What Are You Playing Right Now? (Gaming Thread)


Aug 21, 2012
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a video I made early morning sunday before we had a lot of players on the server



a video I made early morning sunday before we had a lot of players on the server


looks fun.. if i wasnt waiting fer madden to drop in a couple of weeks id probably check it out..

Monsieur Tirets

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Nov 8, 2012
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Prey 2017. While I don't care for the way Bethesda fucked over the original devs canceling their actual prey 2 just to essentially steal the franchise and stick the name on a game that could have been called anything, it's a good game.

Its all s out mood/atmosphere and exploring an interesting word so it's right up my alley. Only issue is a few design decisions seem to be clunky.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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If modders figure out how to unlock madden on PC and leagues spring back up, I will get back on that train


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Prey 2017. While I don't care for the way Bethesda fucked over the original devs canceling their actual prey 2 just to essentially steal the franchise and stick the name on a game that could have been called anything, it's a good game.

Its all s out mood/atmosphere and exploring an interesting word so it's right up my alley. Only issue is a few design decisions seem to be clunky.

Man, I could not get into this game. I found the combat tedious and the looping corridor, path finding puzzles tedious too. Really bummed me out. Maybe I need to give it another chance.

Unannounced Fart

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Aug 24, 2012
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Southern California
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  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Southern California Trojans
Doom is pretty good mindless fun. I tried the demo and didn't like it, but I ended up purchasing it when it was on sale, and it's pretty damn fun.

Monsieur Tirets

Well-known member
Nov 8, 2012
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Doom is pretty good mindless fun. I tried the demo and didn't like it, but I ended up purchasing it when it was on sale, and it's pretty damn fun.

Yea, it's not great, and isn't what I wanted for a doom reboot. but it's fun for what it is. And it has a hell of a soundtrack.


doom was okay enough for a run through.

fortnite still the only game im playing. im lvl 30 on season 5 now.. havent been playing as much as season 4 because my mic hasnt worked since duh season 5 update...and i like playing squads/duos to break up the solo runs.

i hit a long ass wall in me fortnite skill development but noticed i finally took another step a couple of weeks back towards becoming avg. in the process i just changed my keybindings a couple of days ago again n that shit is fucking with me after 100s of games on the other set up.. dis takes me back n reminds me of me cs development but its harder cause you gotta build n react to that.....

in the long run ill be better if i stick around n play more n build muscle memory with new bindings.. but wiff work pending, exercise commencing in the next few weeks, madden n family time to adjust fer work.. idk how much ill be able to play going forward.

another couple of months id be a solid avg playa.. ive only managed 3 wins in me time... but at least that shows 1 wasnt a fluke.. new keybindings will help me build faster and will reduced me miss/wrong key pushing.... itll help me challenge dat 1v1, 1v2/3 situation better and stop losing so much at the end game.. i tried to stick with what i initially set up with because it was becoming muskle memory... but its was still too slow and mis button hits from time to time when the pressure was be on........ 1v1, 1v1v1v1 build battles where i be struggle dah most... well and full on team building battles..... so still a way to go..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I started playing this early access game called They Are Billions... very much enjoying it.

A while back I was pondering if there were any RTS games entirely built around the concept of horde mode or endless mode, however you term it.

Basically just building and defending against waves/hordes of enemies that get harder and harder.

They Are Billions is basically what I was asking for.

Still in EA.... has no campaign mode, but the main survival game is working and was really what I wanted anyways.

It takes time to get the handle on it, and every survival game is a random map, so exactly how you build your colony and how well you survive is quite variable which can be challenging to downright frustrating because there are some basic resource needs and if you can't get stuff early in the game you won't even survive long enough to build a barracks to produce more troops.

When the infected attack and "destroy"(disable really) one of your buildings they gain infected that join them based on how many workers the building required.... and if they get to your colony tents/houses they quickly convert everyone housed inside, so if they get near a house it is usually game over in the early game.

If you like horde mode stuff like the mods in Starcraft, I highly recommend this one.

Unannounced Fart

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Aug 24, 2012
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Southern California
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  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Southern California Trojans
Madden 19 is available today for PC and XB1, but only if you have Origin Access. I think it will be out for everyone else in one week. After staying away for a few years, I think I'll get it for PC.


Madden 19 is available today for PC and XB1, but only if you have Origin Access. I think it will be out for everyone else in one week. After staying away for a few years, I think I'll get it for PC.

i be signed up fer premier and i got that shit downloading as we spek.. file size is about 41 ish gb and on my slow ass interwebs speed n a house full streamin shit atm....ill be able to play it fully late late tonight aussie time or tomorrow.. but it is playable at 23% download.. not sure what modes are available at 23%.. probably just play now. but thats better than nothing..

ill probably will just do premier for a month or 2 n cancel.. aint gonna go all mut with work coming up.. so no need to own dah game.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I wish real independent gaming outlets would cover madden PC and not just the dumb shit madden channels


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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lol, I just looked at the polygon article and video

imma buy that shit as soon as its out. I'm such a fucking sucker.


lol, I just looked at the polygon article and video

imma buy that shit as soon as its out. I'm such a fucking sucker.

whatcha need or want to know... ive put in over 20 hrs head to head so far.. im kind of over that mode though.. idk.. i was burnt years ago on that scene n the time off hasnt helped.. i basically started with the bears for a few games and moved on to the 80 overall browns. Baker is actually nice...

i wanted that extra challenge of my playas not always being able to man up vs good teams with good users......... but i grew tired of playing the rams, pats, jax almost every game... i was just playing to play n have fun.. but playing try hards when you aint in that mindset gets old.. in the end i started trolling them n playing like a clown the last 3-4 games..

i think my highest rank i be got up to was #29.. ive dropped to around 49-50 after two days off from not playing h2h.......if i kept grinding n took it serious id probably be top 5-10 on pc all year..especially considering the early start........i did play the #1 ranked guy during me first few games with the bears.. well he was #1 at the time...i lost. mitch went pick 6 heavy with bs sailing passes....

to be honest, dat #1 dude wasnt that good... tightened up sticks skills, having a solid playbook with money plays and dude wouldn't of been shat.. i dont think i played anyone who i lost to n thought.... damn.. no way i could ever compete with that. hell if i took the OP jax D i probably would have won a couple more by default.....but i won games fairly easy with the browns too...perhaps all the best playas will stick to console.. idk..

speaking of the playbook afta a while i realized you can modify one and carry it into a h2h game.. that helped a lot, but i still dont have money plays or a developed scheme... but im probably done with h2h.. aint got that fire n passion..

while i is probably done with seriously playing h2h, i is about to get into franchise mode tonight and mess around with that to see whats up. probably mess with that heavy until my 2nd orientation/induction at work nexx week.

mut seems to have changed some things a little and there seems to be more challenges for people who don't want to pay to play right away. I noticed the auction block isnt heavily populated as compared to console years ago.. but since i didnt buy the game and am only going to play it via the premiere subscription.. im not going to invest the time playing mut this year...


here be a couple of tips bot.. not sure if they is in a tutorial or not cause i aint do any.. its def not in the controller menu....im not sure what year you last played.....

but when scrambling with the QB or anyone with the ball really... left trigger + right trigger + x (dive) will be a real qb slide. them qbs fumble too much diving..

hold left button + button of target will throw ball high .. dem deep high ball posts to wrs with ghodly hands n catch in traffic almost cheating

hold left trigger+ button of target will throw ball low... low cross/drags/slants etc + possession catch = almost mo spam.

playmaker is still there when passing. while in passing mode right stick will still redirect a target.

running be a different mechanic. in dis game. holding turbo aint the way... try doing a one cut with the left stick and as you press off that back foot tap right trigger.. should see a speed boost and grass being thrown in air. i even tap turbo in straight line situations.. i dont hold turbo..

while you be got your jukes/truck with the right stick and dive, jump, stff arm n spin on those buttons. dont fergut to hold Left trigger for different modified versions. fer example instead of juss a left juke with the left stick.. you get a left jump cut with left trigger + left stick.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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I was in the top tier of madden players in madden 08 on PC in real online leagues with full seasons and drafts with custom classes and trades and all that shit. It will take time, but I will learn all the substitutions and adjustments and audibles and hot routes and manual coverage swaps and shit and get good again. Not worried about that.

Most of being good in madden is about anticipating your opponent and being able to set up D to stop it. You gotta be fast with all the adjustments, so that will take time.

Just wanted to hear that they fixed player progression and have custom draft classes.
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CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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whatcha need or want to know... ive put in over 20 hrs head to head so far.. im kind of over that mode though.. idk.. i was burnt years ago on that scene n the time off hasnt helped.. i basically started with the bears for a few games and moved on to the 80 overall browns. Baker is actually nice...

i wanted that extra challenge of my playas not always being able to man up vs good teams with good users......... but i grew tired of playing the rams, pats, jax almost every game... i was just playing to play n have fun.. but playing try hards when you aint in that mindset gets old.. in the end i started trolling them n playing like a clown the last 3-4 games..

i think my highest rank i be got up to was #29.. ive dropped to around 49-50 after two days off from not playing h2h.......if i kept grinding n took it serious id probably be top 5-10 on pc all year..especially considering the early start........i did play the #1 ranked guy during me first few games with the bears.. well he was #1 at the time...i lost. mitch went pick 6 heavy with bs sailing passes....

to be honest, dat #1 dude wasnt that good... tightened up sticks skills, having a solid playbook with money plays and dude wouldn't of been shat.. i dont think i played anyone who i lost to n thought.... damn.. no way i could ever compete with that. hell if i took the OP jax D i probably would have won a couple more by default.....but i won games fairly easy with the browns too...perhaps all the best playas will stick to console.. idk..

speaking of the playbook afta a while i realized you can modify one and carry it into a h2h game.. that helped a lot, but i still dont have money plays or a developed scheme... but im probably done with h2h.. aint got that fire n passion..

while i is probably done with seriously playing h2h, i is about to get into franchise mode tonight and mess around with that to see whats up. probably mess with that heavy until my 2nd orientation/induction at work nexx week.

mut seems to have changed some things a little and there seems to be more challenges for people who don't want to pay to play right away. I noticed the auction block isnt heavily populated as compared to console years ago.. but since i didnt buy the game and am only going to play it via the premiere subscription.. im not going to invest the time playing mut this year...

Well, probably all the PC players are gon be in the same boat, coming back after a lot of years off or just not that serious about it. I would expect the competition to ramp up a lot as people learn the shit. Once I get my legs, we should play.

I always play the bears tho, even when they suck. Its so gratifying to whoop someones ass while they are playing some fotm team


I was in the top tier of madden players in madden 08 on PC in real online leagues with full seasons and drafts with custom classes and trades and all that shit. It will take time, but I will learn all the substitutions and adjustments and audibles and hot routes and manual coverage swaps and shit and get good again. Not worried about that.

Most of being good in madden is about anticipating your opponent and being able to set up D to stop it. You gotta be fast with all the adjustments, so that will take time.

Just wanted to hear that they fixed player progression and have custom draft classes.

you can adjust but it seems like playas dont respond the same and the process isnt smooth n quick.. i guess this is good and bad... substitutions dont work like they once did. theres no going into formations to make the specific subs you want, at least on pc.... i may need to dig deeper to confirm that.. as is, you have to do it through the depth chart and then while picking a play you can choose from a few different sub options..

bears are okay its just mitch... well mitch on the intermediate to deep stuff.. i had balls sailing bad even with set feet.. and against jax op defense and that secondary.. shiittt......that whole d is OP.......but mitch is money on the short stuff... jay was better... well jays deep ball accuracy was questionable at times but dat ball was deep as phuc n youd just go user that catch.. mitchs arm strength is about a 93.. good enough but nothing to be scared of with that deep cheese.. the supporting cast is decent enough imo.. i found myself using cohen more than howard... gabriel has that 94 speed to blow the top off on most cbs minus a few....... that oline gets no respekt.

madden 25 was my last big year on h2h.. i usually rolled with bears or buf when i got tired of my op advantage with a couple of other teams..... i never lost a single game with SF or SEA and those two OP defenses that year... basically all you had to do was play man 80% cause they could match any team, sprinkle in some zone to keep it honest and user a lil..... didnt even have to spam glitch sacks n shit..

madden 16 i just played mut..

didnt get to franchise last night.. maybe today but i might get back on fortnite.. fucks finally fixed my mic with their new update... that shit had been broken since season 5 started
