Yeah I've read nothing good about Skyrim online. Everyone is saying it's basically just WOW with Morrowind laided on top. Couple cool minor features like being able to elect an emperor from the players, but everyone is disappointed. Even the lead guy said that they were mimicking WOW turn based style for the battle gameplay.
There's nothing wrong with emulating WoW, it is the best MMO around (SWTOR might rival it though) but most that try to emulate WoW miss something important that WoW does. I'm going to guess polish, WoW is a highly polished game as per usual in Blizz games. Sure WoW has had its stumbles but overall WoW just does it right.
Now sure in my last post I said about being different from all the MMOs and in this one I said it is okay to emulate WoW. Here's the thing STO, Warhammer Online, LOTRO, DCU they lacked that extra bit that made them great and they are all essentially carbon copies of all the other MMOs out there.
Elder Scrolls has to do something special to stand out. Players that are emperors sounds neat but what powers are they going to have politically, how are they going to be "rulers" instead of just a title.
Hell I wish they would do a Star Trek or Star Wars MMO that is about capital ships. You get a guild/clan whatever and they are the crew of the ship. The guild leader is captain and that's what he does, he captain's the ship, another guy is weapons and that's what he does, etc I think that would be cool