What Are You Playing Right Now? (Gaming Thread)


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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I enjoyed RDR2

Anyone looking forward to Infinite Wealth?


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A

Another early access survivor builder type game. Yeah im a sucker for them. Anywho graphically better than most early access games. Kind of like pokemon in a sense where you capture creatures. only played it for a bit but will probably put in more time than the last early access waterworld style game. not enough content in that other game to keep me coming back after exploiting it and getting all the top gear in like 10 hours.

6-7 mil copies of palworld sold in a week.. game is getting hate from jelly devs and nintendo fanbois.. lol..

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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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They Are Billions is hard, even if you've played it before.

Its like trying to ride a bike that took you 50 tries to ride without eating the handlebars with your face last time.


4th round grade on Trubisky
Dec 7, 2016
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Ok, not really a gamer anymore so I have to ask.

I finished the first Red Dead Redemption on my PS5 about a month ago. Downloaded RD2 and so far...it's terrible.

So slow getting on/off horses, skinning animals is a pain. I can't just walk over the weapons and inventory them, I have to pick them up? I have to clean my guns and horse?

It's like a group of super nerds got together to make this a real world. It's absolutely wretched. Waaaaay too many useless details. I wish I could get a refund.

Anyone else feel this way? Sure as shit hope GTA isn't going to be like this.

RDR2 is an interesting game to think about. It's one of my favorite games I've played and also flawed. So let's get the bad out of the way first;
the gameplay, which is hilarious to say about a game I think is great. The controls can be clunky and it just sometimes wouldn't do what I wanted. It would lockon to the wrong guy or try to jump over something I want. Though sometimes it resulted in hilarious results, horse goes crazy and you fly off into something that explodes.

For the boring stuff you don't have to do much of it if you don't want. You should clean your guns and horses but beyond a the tutorials and a few missions you don't have to do stuff like hunt and fish to get through the game.

For some people all the detail is a part of the enjoyment. There are people who that's how the play the game... spend 100s of hours hunting, crafting, and robbing places. I saw a thread in the rdr sub reddit and everybody was saying to go really slow and do everything. But you can ignore that there are 500 species of birds and you can hunt them to extinction.

I found RDR1 to be a more fun game to play.

Spoiler free: Play the game for the characters and story.

***********MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD***********

The story and the characters make rdr2 great.
The story is the story of Dutch's gang of outlaws and outlaws is the important key. Dutch says "We are not criminals we are outlaws." Which harkens back to the original definition of outlaw as someone who is outside the law. An outlaw was someone how was no longer under the protection of the law, completely on their own to survive.

Searching for a place they can be free from being oppressed by the powerful. That includes the power of the government, the power of the robber baron capitalist, and the power of civilized society. All this civilization and power hunts them eastward. They keep being forced to abandon the dream (I had a plan) of their utopia and get pushed further and further in the claws of what they are trying to escape. The problem ultimately is that there is nowhere to escape to. Civilization has come for the entire world.

The other part of the story is did Dutch go crazy or was he always a fraud. I thought about that after the end of the game. By the end of the game Dutch is kinda crazy but also just greedy. He really becomes just a criminal trying to get a lot of money. Near the end of the game I started taking things really slow and trying to do everything. I dreaded the end of the gang.

My favorite part of the game is the characters. Almost all the gang are interesting. They are all the sort of people who would exists on the edge of society, prostitutes and pickpockets, racial outcasts. They all find a family in Dutch's gang where the misfits all belong.

Micah is clearly just Arthur if he had none of his internal unique morality.

Arthur Morgan is the best video character I have ever played. He's a violent brute of man but he has loyalty and gains self awareness. By the end he realizes he lived a bad life but felt he couldn't do otherwise. "There’s a good man within you, Arthur, but he is wrestling with a giant. And the giant, wins, time and again".

The redemption is the redemption of Arthur.

RDR2 would make a great HBO miniseries. Get rid of some of the more absurd game things, nobody gets shot 8 times then drinks a tonic to be fine.

I wrote an entire essay.
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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"GameGPT please take RDR2 and output it the same but with less clunky controls"


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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RDR2 is an interesting game to think about. It's one of my favorite games I've played and also flawed. So let's get the bad out of the way first;
the gameplay, which is hilarious to say about a game I think is great. The controls can be clunky and it just sometimes wouldn't do what I wanted. It would lockon to the wrong guy or try to jump over something I want. Though sometimes it resulted in hilarious results, horse goes crazy and you fly off into something that explodes.

For the boring stuff you don't have to do much of it if you don't want. You should clean your guns and horses but beyond a the tutorials and a few missions you don't have to do stuff like hunt and fish to get through the game.

For some people all the detail is a part of the enjoyment. There are people who that's how the play the game... spend 100s of hours hunting, crafting, and robbing places. I saw a thread in the rdr sub reddit and everybody was saying to go really slow and do everything. But you can ignore that there are 500 species of birds and you can hunt them to extinction.

I found RDR1 to be a more fun game to play.

Spoiler free: Play the game for the characters and story.

***********MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD***********

The story and the characters make rdr2 great.
The story is the story of Dutch's gang of outlaws and outlaws is the important key. Dutch says "We are not criminals we are outlaws." Which harkens back to the original definition of outlaw as someone who is outside the law. An outlaw was someone how was no longer under the protection of the law, completely on their own to survive.

Searching for a place they can be free from being oppressed by the powerful. That includes the power of the government, the power of the robber baron capitalist, and the power of civilized society. All this civilization and power hunts them eastward. They keep being forced to abandon the dream (I had a plan) of their utopia and get pushed further and further in the claws of what they are trying to escape. The problem ultimately is that there is nowhere to escape to. Civilization has come for the entire world.

The other part of the story is did Dutch go crazy or was he always a fraud. I thought about that after the end of the game. By the end of the game Dutch is kinda crazy but also just greedy. He really becomes just a criminal trying to get a lot of money. Near the end of the game I started taking things really slow and trying to do everything. I dreaded the end of the gang.

My favorite part of the game is the characters. Almost all the gang are interesting. They are all the sort of people who would exists on the edge of society, prostitutes and pickpockets, racial outcasts. They all find a family in Dutch's gang where the misfits all belong.

Micah is clearly just Arthur if he had none of his internal unique morality.

Arthur Morgan is the best video character I have ever played. He's a violent brute of man but he has loyalty and gains self awareness. By the end he realizes he lived a bad life but felt he couldn't do otherwise. "There’s a good man within you, Arthur, but he is wrestling with a giant. And the giant, wins, time and again".

The redemption is the redemption of Arthur.

RDR2 would make a great HBO miniseries. Get rid of some of the more absurd game things, nobody gets shot 8 times then drinks a tonic to be fine.

I wrote an entire essay.
I read it, Bro. We appreciate ya.

I just hated the idea that my shots were missing more because I didn't pause to clean my gun.

I fear for GTA6.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A

Another early access survivor builder type game. Yeah im a sucker for them. Anywho graphically better than most early access games. Kind of like pokemon in a sense where you capture creatures. only played it for a bit but will probably put in more time than the last early access waterworld style game. not enough content in that other game to keep me coming back after exploiting it and getting all the top gear in like 10 hours.

6-7 mil copies of palworld sold in a week.. game is getting hate from jelly devs and nintendo fanbois.. lol..

Took me 11 and 1/2 hours to finish the tutorial. Got side tracked exploring/capturing pals/upgrading shit... oh and trafficking pals on da blackmarket for cold hard gold

Nice having pals do alot of the grind. Kind of like Kevin from Sons of the Forest but better. BUT they also stupid like kevin and wont always do what you want, even if they have that specific work attribute. However my food/farming, wood and stone is basically covered through automation. Its just that they get stupid when you have a work order on a bench with say 200 arrows. I end up having to always do that me self.. you have to hold a button down the entire time you are crafting at a station.. :/

They are helpful when me base is raided and will fight. Raids seem to get harder as I level up. Def need to level up me worker pals for better defense too.

Game is above average for early access.. Probably the best early access survival/builders Ive played when it first released. Interested in seeing if they continue developing this game. Since they made like 90-100 mil in a week .. they could always outsource or hire more peeps to continue on. Just suspicious of early access. Cause these same ppl also developed craftopia and at one point kind of abandoned it then picked it back up or delegated/outsourced the work to others.

RDR2 is an interesting game to think about. It's one of my favorite games I've played and also flawed. So let's get the bad out of the way first;
the gameplay, which is hilarious to say about a game I think is great. The controls can be clunky and it just sometimes wouldn't do what I wanted. It would lockon to the wrong guy or try to jump over something I want. Though sometimes it resulted in hilarious results, horse goes crazy and you fly off into something that explodes.

For the boring stuff you don't have to do much of it if you don't want. You should clean your guns and horses but beyond a the tutorials and a few missions you don't have to do stuff like hunt and fish to get through the game.

For some people all the detail is a part of the enjoyment. There are people who that's how the play the game... spend 100s of hours hunting, crafting, and robbing places. I saw a thread in the rdr sub reddit and everybody was saying to go really slow and do everything. But you can ignore that there are 500 species of birds and you can hunt them to extinction.

I found RDR1 to be a more fun game to play.

Spoiler free: Play the game for the characters and story.

***********MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD***********

The story and the characters make rdr2 great.
The story is the story of Dutch's gang of outlaws and outlaws is the important key. Dutch says "We are not criminals we are outlaws." Which harkens back to the original definition of outlaw as someone who is outside the law. An outlaw was someone how was no longer under the protection of the law, completely on their own to survive.

Searching for a place they can be free from being oppressed by the powerful. That includes the power of the government, the power of the robber baron capitalist, and the power of civilized society. All this civilization and power hunts them eastward. They keep being forced to abandon the dream (I had a plan) of their utopia and get pushed further and further in the claws of what they are trying to escape. The problem ultimately is that there is nowhere to escape to. Civilization has come for the entire world.

The other part of the story is did Dutch go crazy or was he always a fraud. I thought about that after the end of the game. By the end of the game Dutch is kinda crazy but also just greedy. He really becomes just a criminal trying to get a lot of money. Near the end of the game I started taking things really slow and trying to do everything. I dreaded the end of the gang.

My favorite part of the game is the characters. Almost all the gang are interesting. They are all the sort of people who would exists on the edge of society, prostitutes and pickpockets, racial outcasts. They all find a family in Dutch's gang where the misfits all belong.

Micah is clearly just Arthur if he had none of his internal unique morality.

Arthur Morgan is the best video character I have ever played. He's a violent brute of man but he has loyalty and gains self awareness. By the end he realizes he lived a bad life but felt he couldn't do otherwise. "There’s a good man within you, Arthur, but he is wrestling with a giant. And the giant, wins, time and again".

The redemption is the redemption of Arthur.

RDR2 would make a great HBO miniseries. Get rid of some of the more absurd game things, nobody gets shot 8 times then drinks a tonic to be fine.

I wrote an entire essay.

I enjoyed RDR2.. Thing is I barely remember the story. Thats the problem with 50-100 hour games with x amount of side quests and other shit to do. It pulls you out of the story line. Kind of like ghosts of tsushima. Im near the end but spent so much time exploring side questing it, i forgot the point and havent picked it up for months.

Good thing about RDR2 is that a lot of the sidequest shit has a story of its own. Which keeps them somewhat interesting.

First time I played GTA V i ended up with 100 hours not focused on the story and got bored. Got it for PC then basically just followed the story line for the majority of it and really enjoyed it.
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CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I am trying RDR2 again.

I have been on the prologue for nearly an hour....


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Palword, 20 hours in.

Its okay... but IDk.. fucking resource warehouse simulator. def a resource grind even with pals doing most of the work.finally unlocked the ability to have a second base.. had to set it up as a mining station for ore.. i think you can have 3 bases total. 1st base is in a bogus spot not for mass resources.. it basically just has a view... didnt know how much resources id need cause first game file.

Workbenches suck and take too long. i swear its like 2-3 minutes to make 5 bullets. There is a conveyor upgrade but mo resources needed. another endless resource gathering survivor.. did manage to capture humans in my sphere.. its rare maybe.... but they go for a lot on the black market..

this game makes you feel like a slave owner.. im sure a few of you JF haterz would love it. i think you can even eat your pals..

Worth the sales price imo.. got my moneys worth already and still lots of hours left solo and it has online play...


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I saw a video of some guys playing Palworld and it looks goofy but kinda fun.

Also on a RDR2 note I am starting to believe they designed the controls "clunky" to try to simulate how fucking heavy and often unwieldy the guns were of that era.

Compared to modern firearms, those ******* were heavy and not nearly as nimble to use.

Just obvious why you'd not want to simulate this in the controls... it makes them feel clunky lol.


CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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I saw a video of some guys playing Palworld and it looks goofy but kinda fun.

Also on a RDR2 note I am starting to believe they designed the controls "clunky" to try to simulate how fucking heavy and often unwieldy the guns were of that era.

Compared to modern firearms, those ******* were heavy and not nearly as nimble to use.

Just obvious why you'd not want to simulate this in the controls... it makes them feel clunky lol.
I am replaying rdr1 now that they released it for ps4-5 but all i have been doing so far in it is playing poker. The npcs talking shit still cracks me up


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I am replaying rdr1 now that they released it for ps4-5 but all i have been doing so far in it is playing poker. The npcs talking shit still cracks me up

What would you think of a poker/ambience simulator with little GPT bots for you to talk to while you play?

I feel like they could lift one of the good existing poker sims from an RDR or Far Cry and make a good haul.

It wouldn't be a 60$ title, but who tf cares.

If greedy one could charge a subscription for access to multiplayer.


CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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What would you think of a poker/ambience simulator with little GPT bots for you to talk to while you play?

I feel like they could lift one of the good existing poker sims from an RDR or Far Cry and make a good haul.

It wouldn't be a 60$ title, but who tf cares.

If greedy one could charge a subscription for access to multiplayer.
Heh yeah why not


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
I saw a video of some guys playing Palworld and it looks goofy but kinda fun.

Also on a RDR2 note I am starting to believe they designed the controls "clunky" to try to simulate how fucking heavy and often unwieldy the guns were of that era.

Compared to modern firearms, those ******* were heavy and not nearly as nimble to use.

Just obvious why you'd not want to simulate this in the controls... it makes them feel clunky lol.

It looks goofy and kiddie for sure.. but Its okay.. nearly 30 hours in now. upgrades and finding a specific pal (anubis) has made crafting a lot faster. I feel kind of burnt though.. 30 hours grinding in a week will do that i suppose.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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It looks goofy and kiddie for sure.. but Its okay.. nearly 30 hours in now. upgrades and finding a specific pal (anubis) has made crafting a lot faster. I feel kind of burnt though.. 30 hours grinding in a week will do that i suppose.

TBH you seem to burn yourself out on every new game you play.

I get it, I do much the same.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
TBH you seem to burn yourself out on every new game you play.

I get it, I do much the same.

Thats a fair observation and assessment. I think any repetitive gaming ova 20 hours done in a couple of days will do it.. i have a few games that im in the hundreds of hours territory, but those games are played in spurts (probably that 20-30 hour range) and ova years. i dont see how ppl have thousands of hours in some titles. guess if i keep grinding in a few of those games,, ill find out

idk if imma tap out on this for awhile or grind some more and focus on combat or something else. plenty of content for an early access still left.. unlike that last early access survival.

i did install the resident evil 4 remake the other day.. one of me fav games of all time.. or maybe i should finish ghosts of tsushima .. dunno its also been awhile since ive lived in a 4x.. maybe


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Thats a fair observation and assessment. I think any repetitive gaming ova 20 hours done in a couple of days will do it.. i have a few games that im in the hundreds of hours territory, but those games are played in spurts (probably that 20-30 hour range) and ova years. i dont see how ppl have thousands of hours in some titles. guess if i keep grinding in a few of those games,, ill find out

idk if imma tap out on this for awhile or grind some more and focus on combat or something else. plenty of content for an early access still left.. unlike that last early access survival.

i did install the resident evil 4 remake the other day.. one of me fav games of all time.. or maybe i should finish ghosts of tsushima .. dunno its also been awhile since ive lived in a 4x.. maybe

The same sickness that ratfucked Hollywood has done the same to video game production.

They think video games and movies are for women and girls mostly, and boys/men if they happen to enjoy the product.

The production of these things is baked with DEI nonsense, and the worst thing they do is crush their software engineers in to the dust.

You might get away with hiring out the VFX.

You might get away with hiring out the story writing and/or voice acting.

But you can't get away with ratfucking your software engineers with DEI and continuously throwing them under the bus.

Its been going on all over the place for 20 fucking years and it needs to stop.

Like fucking planes are crashing because of this nonsense.

Sorry /rant


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
The same sickness that ratfucked Hollywood has done the same to video game production.

They think video games and movies are for women and girls mostly, and boys/men if they happen to enjoy the product.

The production of these things is baked with DEI nonsense, and the worst thing they do is crush their software engineers in to the dust.

You might get away with hiring out the VFX.

You might get away with hiring out the story writing and/or voice acting.

But you can't get away with ratfucking your software engineers with DEI and continuously throwing them under the bus.

Its been going on all over the place for 20 fucking years and it needs to stop.

Like fucking planes are crashing because of this nonsense.

Sorry /rant

then make something good chief.. combine green hell, raft and 7d2d/minecraft minus the zombies.. use something else.. rip tlou fungus or something.

nearing 40 hours on palworld. there was an update yesterday or the day before.. it fixed worker issues and a few other things..auutomation seems to be working better for one.... you can collect 111 pals im @ around 90-95.. i keep killing legendary/pal bosses pals instead of collecting them or id be in the 100s.. they do respawn but i keep killing them before trapping them. have 2 or 3 tower bosses left i think.. still havent maxed level.. which is 50.. just hit lvl 45. nearing end game unless i wanna try to 100% pals, just build or maybe breed/consolidate pals mo betta.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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then make something good chief.. combine green hell, raft and 7d2d/minecraft minus the zombies.. use something else.. rip tlou fungus or something.

nearing 40 hours on palworld. there was an update yesterday or the day before.. it fixed worker issues and a few other things..auutomation seems to be working better for one.... you can collect 111 pals im @ around 90-95.. i keep killing legendary/pal bosses pals instead of collecting them or id be in the 100s.. they do respawn but i keep killing them before trapping them. have 2 or 3 tower bosses left i think.. still havent maxed level.. which is 50.. just hit lvl 45. nearing end game unless i wanna try to 100% pals, just build or maybe breed/consolidate pals mo betta.

Some day, for now I am buried in data implementations for work work.

I think I will give PalWorld some time to iron out and maybe try it on deal later in the year.

Seems fun to have the element of collecting the different types of pals, a little bit like the game Overlord has different minion types you get as you move through the game.

I haven't played Overlord in forever, but that one was underrated fun.
