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What system do you have it on, and is multiplayer easy to initiate with your friends or is it a clunky system?
Spoken like a true WoW nerd... congrats, and yeah their is everything wrong with WoW, it's a game inherently flawed when you have prisons in China using inmates to farm gold and characters. Every MMO is the same for the most part right now you have that right, but Skyrim already had an immense world and canon in place to really blow the MMO out of the water. With room to expand to the previous games. All they had to do was actually put a little work into it to figure out how to make everything better instead of just copying everyone else and hoping the name alone brings in the money. THey could have created a game that reinvented the Genre or make WoW Skyrim. They choose to suck. The dumb thing is, that it doesn't have to come out even remotely close to now. People waited what 5 years for Skyrim and it was a huge sucess. Why doesn't they just make elder scrolls 6 a MMO and create a single player version off of that? Real simple. People would eat that shit up. You know how many people complain about WoW MMOs but still play them because there is nothing else? It's why I'm excited about Dust 514. You want to see a bit of a twist on the MMO, go check that shit out coming to PSN. http://www.dust514.com/en/home/
Thats what people were saying. Focus on the single player and introduce an online component. Imagine Skyrim being just as it is. Now add in other players running around the game world, that you can fight against or join up with (or you can use AI companions if you want). The only thing that would need to be reworked, is like the civil war. You couldnt really have anyone "win" that. (it would be like having one of the factions conquer the world in wow, it just wouldnt work).
I would have no problem if they did something like that with elderscrolls.
SO I was just browsing around and saw this listed under Bioshock Infinite...
BioShock Infinite is not a direct sequel or prequel to previous BioShock games, taking place in an earlier period and different setting, though it features similar gameplay concepts and themes.
That seemed strange to me, but I guess? Isn't one of the main characters a girl from one of the previous ones? I don't get how it can be not connected to the series at all. Anyone know?
Here is the rest of it so I guess I kind of understand but I thought Elizabeth was one of the girls from the previous games?
Product Description
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Platform: PLAYSTATION 3[/font]
The third game in the popular Bioshock series, BioShock: Infinite breaks away from the underwater setting of the first two games to take players into a floating city held aloft by dirigibles. The game is set in 1912. You play as Booker DeWitt, a disgraced former private detective who's picked up a new case. Your goal is to find Elizabeth, a young woman who's gone missing and return her unharmed. The only problem is that she's being kept on this flying city. Columbia was once a symbol of America's success as a nation, floating around the world as a traveling World's Fair, a marvel of human innovation. But strange things have happened since Columbia's unveiling in 1900, and now the city has disappeared into the clouds.
Definitely recommed. It's a great puzzle game with a pretty good story to boot.
I believe I just heard they are going to release a portal combo which may be the reason for the drop. May want to look for it or wait a little longer as prices could drop more.
Did you mean Raper..... hiyo...I'm a little familiar with the story and it definiltey sounds cool. Is it detrimental to not really having played the first game before playing the second?
Hmmm... X-Play neglected to say that the other day. Perhaps I will wait.
Oh and with Dead Island, I might recommend playing as the rapper... don't know if it'll help, but so far (in the couple hours I've put into it) it's been ALL melee weapons I've found - which are his specialty and NOT the character I chose.
Never heard of it, whats the justification for what the runners don't have guns?Anyone ever play Mirrors Edge? Ive had it for like 3 years and never played, I gave it a try last night. Interesting concept.
Its like a totalitarian utopian future where people traded away all their rights for "comfort" and its about "runners" who spend their days, delivering subversive information about the cities.
its interesting, because its a first person shooter, but fighting isnt the priority, escape is. Instead of blowing the group of guys ahead of you away, you avoid them (because you dont carry a gun, you can disarm a bad guy and get one, but the better option is the flee), the challenge comes in figuring out exactly how to escape. and frankly I have to admit, the physx features in the game are awesome and still arent seen in any of the contemporary games I play today.
i.e. waving banners, that you can shoot bullet holes through. Theres just some really cool effects. I think the reason you dont see the effects put in games often is because only nvidia solutions can take advantage of them (or if you have an ati card, and a dedicated nvidia physx card).