I wonder if we could ever reach a point where Microsoft and PlayStation and Nintento (and anyone else) would be okay with a deal on retro gaming machines.
Like say I could build something that reasonably emulated all legacy game systems up to PS3 and Xbox 360.
It can allow you plugins and some accessories for purchase which allow you to use a real controller or joystick.
There is a point in patent law where even Mickey Mouse becomes public domain, so I have to wonder if we'd hit that point with gaming in some form.
ps3 and xbox 360 is the level id want to emulate up to console wise. then i got all my old classic pc disk based games starcraft/warcraft etc. newer shit will stay on my main rig.
i know you can do a xbox 360 dump and run those games with xenia.. i looked over the documentation real quick, itll be a small learning curve but simple enough. I have tons of 360 games on disc so dumping certain ones to an external from the 360 to pc seems easy enough. its good timing. last time i setup the 360 for the youngin the psu was going out on it.
I may struggle with ps3 going from the older xeon to the newer but old i7 - lesser cores. forget which emulator it was but it likes more cores for the ps3. the xeon runs the few ps3 games thats on that sus china drive. may depend on the game, but more core seems to be the recommend for ps3 emulation... ps1/ps2 you can play via the disc on an optical drive with certain emulators. to do a ps3 dump it requires specific blu ray approved drives. i can find a used dirt cheap ps3 with games for the price of a new blu ray drive.. got plenty of old dvd drives laying around so meh on adding a blu ray unless i happen to find one for free.. if i collected blu ray movies id invest in one but dont even use the ps4 or xbox 1 for blu ray.
wont add a emulation build via torrent or anything premade, but will install me own emulators and me own 100k+ roms i already own and tie it all together with something like launchbox.
got all da classic nes/snes/64 roms/famicom etc etc and have some nin cube and wii roms already.. but i also own an actual wii, wii u and switch so unless i want to build out random romss from the wild.. theres no point.. but being its an emulation station will add at least the cube.. not sure how the wii motes emulate.
want a specific open frame itx from da china.. havent even order it yet. they gotz it on amazon for like 58 ish but its like 12 dolla in the china. $14 for front side usb option... can hide drives on the back side, but i may also want to make me own handmade itx case to be more user specific... dunno.. im in no rush, eta at least finish it by xmas 24.. or start it....