What Are You Playing Right Now? (Gaming Thread)


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I know, I was just fuckin with you.

And I am not gon stop giving you shit for playing shit like elex while you turn your nose up at actually good games.

The new god of war is different from the past ones and could be one of the best games of the generation. Sometimes when people say shit like that, they aren't just blowing smoke. Especially when its literally everyone that has played the game. Sometimes they are actually good.

Just like with music, greatness transcends genre.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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I know, I was just fuckin with you.

And I am not gon stop giving you shit for playing shit like elex while you turn your nose up at actually good games.

The new god of war is different from the past ones and could be one of the best games of the generation. Sometimes when people say shit like that, they aren't just blowing smoke. Especially when its literally everyone that has played the game. Sometimes they are actually good.

Just like with music, greatness transcends genre.

not turning my nose up. like i said, they may very well be fun games, and i might enjoy the hell out of them. they just arent really my style so nothing ive seen of them has interested me. therefore im not going to go out of my way to play them, let alone buy a console. when i owned consoles and games could be rented from brick and mortar stores, i played pretty much anything that looked fun. but now i just stick to pc and play things that are more up my alley.

with that said, ill still just go for pure fun factor at times. speaking of which, im still playing fc5. theres been times i feel ive had enough since its really more of the same, but something keeps bringing me back. once you fire it up its rather addictive. and the missions with some actual thought to them other than "liberate this outpost" can be pretty damn fun.

as for the story and themes...meh. but i give them credit for, the most part, not going full blown sjw and shitting all over anyone that doesnt share such views. i figured it spend a lot of the time mocking "hicks" but while theres been a couple heavy handed political moments its not bad at all and actually seems interested in trying to embrace country culture and create some rather likable characters, while remaining apolitical for the most part. though the christian cult thing is an easy target and its cliched. maybe theyll be some interesting twists later on, but i wont hold my breath. it would be pretty cool twist if in the end the cult was right and the end was approaching. but theyre too evil and villainous to really do anything else with. they could have made them seem "bad", but possibly justified as the story went on making you think twice about your actions. that could have been interesting.

anyway, my main issue with the story is with the way its told, with the bad guys constantly capturing you, which you have no control over, forcing you into story segments which revolve around you some how managing to escape miraculously every time.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Played a good chunk of Mad Max this weekend.... usually video games made for a movie release are just token/throwaway games.... but not this game.... they put some real work into this game.

It can get repetitive and I spent 2 hours running around an outpost trying to find the last oil tank I was supposed to blow up, but it is a fun game.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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Played a good chunk of Mad Max this weekend.... usually video games made for a movie release are just token/throwaway games.... but not this game.... they put some real work into this game.

It can get repetitive and I spent 2 hours running around an outpost trying to find the last oil tank I was supposed to blow up, but it is a fun game.

mad max is awesome. its one of the best games ive played. like all games there is a gameplay loop that repeats but i never got bored with this game for some reason. and i love the atmosphere and the way the environment is a character itself.

though i cheated when i couldnt find things and looked it up. after 10 minutes or so of running around looking for something i start to lose patience.


havent downloaded mad max yet.. but i gots it..been putting it off..

played civ 5 for about 10 minutes and was like i haven't played civ 4 in roughly a decade..thought id relive the stacks of doom..... went to install dat ***** from disc.. it aint working.. apparently some win updates killed it or something.. messed around looking for a fix but got tired.. did find a copy of roller coaster tycoon 3 in that case.. my kid will like dat..

guess im gonna play some age of wonders 3..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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mad max is awesome. its one of the best games ive played. like all games there is a gameplay loop that repeats but i never got bored with this game for some reason. and i love the atmosphere and the way the environment is a character itself.

though i cheated when i couldnt find things and looked it up. after 10 minutes or so of running around looking for something i start to lose patience.

I spent 25 mins last night running around an outpost I had cleared... looking for 1 of those Scrotus insignia lol

I think I am going to give up on always finding all of those.

As long as I get all the scrap...

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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I spent 25 mins last night running around an outpost I had cleared... looking for 1 of those Scrotus insignia lol

I think I am going to give up on always finding all of those.

As long as I get all the scrap...

im not a completionist in that i need to do absolutely everything, like challenges and trophies i couldnt give a **** about, but when it comes to quests or actual game content i need to do it all. so, i had to find them all, or it would bug me. but like i said, if i couldnt find one after a while, id just look it up online.


Message Board Hero
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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Any-Town, USA
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bulls
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
  1. Michigan Wolverines
  2. Purdue Boilermakers
Depends on the game for me.


aow3 got me out me dont wanna play games rut.. remember why i liked and hated the game.. shit be brutal on hard.. either push n play fast or get rektd at some point..

the art of almost.

a once up and coming thick one with the name to drive dat search.. her name siri...




Huevos Rancheros
Mar 11, 2015
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I think I need to install StarCraft and fight some Koreans

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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finished far cry 5. it was good and fun all the way through for the most part, though repetitive, and by the end i was ready to get it over with.

as for the ending itself...
i predicted that the cult was right. though it can be argued that seed got his hand on some nukes and set them off the nukes himself. either way i liked the twist, but, like i mentioned earlier, they made the cult way too evil for it to really work. even if you wanted to believe them you cant justify them going around slaughtering anyone they deem weak or a sinner. or those who simply wont join them. and then drugging the hell out of the ones that do to keep them in line. it would have been much better if on the surface they appeared as "bad guys" but as the game went on you realized that maybe they werent.

also the ending was silly in that youve wiped out his whole cult yet he somehow all of a sudden has all your friends hostage and under his control. also lame that the option wasnt simply to shoot him in the head were he stood. all game its kill this ******, kill that ****, so you can kill joseph. but then nope, "youre under arrest, joe." and then there were silly contrived plot elements throughout, but, whatever, if only they would have handled the cult better so that the twist could have worked better imo.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Anyone picked up Pillars of Eternity 2?

No, but I was looking at it on Steam... seemed interesting.

I believe MT was playing the original one sometime in the last year.... perhaps he can weigh in.


Well-known member
Dec 25, 2013
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No, but I was looking at it on Steam... seemed interesting.

I believe MT was playing the original one sometime in the last year.... perhaps he can weigh in.

I played through the original up to Act 3 and then restarted before getting derailed by other games. I liked it, but never really thought I had a good grasp of the combat system.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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pillars 2 came out?

anyway, yea, the first wasnt bad. but i didnt like it enough to rush into the 2nd. unless they fixed the issues with the first i might not ever even bother. it was a decent old school crpg that could have been great, but the writing was often clunky imo and the worse thing was the combat could be very tedious. especially with the micro managing needed for the harder battles. if you didnt have exactly the right items and everything planned out it was all but impossible to beat some bosses. i really only had a problem with a optional boss(i think) that i either skipped or cheesed, i dont remember. and the final boss was such BS that i think i reduced the difficulty to easy and still barley beat him. all due to the need to micromanage the hell out of the battle and i didnt feel like jumping through the hoops. but overall the combat was often a slog period.

i put a bunch of hours into it though, and finished the entire game, even completely the optional dungeon, so by no means was it bad. that final boss really left a bad taste in my mouth though. and there was a faction element that was all fucked up siding you with a faction, without even telling you, just by talking to someone.

usually, just dont care all that much about sequels anyway, even when i love a game, simply because more of the same doesnt interest me most of the time.


played a few hours of titan quest and realized im wasting my time.. not that the game is horrible.. its just idk.. reminds me of the way too many hours i put in diablo.. just not in the mood after putting in 30-40 hrs on age of wonders 3 da past week.. i just need mo action.

they is about to upgrade our interwebs in our area in da next 2-3 months.. so i cant wait.. got backlogs of games i dont wanna download on me 10-12mbps adsl2.. its only fttn but after being on adsl2 forever here....anything more is welcomed.... some may be getting fttc.. im unclear.. gotta wait another decade for fttp im sure or new technologies by then..

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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played a few hours of titan quest and realized im wasting my time.. not that the game is horrible.. its just idk.. reminds me of the way too many hours i put in diablo.. just not in the mood after putting in 30-40 hrs on age of wonders 3 da past week.. i just need mo action.

they is about to upgrade our interwebs in our area in da next 2-3 months.. so i cant wait.. got backlogs of games i dont wanna download on me 10-12mbps adsl2.. its only fttn but after being on adsl2 forever here....anything more is welcomed.... some may be getting fttc.. im unclear.. gotta wait another decade for fttp im sure or new technologies by then..

i tried titan quest once, put a little time into it before geting bored and moving on. those loot grind arpgs dont really do it for me(though i somehow put 250 hours into path of exile) and this one was worse since the vast majority of the time was spent in bland fields killing the same goat enemies over and over. i read a thread once where one of the original devs of the game posted and he talked about how the publishers fucked the game up and made them change a bunch of shit.

speaking of loot grinds, i just tried nioh. its an interesting mash up of the soulslike and loot grind, and while the combat is excellent the rest of the game is pretty damn dull. the environments and level design are meh, as are the enemies you fight over and over, leaving combat being the whole game. between dark souls 1-2 ive had enough of that "genre" and at least in the first the mood and atmosphere where as much a part of the gameplay as the combat. i just keep trying new soulslikes in the hopes that they bring something new, but nope. even ds3 was just more of the same only with shitty combat now.

i just started up kingdom come deliverance. im only an hour or 2 in so idk yet.


i tried titan quest once, put a little time into it before geting bored and moving on. those loot grind arpgs dont really do it for me(though i somehow put 250 hours into path of exile) and this one was worse since the vast majority of the time was spent in bland fields killing the same goat enemies over and over. i read a thread once where one of the original devs of the game posted and he talked about how the publishers fucked the game up and made them change a bunch of shit.

speaking of loot grinds, i just tried nioh. its an interesting mash up of the soulslike and loot grind, and while the combat is excellent the rest of the game is pretty damn dull. the environments and level design are meh, as are the enemies you fight over and over, leaving combat being the whole game. between dark souls 1-2 ive had enough of that "genre" and at least in the first the mood and atmosphere where as much a part of the gameplay as the combat. i just keep trying new soulslikes in the hopes that they bring something new, but nope. even ds3 was just more of the same only with shitty combat now.

i just started up kingdom come deliverance. im only an hour or 2 in so idk yet.

yeah the loot grind became tiresome quick.. wasnt in the mood..

finally on the volgarr the viking.. cool throwback to old school games.. wish it were a lil faster..

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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well, im about to say **** kingdom come deliverance. ive spent the last hour trying to get it to run at a steady 60 fps. its so poorly optimized that even with a 1080, at 1080p, i get constant frame drops even with everything set to "high." which is actually this games medium . and the weird thing is out in the open world i was running everything on ultra out except for lighting(very high) and was getting a steady 60 fps, but in town, at night, in a little hallway, i get drops despite massively lowering the settings.

it doesnt even look that great, and is even dropping frames despite headroom in regards to cpu and gpu usage. **** that.
