What is a "Mitch Homer"?

What camp are you in?

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This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I started the year in 3.
I will likely finish the year in 3 and then drop to 2.

There is zero reason in the world to start looking elsewhere till the end of the season.... The only thing you could hope to bring in at this point is a re-tread with just as many warts.
At least with mitch, he might have a growth spurt.

It is an interesting situation to be in- In the grossman/cutler days I was full on ready to see the backups in just to give em a look. Those 2 would lose a game all by themselves. I knew what they were and they were never going to change.

This time around, Mitch isnt really losing the game singlehandedly... He just rarely provides a boost when needed.

That being the case, I have zero issue with giving him the entire year and making a well informed choice at the end of the season.

Spunky Porkstacker

CCS Donator
Jun 6, 2010
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NW Burbs
Is a #5 needed for those that think/or know Mole Eye's development will be similar to the HOF QB Drew Brees and will take more than 3 or 4 years?

cubby chubby

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2016
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Uhhhh if scoring 50 TDs and winning league MVP in your first starting season isn’t proving that you’re a elite talent, idk what is. Mahomes so far has 10 TDS no picks and 1200 yards passing. He’s proven himself.

Bears fans man... Mitch throws one good pass in a winning game and people ride his jock thinking he gets it done when it matters but a guy who’s 100 times the player he is wins MVP but not a ring and somehow he’s unproven.

Mitch has played more games than both of them and doesn’t look like he has a future in the NFL. Mahomes is a generational talent and well on his way to the HOF. And if you watched Watson week 1, you know the kid has it. It’s a matter of if the Texans get him killed or not.
Uhhhh if scoring 50 TDs and winning league MVP in your first starting season isn’t proving that you’re a elite talent, idk what is. Mahomes so far has 10 TDS no picks and 1200 yards passing. He’s proven himself.

Bears fans man... Mitch throws one good pass in a winning game and people ride his jock thinking he gets it done when it matters but a guy who’s 100 times the player he is wins MVP but not a ring and somehow he’s unproven.

Mitch has played more games than both of them and doesn’t look like he has a future in the NFL. Mahomes is a generational talent and well on his way to the HOF. And if you watched Watson week 1, you know the kid has it. It’s a matter of if the Texans get him killed or not.

Hey Punkin, let's chat at the end of the season. Long list of "generational talent" QB's with no rings. Do I wish the Bears drafted Mahomes or Watson? Well, duh. Having sad that, they don't play for the Bears. So you might just want to go to their respective fan forums, pants around your ankles, and do your thang.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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Given how some homers are with a currently shitty QB, I can only imagine how they would be with a QB that threw for 50 TDs.

Some of you guys would probably be offering your wives and daughters to Mahommes if he started with 10 TDs and 1200 yards in 3 games, lol.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Hey Punkin, let's chat at the end of the season. Long list of "generational talent" QB's with no rings. Do I wish the Bears drafted Mahomes or Watson? Well, duh. Having sad that, they don't play for the Bears. So you might just want to go to their respective fan forums, pants around your ankles, and do your thang.
You're irrationally upset. I love these types of comments where i'm objective and complimentary about non-Bears players and get told to "Go to their forums". Grow a pair of balls. You can love a sport as violent as football but cant handle a post on a message board.

We don't need to chat at the end of the season. Your post was wrong. It was wrong when you posted it and it will be wrong at the end of the season. But feel free to seek me out when Mahomes once again has one of the best seasons of all time. But hey, he didn't win a championship yet so i guess they're all the same, right? FOH. Not all generational talents win rings. People talk about Dan Marino all the time with high praise. They don't even mention the long line of bums the Bears have thrown out there. Give me the better QB PERIOD!


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Is a #5 needed for those that think/or know Mole Eye's development will be similar to the HOF QB Drew Brees and will take more than 3 or 4 years?

Apparently this is his last year of college to make up for lack of experience, then there's three actual nfl seasons that don't count, and only then can you say he isn't Drew Brees.

So basically his 7th year.

cubby chubby

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2016
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You're irrationally upset. I love these types of comments where i'm objective and complimentary about non-Bears players and get told to "Go to their forums". Grow a pair of balls. You can love a sport as violent as football but cant handle a post on a message board.

We don't need to chat at the end of the season. Your post was wrong. It was wrong when you posted it and it will be wrong at the end of the season. But feel free to seek me out when Mahomes once again has one of the best seasons of all time. But hey, he didn't win a championship yet so i guess they're all the same, right? FOH. Not all generational talents win rings. People talk about Dan Marino all the time with high praise. They don't even mention the long line of bums the Bears have thrown out there. Give me the better QB PERIOD!

You do have a point. You can be a great QB and still have no rings. Personally, as a Bears fan, I'd rather have a slightly dimwitted QB who somehow manages to get some rings as part of a great team than a generational talent QB with no rings. As that being my measuring stick to date, Mahomes = Watson = DSM. To me its about team, but I guess I'm funny that way.


I don't have a party
Aug 31, 2014
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Socialist Republic of California
My favorite teams
  1. Chicago Cubs
  1. Chicago Bears
  1. Chicago Blackhawks
Hey Punkin, let's chat at the end of the season. Long list of "generational talent" QB's with no rings. Do I wish the Bears drafted Mahomes or Watson? Well, duh. Having sad that, they don't play for the Bears. So you might just want to go to their respective fan forums, pants around your ankles, and do your thang.
He did this same shit on Scout 4 years ago but it was Rogers he was fondling.
You're irrationally upset. I love these types of comments where i'm objective and complimentary about non-Bears players and get told to "Go to their forums". Grow a pair of balls. You can love a sport as violent as football but cant handle a post on a message board.

We don't need to chat at the end of the season. Your post was wrong. It was wrong when you posted it and it will be wrong at the end of the season. But feel free to seek me out when Mahomes once again has one of the best seasons of all time. But hey, he didn't win a championship yet so i guess they're all the same, right? FOH. Not all generational talents win rings. People talk about Dan Marino all the time with high praise. They don't even mention the long line of bums the Bears have thrown out there. Give me the better QB PERIOD!

Why....Four years ago you were told to "go to their forum" and it is exactly what you did. But then it was Rodgers that had you all wet. Did the Frozen Tundra finally ban you too?

You are a fucking troll and this is what you do. Try to rile people up. Have fun.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Do you even know what you’re talking about anymore?

I don’t think so.


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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He did this same shit on Scout 4 years ago but it was Rogers he was fondling.
Fondling aka giving credit and praise to.

Why....Four years ago you were told to "go to their forum" and it is exactly what you did. But then it was Rodgers that had you all wet. Did the Frozen Tundra finally ban you too? I'm glad you mentioned that because i was thinking about you when i wrote that and i absolutely knew you would show up to give your 2 cents and by 2 cents i mean cry about the same shit you've been crying about for 6 years. On scout i only became what you and many others made me. Me, a die hard Bears fan who's dumb enough to actually get a Bears tattoo on his back, being called a Packer fan because i appreciated greatness. So you know what i did? I ate the bait and molded into the troll you all wanted me to be until it got me banned. and you are predictable enough that i knew if i went to the Packers board, you would be there lurking because at the end of the day, you care more about peoples opinions than you ever will in quality football conversation. How is Bear Report btw? Oh a dead board because you bozos turned it into a little circle jerk of the same dozen posters agreeing with each other? and no, i'm not banned from Frozen Tundra. Just the Bears, Lions, Vikings and Browns boards.

You are a fucking troll and this is what you do. Try to rile people up. Have fun. Like i said the other night, of the two of us, which one is constantly insulting the other? I've tried to be friendly with you but you're hell bent on labeling me some kind of Bear hating devil. Honestly i'm really trying not to be insulting but how pathetic are you? Holding onto years old message board grudges. Telling people to go away because you don't agree with their football opinions. You said something along the lines of i ruined your life for years? What a shitty existence, sort of like Chicago Bear offense. Keep calling me a troll and that i'm trying to rile people up but you keep showing that's more of your thing, not mine. Again, DM me and we can talk. and you still wont say who you were on BR. Imagine being this scared of someone online lol. So soft. You're like the Chilo Rachal of Bears message board posters hahahahahaha

EDIT: I forgot to mention, i see you posting in the 420 thread a lot. Idk if you practice what you preach but you probably should. Smoke up, miserable old man. No reason you should be this high strung over message board banter.
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Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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You might be one of those people who supports orange people but certainly not orange and blue people.
Your true colors bleed, like your vag.
Is this truths burner account? I do find it odd that you guys act the same and both have a habit of telling people to go to other boards because of their praise for an opposing teams player.

Now im assuming you're referring to Trump, correct? If so, you couldn't be more wrong. What i find funny is that you're the one telling someone to go somewhere else because of a difference of opinion, similar behavior to Trump and MAGAt nation with people of color. I have a vagina, yet you're the one who started to get personal. yep, you must be truths burner account.

How about you stop being a toddler and we go back to the original point at hand. You said none of them have proven anything. I dare you to find me a reputable NFL talking head that will agree with you that Mahomes hasn't proven anything. I dare you.


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2010
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Camp 1 exists only in the irrational and paranoid imaginations of Mitch homers.

I'm in camp 2.

I think those in camp 3 are kidding themselves. He sucks. Time to accept it.
I am in camp 3 and willing to see what he does this season (do we really have a choice with Chase as our great backup?). I accept no excuses for him this year. He either swims or sinks this year.

cubby chubby

Well-known member
Apr 20, 2016
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Is this truths burner account? I do find it odd that you guys act the same and both have a habit of telling people to go to other boards because of their praise for an opposing teams player.

Now im assuming you're referring to Trump, correct? If so, you couldn't be more wrong. What i find funny is that you're the one telling someone to go somewhere else because of a difference of opinion, similar behavior to Trump and MAGAt nation with people of color. I have a vagina, yet you're the one who started to get personal. yep, you must be truths burner account.

How about you stop being a toddler and we go back to the original point at hand. You said none of them have proven anything. I dare you to find me a reputable NFL talking head that will agree with you that Mahomes hasn't proven anything. I dare you.
I’m not here to validate your existence. If you somehow like the Bears, we can be brothers. But your behavior indicates an over-inflated propensity towards individuals who are not a part of the team you supposedly support, versus the inclusion of the cumulate effort of the team that you supposedly are a supportive member. Long winded way to say you’re a troll but to each his own. That said, good luck with that orange fella who you seem clearly to have as your spirit animal.