Well the new XCOM game is awesome. Anyone who is a fan of the original has to play it, and everyone has to at least try it on Iron Man mode. That's the only way to experience the game fully. No re-loads, death is final, you decisions are what they are, no second chances. It gets so intense. It's feels like you're constantly two steps behind, really struggling to manage everything and just try to crawl from one battle to the next. You know you need better weapons to stand a chance in some of the upcoming battles, but you also need satellites and funding from all the continents and try to protect them as best as you can and it can't be both. It's tough. The losses are so depressing and gut wrenching, especially when you lose highly experience soldiers that get killed by panicking rookies. Or when you have to kill one of them that gets mind controlled by an alien. But it just makes the victories feel that much more awesome. That you really achieved it, instead of just plowing through everything easily, which eventually you can do at times. But even then, one wrong move, and there goes your Captain.