Well, its official - Bagent has a Weak Arm - they substituted Peterman...


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
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I think it was just a no injury thing as you need to hold before you throw and accuracy doesn't matter. Last thing you want to do is have to start Peterman next week.

Injury to a d2 qb when the seasons over. lol who cares

100% it was confidence. What are the odds you throw a 60*+ yard throw to the end zone for a touchdown with the bears weapons?


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2014
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Who is this weirdo and why am i seeing him post a lot all of a sudden?

I know your world is crumbling and you’re resorting to satire because an undrafted rookie already looks better than Fields. (You might have been wrong about something. The horror) so I’m going to let this pass. I know you’re in a bad spot and I don’t want to pile on.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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I know your world is crumbling and you’re resorting to satire because an undrafted rookie already looks better than your boy Fields. (You might have been wrong about something. The horror) so I’m going to let this pass. I know you’re in a bad spot and I don’t want to pile on.
Just did one of my CCS refresher courses(i keep notes). You have an uncanny ability to be completely forgettable.
EZPEEZY throughout the years
2017-2020 - Defend Mitch
1 start into Fields career- shit on Fields
Fields 4 TD games or his 2022 stretch - Completely disappear
Bagent first start/win while putting up mediocre at very best stats - pumps chest and goes back into stalk Anytime mode lmaoooo

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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  1. Chicago Bears
Imagine if Fields did this....160ish yards. 1 TD...Bagent MagaCult would crucify him...instead they are crowning him. It's like Fields with same style plan didn't look amazing vs Skins.

Bagent looked great in pocket, made 1, 2..hit chkdown reads quickly...showed accuracy, and nice rollout throws. His arrow is pointing up at this time.

Also this is a Bears vs Opponent crowd...not Fields vs Bagent. Ur pointing out sensible and logical assessments of Bagent. The Maga/Bagent cult will attack u lol.
Don't turn this political. There's some of us on the other side of the aisle who were super impressed with the kid today too.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
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He's got a noodle all right. And I'm gonna flood this with posts that polish it.

He likely does. The only thing impressive about his arm is the quick release. Other than that the arm strength is meh

Still had the potential to be a decent backup. He seems smart and knows where to go with the ball.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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  1. Chicago Bears
He didn’t do much. Calm your panties bro.

Last I checked the mods handled this place with zero tolerance for that. I highly doubt if I dropped the term libtard you'd say the same thing, if you were being honest. I know we get Rowdy up in here but let's keep the political stuff out of it.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
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Last I checked the mods handled this place with zero tolerance for that. I highly doubt if I dropped the term libtard you'd say the same thing, if you were being honest. I know we get Rowdy up in here but let's keep the political stuff out of it.
Huh? I don’t give a fuck what the other guy said. I responded to your post where you were “super impressed”.

Not sure what you saw out there, but I saw a guy managing a game the defense and run game won for them. We’ve seen that plenty as bears fans

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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  1. Chicago Bears
Huh? I don’t give a fuck what the other guy said. I responded to your post where you were “super impressed”.

Not sure what you saw out there, but I saw a guy managing a game the defense and run game won for them. We’ve seen that plenty as bears fans

Oh I thought you were talking about my comments to calabais to calm the political talk. No, fair enough I completely understand why you feel the way you feel. It is just one start and plenty of time once he's scouted to see if they can actually adjust with him.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Imagine if Fields did this....160ish yards. 1 TD...Bagent MagaCult would crucify him...instead they are crowning him. It's like Fields with same style plan didn't look amazing vs Skins.

Bagent looked great in pocket, made 1, 2..hit chkdown reads quickly...showed accuracy, and nice rollout throws. His arrow is pointing up at this time.

Also this is a Bears vs Opponent crowd...not Fields vs Bagent. Ur pointing out sensible and logical assessments of Bagent. The Maga/Bagent cult will attack u lol.
We would crucify Fields if he had those stats because he’s in his third year, not his rookie year making his first start. Plus he’s a first round QB so we expect more from him.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Imagine if Fields did this....160ish yards. 1 TD...Bagent MagaCult would crucify him...instead they are crowning him. It's like Fields with same style plan didn't look amazing vs Skins.

Bagent looked great in pocket, made 1, 2..hit chkdown reads quickly...showed accuracy, and nice rollout throws. His arrow is pointing up at this time.

Also this is a Bears vs Opponent crowd...not Fields vs Bagent. Ur pointing out sensible and logical assessments of Bagent. The Maga/Bagent cult will attack u lol.
You don't have to imagine it. Fields literally averages 161 YPG in his career.


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2014
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Just did one of my CCS refresher courses(i keep notes). You have an uncanny ability to be completely forgettable.
EZPEEZY throughout the years
2017-2020 - Defend Mitch
1 start into Fields career- shit on Fields
Fields 4 TD games or his 2022 stretch - Completely disappear
Bagent first start/win while putting up mediocre at very best stats - pumps chest and goes back into stalk Anytime mode lmaoooo

You are so butthurt right now.

Your whole existence in life revolves around being right on an internet forum about a football player. And you’re so committed that instead of just objectively cheering for your team and hoping things go well you have to create narratives that support said football player and deflect blame from him. So instead of just accepting that an undrafted rookie already is running the offense better than Fields you’ve actually resorted to cheering against him. Because you’re scared that if he plays well it makes it harder to blame Fields failures on everything but him. It’s why you along with a bunch of other Fields defenders spend a majority of your time on here trying to nitpick everything the coaching staff does. It’s really sad and pathetic. I don’t necessarily have much confidence in this staff. But Fields a majority of the time is so bad I don’t think anybody outside of maybe a handful of coaches could make him look competent consistently enough to be a winning QB. It would take an Andy Reid like coach to make Fields look good.

Does it really matter that you were probably wrong about Fields? Is your life over because Justin Fields maybe isn’t very good? Do you have to actually stoop to cheering against your team as some means to defend your honor on a stupid Internet forum? Is it worth running around here ignorantly trying to downplay Bagent‘s play because you know it’s a reflection on Fields? You know it’s transparent right? It just makes you look petulant.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
Injury to a d2 qb when the seasons over. lol who cares

100% it was confidence. What are the odds you throw a 60*+ yard throw to the end zone for a touchdown with the bears weapons?
Clearly, you don't. I would have left him in but to me, it was a big nothing burger and you guys are fishing for some meat.
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Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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You are so butthurt right now.

Your whole existence in life revolves around being right on an internet forum about a football player. And you’re so committed that instead of just objectively cheering for your team and hoping things go well you have to create narratives that support said football player and deflect blame from him. So instead of just accepting that an undrafted rookie already is running the offense better than Fields you’ve actually resorted to cheering against him. Because you’re scared that if he plays well it makes it harder to blame Fields failures on everything but him. It’s why you along with a bunch of other Fields defenders spend a majority of your time on here trying to nitpick everything the coaching staff does. It’s really sad and pathetic. I don’t necessarily have much confidence in this staff. But Fields a majority of the time is so bad I don’t think anybody outside of maybe a handful of coaches could make him look competent consistently enough to be a winning QB. It would take an Andy Reid like coach to make Fields look good.

Does it really matter that you were probably wrong about Fields? Is your life over because Justin Fields maybe isn’t very good? Do you have to actually stoop to cheering against your team as some means to defend your honor on a stupid Internet forum? Is it worth running around here ignorantly trying to downplay Bagent‘s play because you know it’s a reflection on Fields? You know it’s transparent right? It just makes you look petulant.
lol not readying all of that, psycho.

Welcome back to CCS! Nice convenient timing!


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2014
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lol not readying all of that, psycho.

Welcome back to CCS! Nice convenient timing!

I never left.

Its okay. You and the crew will have another week to actively cheer against your teams QB because it’s reflection on Fields.

You’re more concerned about your reputation on here than you are the Bears winning. I truly believe if the Bears winning or a player playing well proves a previous opinion you had wrong you would rather the team lose or that specific player play bad. You’re not really even a Bears fan. You’re just a weirdo addicted to this site and your reputation on it.
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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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Last I checked the mods handled this place with zero tolerance for that. I highly doubt if I dropped the term libtard you'd say the same thing, if you were being honest. I know we get Rowdy up in here but let's keep the political stuff out of it.
I think he was literally referring to Bagent's statistics not being gamechanging. people were shitting on Fields for his low passing yard games when he was wrecking defenses last year (on the ground)

And people used to say the shoopster’s nicknames were bad . . .
your nicknames are atrocious and so is your mere continued existence.
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