Video Game Thread


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May 14, 2010
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Ahhh I see. that makes sense, I was wondering why they had tags for fully upgrading weapons or Joel, but it didn't seem like there was enough stuff. I thought maybe I missed a boat load. I think I'll give normal+ a run through.. I wish it was easier the second time around to find the stuff you were missing like the comics? Do you know if it resets those... meaning the ones you found will be out there again for you to find. This is a pet peeve of mind because if i'm going back through I don't want to see something that I've already found out of the corner of my eye then go over and find it again and it's a firefly pendant that I already have. It drives me nuts, especially because those pendants and comics do absolutely nothing.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="211305" data-time="1381953963">

Ahhh I see. that makes sense, I was wondering why they had tags for fully upgrading weapons or Joel, but it didn't seem like there was enough stuff. I thought maybe I missed a boat load. I think I'll give normal+ a run through.. I wish it was easier the second time around to find the stuff you were missing like the comics? Do you know if it resets those... meaning the ones you found will be out there again for you to find. This is a pet peeve of mind because if i'm going back through I don't want to see something that I've already found out of the corner of my eye then go over and find it again and it's a firefly pendant that I already have. It drives me nuts, especially because those pendants and comics do absolutely nothing.</p>


I dont honestly know about the collectibles at all. I only dabbled very briefly in the game plus mode and really didnt do much more than the first hour or so on a second playthrough when I realized that I didnt really want to do another playthrough. I didnt feel like I wanted to because the story was so good.</p>


But since I really did enjoy the gameplay as well as the story, I might go back.</p>


As a betting man, I would say you are gonna have to get the ones you already got. I dont usually track these down as it doesnt increase my gameplay and I am not exactly driven by achievements/trophies. </p>


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May 14, 2010
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I have an unnecessary need for completionism, within reason... I will go out of my way to try to get everything or do everything.... but if in the process of doing something for the completionist in me I waste a boatload of time. I'll give up and move on. It's strange I know. I think it's more about getting full value than a 100% complete. As an example, in borderlands two I wentback through to try to get every and all accomplishments, but there is this one thing a the top of a radio tower that is fucking impossible to get to on a console becuase of the jump float turns, I spent too much time just trying to jump up this thing that I said **** it and gave up. But I at least had to go try.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="211325" data-time="1381957834">

I have an unnecessary need for completionism, within reason... I will go out of my way to try to get everything or do everything.... but if in the process of doing something for the completionist in me I waste a boatload of time. I'll give up and move on. It's strange I know. I think it's more about getting full value than a 100% complete. As an example, in borderlands two I wentback through to try to get every and all accomplishments, but there is this one thing a the top of a radio tower that is fucking impossible to get to on a console becuase of the jump float turns, I spent too much time just trying to jump up this thing that I said **** it and gave up. But I at least had to go try.</p>


HA! I hear ya. I tend to draw the line at the trophies and such. Mass Effect 2 and 3 are the only games where I have all the accomplishments and the only games where i actually looked at them and tried to get them. I am a completionist in that if I love the game, there will be next to nothing I havent seen or done in it.</p>


Like BL2 for me? I dont even KNOW what the accomplishments are. I kinda wish there was some motivation there for me since you certainly will get all the bang for your game-purchasing buck. But then again, Mass Effect has been the only game since 1998 Fallout/Baldur's Gate where I felt compelled to do and see everything. </p>


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="211328" data-time="1381958317">



Speaking of....</p>



Baldur's Gate, Enhanced Edition!!!</p>



Will I be getting this?</p>


It is decidedly so....</p>



Oh my!</p>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
One game I hope they make is another black and white game.  For those that haven't played it.  Its a city builder, where you play a God, and can be good or evil, and have a godzilla esque creature as your representation on earth.  </p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="211389" data-time="1381982583">

I have heard great things about it</p>


I can confirm all good things. For me and my best buddy of 30 years, we played the SHIT outta these. More than Fallouts.... More than Mass Effects... I am so stoked for this I think my panties are moist. </p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Super Douchiev" data-cid="211412" data-time="1382016128">

One game I hope they make is another black and white game.  For those that haven't played it.  Its a city builder, where you play a God, and can be good or evil, and have a godzilla esque creature as your representation on earth.  </p>


Black and White was AMAZING and revolutionary for the time. I will never forgot my evil Tortoise and evil Rhino:</p>


<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="211429" data-time="1382024832">

Sounds like fable?</p>


Hmm, more like... a Sim City game based in caveman-ish human times and you play a god that they worshipped with a creature/animal Avatar that was your physical incarnation that you would train and teach and such. For example, one of the first things I caught my Avatar was was to help with resource gathering. So I had the Avatar watch me pick up trees and toss them into the camp with his leash on. And the Avatar would learn these tasks and would behave almost like a child. Like after he learned to rip up trees and throw them, if there were no trees, he would pick up the worshipers and toss them into the sea. OOPS! So. Much. Fun. </p>


But this IS the same makers of Fable I believe...</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="The Count Dante" data-cid="211435" data-time="1382025953">

Black and White was AMAZING and revolutionary for the time. I will never forgot my evil Tortoise and evil Rhino:</p>




Hmm, more like... a Sim City game based in caveman-ish human times and you play a god that they worshipped with a creature/animal Avatar that was your physical incarnation that you would train and teach and such. For example, one of the first things I caught my Avatar was was to help with resource gathering. So I had the Avatar watch me pick up trees and toss them into the camp with his leash on. And the Avatar would learn these tasks and would behave almost like a child. Like after he learned to rip up trees and throw them, if there were no trees, he would pick up the worshipers and toss them into the sea. OOPS! So. Much. Fun. </p>


But this IS the same makers of Fable I believe...</p>

Strike that... I got the wrong Molyneux game.. I was thinking Fable 3... but it is his new one Godus that his sounds just like. You may or maynot have heard of it because it's through his new stand alone studio 22 cans and is being funded through kickstarter. It's supposed to be populous meets fable or something like that... here is the wiki.</p>



It's on Steam early access if you want to check it out. I only saw the beta stuff where you litterally were the hand of god and could squish things.</p>


<div>GODUS empowers you in the role of a god, allowing you to sculpt every inch of a beautiful world that you look down upon, on which a population of Followers settle and multiply. As you mould every aspect of your unique utopia, a civilisation will blossom across your land and offer you their belief."</div>


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="MassHavoc" data-cid="211448" data-time="1382028480">


Strike that... I got the wrong Molyneux game.. I was thinking Fable 3... but it is his new one Godus that his sounds just like. You may or maynot have heard of it because it's through his new stand alone studio 22 cans and is being funded through kickstarter. It's supposed to be populous meets fable or something like that... here is the wiki.</p>



It's on Steam early access if you want to check it out. I only saw the beta stuff where you litterally were the hand of god and could squish things.</p>


<div>GODUS empowers you in the role of a god, allowing you to sculpt every inch of a beautiful world that you look down upon, on which a population of Followers settle and multiply. As you mould every aspect of your unique utopia, a civilisation will blossom across your land and offer you their belief."</div>


hmm, ill have to check that out.</p>


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
I watched the video for Godus was meh on it. Certain things turned me off but it certainly gave off that Black & White Vibe.</p>

The Count Dante

CCS Donator
May 16, 2010
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<blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Supra" data-cid="211489" data-time="1382036888">

I watched the video for Godus was meh on it. Certain things turned me off but it certainly gave off that Black & White Vibe.</p>


Yeah, I am with ya... The "hook" with Black and White is your pet creature. Not only are you building your worshipers and their town and such, you have this intelligent puppy/child pet. You teach him miracles. You teach him how to help with the people. He fought other God's pets. There was like a dozen different animals, all with their own personalities, behaviors, and "morality". Like training the Cow, he never hurt your people and to train him to use destruction miracles was tough. But he was so easy to teach him to feed himself. The Tiger, he was easy to get to use destruction but would eat your villagers and not livestock/animals. </p>


Like I taught my pet to keep the villagers inside a village. While he was neutral, he learned to pick up the guys and put them back by watching me do it over and over. When he got bored, he would pick up the villagers and throw them back in to the village in a playful way. When he became evil, he would just shoot lightning at the folks trying to run away.</p>


Or another example where I found a beach ball and taught the pet how to play with it when he was bored to prevent him from doing bored behavior. And he got the hang of it. He even got the village to play along, WITHOUT me teaching him. But... when the ball was around, he decided the rocks were still ok to play with. And he bombarded the village with rocks as he looked at "me" through the screen and smiled like he did a good thing. Then I had to train him to like beach balls and hate rocks. But that kinda screwed him up since I also trained him to arrange rocks in a protective wall. </p>


You get the jist...</p>


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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Jist... yeah... visual... no way... haha isn't that game like 11 years old? Sounds too complex to be that old.</p>


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
No the original was the more popular version if I recall correctly</p>
