not be done, I'm about the kill the emperor *****! Nothing your little mod muscle can do about it.
I get what you're saying though, at these levels it takes so long to level up and you feel invincible, but I like that it scales with you some, and I definitely have so many things I haven't done, I do hate that all of a sudden you get stopped and it's like bam out of no where go find my horn in a cave, haha. I get obsessive about the arrows on the map. I usually have them all on so I can just keep doing missions that are close to each other to get them out of the way, I probably have like 30 missions in progress so it lights up the map. Can't ever find the specific one I want and to lazy to turn them off so I wander around the map.
Other thing I hate about this level is that all my fucking save files are 10 meg!! 10 MEG. The load times have always pissed me off, but they only get worse. It's the absolute worst thing about the game. You get a mission from Delvin in the thieves guild. Something simple right? ok, so you have to go out of the flaggon... waaaaait... then you ahve to go out the cistern... waiiiiiiiittttt... then you ahve to fast travel to the right town... waaaaaaaaaaiitt, then you have to go into the building to steal something.... waaaaaaaaiiiii then you have to go out of the building and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiit then you have to fast tralve waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttt then you have to go in the cistern waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiitiitt then you have to go in the flagoon. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT it make the game not replayable. You wait for the fucking thing to load everything for over 5 minutes on a 30 second mission. Why the **** can't I just fast travel from one place I've been to the another place I've been stop fucking making me go outside and all this bullshit. I get some loading and waiting but it's out of control right out of the gate from your very first mission.
Anyone else reading page 130 of this thread and not thinking about Southpark's "Make Love not Warcraft" episode.
Yes, and it's awesome till TCD shows up and goes all LLEEEEERRROOOOOYYYY JEEEEENNNKININGGS on us.