What Are You Playing Right Now? (Gaming Thread)


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Sure you can, you're just going to die... a lot.

You're correct, I think maybe like you said I was thinking of needing level 10 items to bother with Challenging lol.

I still cannot play Hard, it won't allow it, not sure the requirement there.

Challenging missions with one or two higher level Helldivers tends to be fun.

One mission it was Medium with me and a level 40+ and he just rekt the bugs so badly I laid on top of a rock and practiced my marksman shooting if they got close to him lol.

Very fun game.

I am Ares in there if you see me :)


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Just realized the telephone card girls in Yakuza are legit Japanese pornstars.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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I am having drunk nostalgia memories of playing The Warriors (2005)

A Rockstar game based on the movie I've never watched.

Anyone else play that one?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Spread democracy

I dropped in on a level 6 (Extreme) Bot fight with 3 other dudes.

All 3 of those ******* bailed.

And it was one of those, hold position, kill X number of enemies, missions.

I found a rock and held out on it until I'd killed enough bots, then extracted alone.

Let me tell you, so much democracy was left when I flew away.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
I am having drunk nostalgia memories of playing The Warriors (2005)

A Rockstar game based on the movie I've never watched.

Anyone else play that one?

i had it when it first came out but sold that system without ever playing it.. any good?

i did buy bully on steam and will get around to it one day.

havent been playing games lately but finally picked up ghost of tsushima again. of course they about to drop it for pc.. anywho havent played it for so long i forgot what i was doing and how to play. do know i was attempting to 100% it, doubt i follow that path forward. regardless wanna finish that so i can replay the tlou so i can play tlou 2.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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i had it when it first came out but sold that system without ever playing it.. any good?

i did buy bully on steam and will get around to it one day.

havent been playing games lately but finally picked up ghost of tsushima again. of course they about to drop it for pc.. anywho havent played it for so long i forgot what i was doing and how to play. do know i was attempting to 100% it, doubt i follow that path forward. regardless wanna finish that so i can replay the tlou so i can play tlou 2.

When I played it, I remember it being really fun.

I think it was kinda like Bully, but obviously built to tell the movie story while Bully was more open-world-ish.

Tempted to replay Warriors and try Bully, it supposedly holds up.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
When I played it, I remember it being really fun.

I think it was kinda like Bully, but obviously built to tell the movie story while Bully was more open-world-ish.

Tempted to replay Warriors and try Bully, it supposedly holds up.

i had warriors for ps2 i think or my first xbox 360 and sold both. never bought warriors again even when i bought another 360. did see it cheap for the ps2 today. while i dont have a ps2 anymore me next project is turning my bogus retro/emulation rig into a proper one.. well the reused rig that just has a sus chinese drive full of games and emulators.

been lazily looking for an x79 itx frankenstein compatible with me 2011V3 xeons in china since getting said sus drive... cant find anything.. didnt look too hard though was just looking at dirt cheap.. anywho fell into some asrock itx and i7 -7700T dirt cheap not supported for win 11 deal recently..i like that the t version is only 35 watts... so gonna build a proper rig wiff da optical drive in 2024.. so i can just game from disks like that ps2 warriors. plus got tons of old pc games on disk still.. closet full.. probably replace the gtx 1070 with something else low power too.. the solar friendly emulation station..

wont play from china drive either but will rip the games i want..

time to finally retire me p2p king xeon build..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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i had warriors for ps2 i think or my first xbox 360 and sold both. never bought warriors again even when i bought another 360. did see it cheap for the ps2 today. while i dont have a ps2 anymore me next project is turning my bogus retro/emulation rig into a proper one.. well the reused rig that just has a sus chinese drive full of games and emulators.

been lazily looking for an x79 itx frankenstein compatible with me 2011V3 xeons in china since getting said sus drive... cant find anything.. didnt look too hard though was just looking at dirt cheap.. anywho fell into some asrock itx and i7 -7700T dirt cheap not supported for win 11 deal recently..i like that the t version is only 35 watts... so gonna build a proper rig wiff da optical drive in 2024.. so i can just game from disks like that ps2 warriors. plus got tons of old pc games on disk still.. closet full.. probably replace the gtx 1070 with something else low power too.. the solar friendly emulation station..

wont play from china drive either but will rip the games i want..

time to finally retire me p2p king xeon build..

I wonder if we could ever reach a point where Microsoft and PlayStation and Nintento (and anyone else) would be okay with a deal on retro gaming machines.

Like say I could build something that reasonably emulated all legacy game systems up to PS3 and Xbox 360.

It can allow you plugins and some accessories for purchase which allow you to use a real controller or joystick.

There is a point in patent law where even Mickey Mouse becomes public domain, so I have to wonder if we'd hit that point with gaming in some form.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
I wonder if we could ever reach a point where Microsoft and PlayStation and Nintento (and anyone else) would be okay with a deal on retro gaming machines.

Like say I could build something that reasonably emulated all legacy game systems up to PS3 and Xbox 360.

It can allow you plugins and some accessories for purchase which allow you to use a real controller or joystick.

There is a point in patent law where even Mickey Mouse becomes public domain, so I have to wonder if we'd hit that point with gaming in some form.

ps3 and xbox 360 is the level id want to emulate up to console wise. then i got all my old classic pc disk based games starcraft/warcraft etc. newer shit will stay on my main rig.

i know you can do a xbox 360 dump and run those games with xenia.. i looked over the documentation real quick, itll be a small learning curve but simple enough. I have tons of 360 games on disc so dumping certain ones to an external from the 360 to pc seems easy enough. its good timing. last time i setup the 360 for the youngin the psu was going out on it.

I may struggle with ps3 going from the older xeon to the newer but old i7 - lesser cores. forget which emulator it was but it likes more cores for the ps3. the xeon runs the few ps3 games thats on that sus china drive. may depend on the game, but more core seems to be the recommend for ps3 emulation... ps1/ps2 you can play via the disc on an optical drive with certain emulators. to do a ps3 dump it requires specific blu ray approved drives. i can find a used dirt cheap ps3 with games for the price of a new blu ray drive.. got plenty of old dvd drives laying around so meh on adding a blu ray unless i happen to find one for free.. if i collected blu ray movies id invest in one but dont even use the ps4 or xbox 1 for blu ray.

wont add a emulation build via torrent or anything premade, but will install me own emulators and me own 100k+ roms i already own and tie it all together with something like launchbox.

got all da classic nes/snes/64 roms/famicom etc etc and have some nin cube and wii roms already.. but i also own an actual wii, wii u and switch so unless i want to build out random romss from the wild.. theres no point.. but being its an emulation station will add at least the cube.. not sure how the wii motes emulate.

want a specific open frame itx from da china.. havent even order it yet. they gotz it on amazon for like 58 ish but its like 12 dolla in the china. $14 for front side usb option... can hide drives on the back side, but i may also want to make me own handmade itx case to be more user specific... dunno.. im in no rush, eta at least finish it by xmas 24.. or start it....



4th round grade on Trubisky
Dec 7, 2016
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My ps3 still works. Used it last year to finally finish dark souls 2


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Currently downloading Road Redemption. Was 8 bucks on psn the other day. I had the itch to play a game like Road Rash and decided to gamble the 8 bucks.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Currently downloading Road Redemption. Was 8 bucks on psn the other day. I had the itch to play a game like Road Rash and decided to gamble the 8 bucks.

I always loved Road Rash and any similar game where you could race and have limited combat.

There was one on SEGA where you raced on roller skates holding on to the back of cars in traffic lol.

We need modern versions of many of these great game ideas that feel like they were abandoned when Mario Kart came out.

I loved Mario Kart, but we need other stuff.

Just like once upon a time I loved Call of Duty or Madden or anything else where they sucked the creativity out of the market.

PROTIP: If you play Road Rash 64 (N64) there was an option if you got hold of a weapon, to jam it into a competitor's wheel and crash them immediately, but you'd lose the weapon.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
finally beat ghost of tsushima. side missions nearly killed the game for me.. its not the missions themselves, but what side shit tends to do to me if there are a lot of quests.. pulls me out the story n i get bored of taking peoples supplies as they starve.... n chasing upgrades.. me legend maxed as act 2 ended.

once i came back and just went through the story for the majority of da time, the game got better. so they want me to play it again afta beating it.. yeah, nah. shit took me 70+ hours.. nearly 100% it.

i was fine with slaying 1000s and watching all the bodies laying about etc but

they killed me fucking horse. i still dont know if my horses name was soda or not, but its not the point.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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finally beat ghost of tsushima. side missions nearly killed the game for me.. its not the missions themselves, but what side shit tends to do to me if there are a lot of quests.. pulls me out the story n i get bored of taking peoples supplies as they starve.... n chasing upgrades.. me legend maxed as act 2 ended.

once i came back and just went through the story for the majority of da time, the game got better. so they want me to play it again afta beating it.. yeah, nah. shit took me 70+ hours.. nearly 100% it.

i was fine with slaying 1000s and watching all the bodies laying about etc but

they killed me fucking horse. i still dont know if my horses name was soda or not, but its not the point.

Yeah the game is good, but too much of the same repetitive bs side quest stuff. Here, use your special vision to track this, etc.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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Yeah the game is good, but too much of the same repetitive bs side quest stuff. Here, use your special vision to track this, etc.

Sounds like Greedfall.

When I played that game, during the first boss fight I thought "Wow they made something cool"

The remaining gameplay felt like copy/paste side quests, even the main quests were just fetch quests.


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
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Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Started replaying the last of us again. I remember why i thought it was overrated. Dumb AI.. NPC triggering mushroom attacks, getting stuck in me path etc. ammo carry limit... let me save what i wants... I could have swore there wasnt any ammo drops from me victims in this game at all but while rare, bodies actually drop a little ammo from time to time. I originally played it on PS3 and swore there were zero drops and it annoyed me.. also like hey tommy just shot a soldier in his head grab that ar... but nah..

anywho.... havent played it since 2013 and for whatever reasons i was mixing the show with me memory of the game, expecting things that just arent..

Yeah the game is good, but too much of the same repetitive bs side quest stuff. Here, use your special vision to track this, etc.

i wonder how much you can stick to the story and still beat it fairly easy.. game was too easy on whatever level i was playing it on.. i think hard.. should have went lethal.. but if you have rocksteady batmaned before.. the timing aint hard to learn.. wonder how far can one upgrade their sword and a few abilities just playing the story? i know im not gonna go find out..

Sounds like Greedfall.

When I played that game, during the first boss fight I thought "Wow they made something cool"

The remaining gameplay felt like copy/paste side quests, even the main quests were just fetch quests.

ghosts main story is worth playing.. idk bout getting sidetracked and doing every side mission etc. side shit is fun enough at first until the tisms kick in and you trying to collect them all..


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 21, 2012
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ghosts main story is worth playing.. idk bout getting sidetracked and doing every side mission etc. side shit is fun enough at first until the tisms kick in and you trying to collect them all..

Yep worth playing the main quest line, but the rest is rather lifeless.

Worth it on a deal.
