What Are You Playing Right Now? (Gaming Thread)


Three if by air
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Jun 25, 2010
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Yeah, the current state of amiga emulator methodology can run some titles with high but not perfect accuracy). Bare metal is just superior, and that is not the case across the board for other defunct PC platforms. MSDOS 4x, AmigaOS 3x, and maybe TI-99 are ones with the biggest headaches because of the wide variety of expandability. You can run 90% of all software, but not a single thing runs 100% accurately. And I don't mean BNES core, where most games are 98.5% accurate. I mean some software is emulated on said platforms at about 90% accuracy, and most(even with special workarounds) are 70~% accurate.

It's like watching a sunset on a clear day, but emulated it is slightly cloudy and the sky is missing half of its colors and environment is missing 1/2 of its smells. Sure, same thing is happening, but the experience is off.

Unannounced Fart

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I have one but no time to mess with it. But I also have a few OG C64s and Amigas/Amiga compatible PPCs. Amiga 2000 is the greatest PC of all time and the C64 is the second best. Sorry 5150 and IIe fanboys, I think your following stems from sheer nostalgia.

So the C64 mini has a lot to live up to IMO. Far more than the NES/SNES classic editions.

Did you get a EU import? If so, do you need to buy anything additional for it to work in the US (power cord, etc.)?


Three if by air
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Did you get a EU import? If so, do you need to buy anything additional for it to work in the US (power cord, etc.)?

I know people who are affiliated with the project, mainly because some of us go back to the 80s with this stuff. So a friend *made sure* a number of us got one in case they were limited or scalped. I didn't know it was hard to get one in the US. Also the keyboard doesn't function. So basically I'm keeping mine sealed in the box for either a rainy day or just for collector purposes(don't ask me what this means, lol).

From others who have one in NA, It draws power from standard usb 2.0 spec(1.5-5A) and works fine with your basic 2.4A USB wall adapter.

Unannounced Fart

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Yeah, they don't even sell it in the US as of right now, and idk if they have any plans to do so. I can get one from Amazon that is imported from EU, and they charge double the retail price.


started a new game on titan quest after building an avenger (archer based) and taking him basically to the end of act 4. hes a decent character but i got bored playing with him. plus his pet is a fucking Special person...even though i only used him as a meat shield.. da **** was annoying.... i may finish the game with my archer, but as of now... hes just there to help build my new character.. i doubt i take him to epic and legendary levels.

i do like you can transfer items between characters. this has helped me build my oracle to level 26 in a 1/4 of the time it took me to build my avenger to 26. it also helps knowing the game some and being able to just beeline fer whatever and not waste time. me oracle is a walking tank minus the armor.. she fucks shit up.. but the ***** cant take no punch.... her two summons be better.. da liche king and wisp are actually useful..

the game is okay.. the loot grind gets boring when you are looking for a specific item. act 3 sucked til the end and that final boss battle.. i dont like the fact you cant start on harder difficulties. ive died a couple of times, but that was more about being a noob and not knowing certain attacks to avoid from a couple of bosses.. da new character hasnt died yet..

i may eventually have to check out grim dawn after dis game..


Aug 21, 2012
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playing 7D2D war of the walkers mod

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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took a break from kingdom come and played ruiner. cool little cyberpunk game. wish the world/story was a little more fleshed out, but it would have overstayed its welcome as a longer game.

speaking of kingdom come, while its not a bad game, im not going back to it. i feel like ive seen everything it had to offer and it simply didnt hook me. so, since i really want to get into an rpg im actually going to give pillars 2 a shot. i know i said im in no hurry to play it, but nothing else really fits the bill for a good old fashioned crpg. and it seems like it might actually be an improvement on the original.


i think im finally burnt on titan quest... i started playing with my lvl 46 avenger archer again and beat the game (hades was meh, easiest final boss ever)..i took my character midway through act 2 on epic and i dont really feel like grinding anymore. i dont find epic harder in a fun way, its just more grindy.. the boss fights aren't really that much harder imo.

My lvl 32 oracle is sitting at act 4 in normal and i built a lvl 18 Conqueror whos sitting at the end of Act I normal.

speaking on being burnt.. guess i need to go farm hades on normal for the key to the secret passage.. i beat him like 20 times so far with my archer and no key drop.. wtf. its basically the last area i want to see before quitting for good.. i think im done with the act part of the game though

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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i think im finally burnt on titan quest... i started playing with my lvl 46 avenger archer again and beat the game (hades was meh, easiest final boss ever)..i took my character midway through act 2 on epic and i dont really feel like grinding anymore. i dont find epic harder in a fun way, its just more grindy.. the boss fights aren't really that much harder imo.

My lvl 32 oracle is sitting at act 4 in normal and i built a lvl 18 Conqueror whos sitting at the end of Act I normal.

speaking on being burnt.. guess i need to go farm hades on normal for the key to the secret passage.. i beat him like 20 times so far with my archer and no key drop.. wtf. its basically the last area i want to see before quitting for good.. i think im done with the act part of the game though

thats why i usually cant get into arpgs, the grind is the game. thats the whole point really, playing the same areas over and over farming. you have to be the type of gamer thats into gameplay for gameplay sake, but im not that kind of gamer. i never play a game more than once and thats kind of the point with arpgs. i personally play games to get lost in new interesting worlds and to see whats next . once ive seen the world and all the game as to offer, even the most fun gameplay bores me to death.

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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man, im striking out when it comes to finding a game that really hooks me. i havent gotten around to pillars 2 yet, but gave tyranny a try instead figuring it was like a pillars lite so i might as well. its not bad but its just rather dull. the concept is pretty cool, but the game world itself, the actually locations you visit, are bland as are the characters. and the writing is pretty shitty. rather than feeling like engaging conversations, when you talk to characters it simply plays out like a info dump with walls and walls of uninteresting text.

oh, and it also reminded me of one of the biggest issues that i had with pillars that i completely forgot to mention earlier, the fact that combat often becomes a cluster ****.

im like 10 hours in but i think im going to move on. im going to give tides of numenera a shot. i know it has walls of text as well, but that isnt a problem in and of itself, if its interesting. so, heres hoping.


thats why i usually cant get into arpgs, the grind is the game. thats the whole point really, playing the same areas over and over farming. you have to be the type of gamer thats into gameplay for gameplay sake, but im not that kind of gamer. i never play a game more than once and thats kind of the point with arpgs. i personally play games to get lost in new interesting worlds and to see whats next . once ive seen the world and all the game as to offer, even the most fun gameplay bores me to death.

i dont mind the rpg grind too much.. been on that grind since i was a kid.. nothing will ever compare to my final fantasy 9 grind... built up reflect for all my characters and max leveled them all........but repeating the same long grind twice on any game is a bit much... speaking of ff9....man i enjoyed that game but was let down by how easy the final boss was.. my max characters probably caused that... there was a secret boss harder than the final boss, but even that was meh..

like you, i dont normally playing an rpg more than once. theres only been a couple of rpgs ive ever played through more than once. with all the different character combos, i see why ppl would come back and play titan quest more than once... looking for their ultimate character for their play style.. but i dont want that grind again.. while my archer is pretty decent... i think a different archer build would be even better for this game, but i could be wrong.. im not building another to find out..

i did notice some new sub bosses on epic level.. but it wasnt enough to keep me coming back...i forced my way to some point in act 3.. was trying to see if the boss typhon got really hard, but after finally getting to check out the secret passage, i really havent played it..

now im back on the fight night kick on xbox 360.. i went through fight night rd 3, 4 some and now im on fight night champion.. theres still a community playing it online all these years later... i just saw its xbox one compatible now too...

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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yeah ive never been able to get into grinding/farming to min/max, get a specific piece of equipment, or create a specific build, etc. i think thats why a number of jrpgs dont work for me. they are often based around that sort of approach and emphasize the grind.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Was back on HOI4 all weekend long.

Been trying out various mods.... trying to get better balanced games.

At this point, I can win the game fairly easily.

I am gunning for a balance where the game is relatively challenging in spite of my level of competence.

It is a bit irritating reading about bugs that cause major issues in the vanilla base of the game which Paradox simply doesn't fix.... they just keep pushing forward on new content.... I suppose assuming you will use mods to fix it.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Was back on HOI4 all weekend long.

Been trying out various mods.... trying to get better balanced games.

At this point, I can win the game fairly easily.

I am gunning for a balance where the game is relatively challenging in spite of my level of competence.

It is a bit irritating reading about bugs that cause major issues in the vanilla base of the game which Paradox simply doesn't fix.... they just keep pushing forward on new content.... I suppose assuming you will use mods to fix it.
Have you played Kaiserreich yet?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Have you played Kaiserreich yet?

No, I was trying out the Meaningful mods (weather, terrain, supply, combat) and I was finding they helped, but some stuff got weird/dumb.

Like I had naval battles that never ended.... you would have like 300-500 ships for the Allies tied up in a battle with the 5-7 ships remaining in the Italian navy and they would just keep starting the battle, then disengaging, but never retreating to port... but they were never in battle long enough to be wiped out.

I know this kinda problem existed in Vanilla, but Meaningful Combat seems to make it even worse.

Then I found the Expert AI mod along with the Allied projects and Strategic view mods... I am trying those 3 together.

What kind of changes/balance do you get in Kaiserreich?

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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a good way into tides of numenera. its a solid successor to the original torment. is it as impressive? maybe not because the original was so, well, original. but its a damn good game. and unlike tyrannys BS writing this game is all text and is never boring. in 20+ hours of play ive fought 2 battles and dont miss them at all. the choices are actually satisfying and even if they might be illusionary at times they dont feel so. im not sure how actually doing battle effects the story, but i could have killed a whole bunch of characters at this point if i wanted to, so those choices are legit, and not killing them definitely adds a lot to the lore and story through interactions you wouldnt have otherwise.

my perfect rpg would be just like this with a balanced amount of combat to spice things up and lengthen the game to something a bit longer. very few games deliver a balance of RPing vs combat. most are heavily geared towards combat with the vast majority of your time engaging in said combat. might as well play an fps or action game at that point since they tend to offer far better combat based gameplay thats much more enjoyable. anyway, some game have come close... BG2(hated it until i got a hand of the combat actually), witcher 3, and mankind divided was actually damn good with a perfect balance of exploration vs combat.

as anyone played pillars 2 yet? it seems like obsidian improved on the original and im hopeful it will fall into this category, but also worry itll suffer from their often shitty writing and cluster **** combat.

Unannounced Fart

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Aug 24, 2012
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Just bought Dark Souls Remastered. Never played any of the DS games before, so looking forward to it.

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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Just bought Dark Souls Remastered. Never played any of the DS games before, so looking forward to it.

have fun. its the best of the series imo. i liked it so much i jumped right into 2 which is also good. but i couldnt get into 3 at all. its just more of the same with some changes for the worse. its essentially just ds1 reenvisioned with fucked up combat. 1 is the fairest, and has the best gameplay. its hard but you learn with every death and progress a little more each time until you can get through an area no problem. then you do the same with the boss and repeat the process with the next area. lol

i highly, highly recommend visiting the kings field series. its the from software series that inspired the souls games. hell theyre essentially a 3rd person kings field with less atmosphere. they are an acquired taste though with even slower combat than souls. but kings field 4 is possibly my favorite game ever. the mood, atmosphere, set pieces and level interconnectivity put the souls games to shame imo. it also has one of the best OSTs ever as well. man i wish theyd make a new kings field. but it looks like theyre next game is a reboot of their ps2 survival horror game. which i am interested in.


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May 29, 2018
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Playing through Elder Scrolls Skyrim SE for the first time (kinda). My character is at level 17 as of last evening. I did start a game previously on PS4 and got a character to level 16, but I decided to buy the PC version and start over.


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Jul 25, 2012
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I've been playing a lot of Fortnite. That shit is addicting. I'm off next week so I might try out Vampyr since I have nothing else to do.
