Well... The world is now ending on October 21st...

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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You make it sound like there were only a handful of people. There were thousands. This guy made over 80 million dollars in the last ten years through his Family Radio stations and 'church'. Were all of those 'donors' irrational?

Uh... no shit.

Anyone who thinks they know the date of the end of the world is irrational and dumb.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Uh... no shit.

Anyone who thinks they know the date of the end of the world is irrational and dumb.

In all seriousness, how is this any more irrational than traditional religious belief? So someone thought they interpreted a specific date from the bible. So believing in the revelation prophecy of John = not irrational....Thinking you interpreted a specific date for it = batshit crazy.


CCS Donator
May 31, 2010
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I found that ironic too TSD.

Many of the people calling out Mr. Camping as a nut also believe in virgin births, earth was created in 6 days, walking on water, etc.


I didn't make it out that way today to see if that guy took his sign down.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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In all seriousness, how is this any more irrational than traditional religious belief? So someone thought they interpreted a specific date from the bible. So believing in the revelation prophecy of John = not irrational....Thinking you interpreted a specific date for it = batshit crazy.

Well if we're going to argue semantics... it's pretty irrational to think the universe randomly decided to create itself.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Well if we're going to argue semantics... it's pretty irrational to think the universe randomly decided to create itself.

I don't think that. I am not aware of any findings that the universe can make conscious decisions. I don't know whether the universe had a beginning or has an end or just is and don't invent unsubstantiated reasons or methods of its existence. Furthermore, you can observe events in nature that occur independent of conscious direction, such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornado's..et al. Therefore believing the universe could simply be a natural event is not irrational.

and how exactly is this arguing semantics? seriously, he predicted a date for a prophecy believers generally believe will be fullfilled, so again I beg the question, how is that any more irrational than believing in the prophecy itself?


CCS Donator
May 31, 2010
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I feel I should contact the post rapture pet rescue place. Maybe I can work for them on the side.

I often have extra time at work when I could make sales calls or deal with clients.

I am an atheist so I will not be taken in the rapture. I truly love (most) animals, and can appreciate people's devotion to their pets.

Pets are tangible at least. It's a win win. I get money for nothing or I get a shitload of free pets! Dogs and cats will be valuable in the end times for their meat.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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I don't think that. I am not aware of any findings that the universe can make conscious decisions. I don't know whether the universe had a beginning or has an end or just is and don't invent unsubstantiated reasons or methods of its existence. Furthermore, you can observe events in nature that occur independent of conscious direction, such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornado's..et al. Therefore believing the universe could simply be a natural event is not irrational.

and how exactly is this arguing semantics? seriously, he predicted a date for a prophecy believers generally believe will be fullfilled, so again I beg the question, how is that any more irrational than believing in the prophecy itself?

LOL So how is thinking a being created the universe so dumb?


New member
Jul 24, 2010
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Do you really need an explanation as to why people who belong to a religion and their beliefs in how the world/universe was created is "dumb" when compared to someone who isn't constrained to a finite knowledge and understanding of something as complex as that? That really needs explaining for like the hundredth time now? Come on.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Do you really need an explanation as to why people who belong to a religion and their beliefs in how the world/universe was created is "dumb" when compared to someone who isn't constrained to a finite knowledge and understanding of something as complex as that? That really needs explaining for like the hundredth time now? Come on.

Neither is dumb...


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
LOL So how is thinking a being created the universe so dumb?

Where in my posts in this thread did I say that? I just said how is this guy any more irrational than other believers, I never asserted they were irrational to begin with.

some people believe in a supernatural event, some people thought they knew the date of that event. I am not seeing them as being irrational by comparison.

and to answer your question. Even in the view a God created the universe. God doesn't have a creator, therefore God just "happened". You cant completely ignore the concept of God from your viewpoint of the universe, you must be able to explain God as well as explain the universe, its illogical to assert the Universe requires a creator yet God does not.


Sep 28, 2010
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Somewhere in Indiana

The world didn't end.

That means I have to come back here and moderate NHTA and pin Stu's GTDs and hear about TCD's STDS. FML.


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May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
WOW!, Vancouver BC just went under!.....and that was it it stopped!

In all seriousness, I come from a family with an uncle whom is an Arch bishop and a family of church. I have studied the bible and know sayings. The bible explains saying in a way where you have understand not by what it is saying but the meaning behind it. Jesus clearly says there will be many false profits that will come preaching in my name and don't believe in this and don't follow them. My coming will be like a theif in the night when you least expect it. Now many people try to become hotshots and try to make a name for them selves, by trying to predict something that is not in the realm of possibility. I have asked these same questions to my uncle the Bishop, whom I have to say I hold so much respect for what he has done and studied. I have asked him about if there is a day. He told me that God did not put you on earth to worry about that. Live your life at its fullest, be good and believe in what you were taught, because you don't know when its over. Then after he said that months later it hit me on what he was saying and put the saying from the bible together that said I will come like a theif in the night....In my opinion it means you don't know when you will pass away, die. Passing away is something no one can predict, it can happen at anytime. Prior to may 21, do you know how many others have predicted the end....I would not have any room in here with all the dates and names.

Live life at its fullest everyone...because thats all you have to hold on too.

Even as a godless heathen I can respect the shit out of this post.


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL

The world didn't end.

That means I have to come back here and moderate NHTA and pin Stu's GTDs and hear about TCD's STDS. FML.

BHP I say we get drunk on power and ban everyone who says something we don't like or something, we can make up reasons late.


New member
May 15, 2010
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Belleville, IL
In all seriousness, how is this any more irrational than traditional religious belief? So someone thought they interpreted a specific date from the bible. So believing in the revelation prophecy of John = not irrational....Thinking you interpreted a specific date for it = batshit crazy.

I'm glad you said it, because I was starting to think I was the only asshole in the room with the audacity to challenge the logic of the righteous. I even got called righteous in another thread by someone who is a follower of a religion.


The quality or state of being righteous; holiness; purity; uprightness; rectitude. Righteousness, as used in Scripture and theology, in which it chiefly occurs, is nearly equivalent to holiness, comprehending holy principles and affections of heart, and conformity of life to the divine law.

For the record, I don't pretend to have the answers, but this notion of a christian god, or jewish god, or muslim god, or any god is no more absord than the dozens of Hindu gods, or the Greek and Roman Gods. Its all a matter of perspective - what I can 'prove', not what I think sounds plausible. Well, at least it is to some of us rational folks.

Chief Walking Stick

CCS Donator
May 12, 2010
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Where in my posts in this thread did I say that? I just said how is this guy any more irrational than other believers, I never asserted they were irrational to begin with.

some people believe in a supernatural event, some people thought they knew the date of that event. I am not seeing them as being irrational by comparison.

and to answer your question. Even in the view a God created the universe. God doesn't have a creator, therefore God just "happened". You cant completely ignore the concept of God from your viewpoint of the universe, you must be able to explain God as well as explain the universe, its illogical to assert the Universe requires a creator yet God does not.

Exactly... so either there is an eternal God who created the universe when he was bored and he just "happened" or somehow the the universe is eternal and randomly created itself.

Either way... one of those happened and we're here. Everyone believe what you want to believe but really no opinion is more irrational than the other IMO. I'm not here to push any kind of beliefs on anyone... just saying that like you think its not logical that a God created the universe... I'm saying that thinking that the universe randomly created itself and an explosion of matter happened to craft not only the intricate world we live in but also the billions of stars and possibly millions of planets isn't very logical. We don't know and likely will never know WITH PROOF until we die... and if you guys are right, we won't know then either.

No one knows when the world is going to end and anyone who claims they do is full of crap.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I am here with a message from God, he spoke to me at the time of rapture and said that it was arguments like this that mean the world is not ready for him. He told me to get everyone ready and he'd be back on 6-22-2015. At Sunrise, EST.

Send me money.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
Exactly... so either there is an eternal God who created the universe when he was bored and he just "happened" or somehow the the universe is eternal and randomly created itself.

Either way... one of those happened and we're here. Everyone believe what you want to believe but really no opinion is more irrational than the other IMO. I'm not here to push any kind of beliefs on anyone... just saying that like you think its not logical that a God created the universe... I'm saying that thinking that the universe randomly created itself and an explosion of matter happened to craft not only the intricate world we live in but also the billions of stars and possibly millions of planets isn't very logical. We don't know and likely will never know WITH PROOF until we die... and if you guys are right, we won't know then either.

No one knows when the world is going to end and anyone who claims they do is full of crap.

Why. You can't just say something is illogical without a logical argument as to why. "just because", is not an argument. You have to have a reason to come to that conclusion. I can offer a reason i think a creator God is illogical. We have no evidence a God exists therefore it is illogical to assert a being, we have no evidence for exists itself, created the universe. In fact saying God created the universe has no more weight than saying the tooth fairy did it. Asserting a random naturally occurring universe does not violate any natural law, therefore there is nothing illogical about it.

Seriously, this is not an argument you can win. To say a naturally occurring universe is illogical requires a logical argument to display the fallacy. We arent arguing truth, we are arguing logic.

i.e. if I create a random number generator in a program and assert:

if(x == 5){

//do this


I dont know if x will ever equal 5. but there is no reason that can be offered it cant. Therefore this piece of code is logical.

on the other hand if prior to that code snippet, I have int x = 6;

the above if statement would be completely illogical and un-needed as it can never be true. show me the x = 6 to my assertion the universe can occur naturally.

now a God did it equation would be akin to:

I have a table I am populating x with that contains "yes" "no" "maybe"


//do this


if you look at the table and see that "sure" isnt there it is illogical to look for it, because you have no reason to. BASED ON WHAT WE KNOW TO BE TRUE, the above statement IS ILLOGICAL AND UN NEEDED.

we are arguing logic here afterall.


May 15, 2010
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Exactly... so either there is an eternal God who created the universe when he was bored and he just "happened" or somehow the the universe is eternal and randomly created itself.

Either way... one of those happened and we're here. Everyone believe what you want to believe but really no opinion is more irrational than the other IMO. I'm not here to push any kind of beliefs on anyone... just saying that like you think its not logical that a God created the universe... I'm saying that thinking that the universe randomly created itself and an explosion of matter happened to craft not only the intricate world we live in but also the billions of stars and possibly millions of planets isn't very logical. We don't know and likely will never know WITH PROOF until we die... and if you guys are right, we won't know then either.

No one knows when the world is going to end and anyone who claims they do is full of crap.

The difference is that one of those explanations came from deductions made from observations of the natural world, the other from an old book based on bronze age myths with several authors that has been edited countless of times. I know where I'll put my money on.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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My favorite teams
  1. Portland Timbers
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
Am I the only one upset because we never had the chance for post-rapture looting?


New member
May 16, 2010
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St.Pete, FL
Why. You can't just say something is illogical without a logical argument as to why. "just because", is not an argument. You have to have a reason to come to that conclusion. I can offer a reason i think a creator God is illogical. We have no evidence a God exists therefore it is illogical to assert a being, we have no evidence for exists itself, created the universe. In fact saying God created the universe has no more weight than saying the tooth fairy did it. Asserting a random naturally occurring universe does not violate any natural law, therefore there is nothing illogical about it.

Seriously, this is not an argument you can win. To say a naturally occurring universe is illogical requires a logical argument to display the fallacy.

First off my official answer on the universe is "I don't know and I'm okay with that". However, to play devil's advocate (since I lean to it randomly happened) the odds of it forming this exact way are retardedly large. I mean we are WAY beyond trillions to 1. Even the odds of a strand of DNA assembling randomly is trillions to 1 or more. So did a deity maybe nudge certain things in certain directions? Sure it is possible, do I think this deity is the same as the christian, jewish, muslim, hindi, blah blah blah god? Nope.
