

New member
Jul 12, 2010
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Kerfluffle there are serial killers who havent gotten the death penatly, yet you want some poor kid, to die, for what he really probably had no idea what the ramifications were. Its not like a murder killing someone knowing he could be conivcted for life imprisonment. he probably in his dumbass mind thought he was being a whistle blower but then he found out nobody cares about blowing people up in the desert. I really think death or life imprisonment is a little harsh. If he was your child you would have a completely different opinion on the gravity of this crime.

I think im going to leak my army training manual to wikileaks. Should I be sentenced to death for that? I mean it teaches you things like acronyms, how to clean an m-16, military rank and all sorts of top secret things the terrorists can use against us!

Poor kid? He's an adult, 23 years old and knows what he did. He betrayed our country, it was treasonous what he did. The ramifications of which may mean the death of other Americans. If that happens he should face the death penalty. He sent them hundreds of thousands of documents. And you are right if it was my kid I'd feel differently. But he's not and I'm a ticked off American that wants to see justice served here.


What about all the other ticked off kids in 3rd world countries that see the US presence. They want you dead.

Funny how that works.


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Jul 12, 2010
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What about all the other ticked off kids in 3rd world countries that see the US presence. They want you dead.

Funny how that works.

You can't justify what this 23 year old ADULT did by using examples of the US being present in other countries. He revealed information to Wikileaks and the world that was not his to disclose. Supposedly Assange has a doomsday package of even worse stuff to come. This is not good. Have some American pride people.


You can't justify what this 23 year old ADULT did by using examples of the US being present in other countries. He revealed information to Wikileaks and the world that was not his to disclose. Supposedly Assange has a doomsday package of even worse stuff to come. This is not good. Have some American pride people.

Well it appears there is not much the US can do about it. Especially not without looking like the GIANT ASS we already look like. If you think dismissing this one person is going to stop the leakage I have some rather stunning news for you.

While I don't agree what he did was right, they have little recourse to him. Again if you think what he did is any different from what the CIA has been doing for decades I want to live in your little closed world.

As for my comparison above you call that "terrorism" while they call it Justice. Who's right? You because your an American? Or them because your country sticks it's nose in EVERY PLACE in the World it doesn't belong.

Hell we killed a very bad man or had him killed in Iraq, with absolutely NO fucking justification. Why because the US plays God all over the World. And some wonder why there are people trying to kill us.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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My whole view on this is I didnt learn anything I didnt already suspect as was the case.

I didnt think anything in these released documents was anywhere near the revelation wikileaks made them out to be.

As far as wikileaks is concerned I dont care if they continue to exist, get tighter security, if they can get this shit any other world government can. So who gives a crap.

Yea I agree that there is not much that I have read that have been a major revelation. Just need to pay attention to world events to see that most of what has been released is not too much of a surprise to me.

What I do not agree with is any names being released, particularity with those in more dangerous jobs. Not only does it put that person in danger, that danger can extend to their families.

I just wonder if it is the fear\anticipation of what information that has not been released that is getting people worked up on both sides of the fence. Conversely I wonder if he is just bluffing by playing off of the fear\anticipation as well.

In any case it was pretty brazen to steal and post the information, as I am sure that 15 minutes of fame really will end up not worth it.


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Jul 24, 2010
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American pride in covering up the crimes of the elite?

Let me ask you something Fluff, when do you think we would hear about the Afghan "Dancing Boys" (as dressed up as "child sex ring" can possibly get courtesy of the mainstream media)? When was that going to be disclosed? I'm guessing....never. I don't really know what Assange's deal is, there are a ton of whistleblowers out there on just as many controversial topics, and they are easily silenced through court orders or in other ways, so either he's the real deal or he's being made into something that people, easily gullible people as it seems with Kerfuffle, can be whipped up into a fury about, demand a solution so that something like this never happens again and they get some solution, one they probably didn't bargain for. It's the same layout : Problem-Reaction-Solution. It's been used for years, it's nothing new.


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May 14, 2010
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I would be interested in knowing what exactly they could get a conviction for?


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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American pride in covering up the crimes of the elite?

Let me ask you something Fluff, when do you think we would hear about the Afghan "Dancing Boys" (as dressed up as "child sex ring" can possibly get courtesy of the mainstream media)? When was that going to be disclosed? I'm guessing....never. I don't really know what Assange's deal is, there are a ton of whistleblowers out there on just as many controversial topics, and they are easily silenced through court orders or in other ways, so either he's the real deal or he's being made into something that people, easily gullible people as it seems with Kerfuffle, can be whipped up into a fury about, demand a solution so that something like this never happens again and they get some solution, one they probably didn't bargain for. It's the same layout : Problem-Reaction-Solution. It's been used for years, it's nothing new.

Perhaps Assange is the "inside job" to begin to close the book on that other "inside job" that happened some September some years ago...


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May 15, 2010
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yer ma's pants
Poor kid? He's an adult, 23 years old and knows what he did. He betrayed our country, it was treasonous what he did. The ramifications of which may mean the death of other Americans. If that happens he should face the death penalty. He sent them hundreds of thousands of documents. And you are right if it was my kid I'd feel differently. But he's not and I'm a ticked off American that wants to see justice served here.

He isn't an American citizen, so it can't be treason.


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Jul 24, 2010
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Perhaps Assange is the "inside job" to begin to close the book on that other "inside job" that happened some September some years ago...

Honestly, who knows at this point. I sure as hell don't. Everything is up for grabs. I know I can't rule it out.


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Jul 12, 2010
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Well it appears there is not much the US can do about it. Especially not without looking like the GIANT ASS we already look like. If you think dismissing this one person is going to stop the leakage I have some rather stunning news for you.

While I don't agree what he did was right, they have little recourse to him. Again if you think what he did is any different from what the CIA has been doing for decades I want to live in your little closed world.

As for my comparison above you call that "terrorism" while they call it Justice. Who's right? You because your an American? Or them because your country sticks it's nose in EVERY PLACE in the World it doesn't belong.

Hell we killed a very bad man or had him killed in Iraq, with absolutely NO fucking justification. Why because the US plays God all over the World. And some wonder why there are people trying to kill us.

Of course this won't stop the leaks and there will be other Wikileaks created. But taking out Assange and that little traitor will certainly send a message to any others out there that want to try it. An example needs to be made here. We can't just have our military wily-nily sending out classified documents when they want.

What the CIA does is covert and classified - if it serves American interests I have no problem with it. I have never seen the CIA share hundreds of thousands of documents and videos with the outside world.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
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Of course this won't stop the leaks and there will be other Wikileaks created. But taking out Assange and that little traitor will certainly send a message to any others out there that want to try it. An example needs to be made here. We can't just have our military wily-nily sending out classified documents when they want.

What the CIA does is covert and classified - if it serves American interests I have no problem with it. I have never seen the CIA share hundreds of thousands of documents and videos with the outside world.

You realize that if they "take him out", he releases everything immediately? Either way it looks like he wins. And the CIA, dude, if you look up the history of the CIA, it's tough to say what fucking side they actually serve, if any.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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So the overall impression I get is that most of you responding in here support Wikileaks and those involved?


You trust a nut job who wishes the U.S.A ill will to be completely honest in releasing classified information?

How do you know what they choose to release? In other words you support his ability to create his own confidential

material and release what he sees fit?

Knowing that Micheal Moore donated $20,000 to his release spoke volumes to me.


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May 15, 2010
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Middle of nowhere AL
Julian Assange is Australian, the Kid in the Army (just because he is 23 does not make him mature fluff) is American. When he was cleared to handle the material he handled, he was sworn into, and signed a document saying he would not do what he did, for that right there he will get a long prison sentence. HE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE EXECUTED. Fluff, I am a 20 year vet, that has/had a clearance well above what that little dumbass had. Want to argue with me about this???? Pretty cool to sit there and spout your Patriotism, never having served a day in your fucking life.

When it comes to our govt, yeah, there needs to be some transparency, when it comes to the military, not so much, when we are actually doing our jobs. What the CIA and the rest of the Intel/Spy services (Mossad, what ever the Brit secret service calls them selves now, etc) those guys have abused their authority for's just catching up to them.

No IHF, I am not for wikileaks or anything like that....the cause more danger than good.


So the overall impression I get is that most of you responding in here support Wikileaks and those involved?


You trust a nut job who wishes the U.S.A ill will to be completely honest in releasing classified information?

How do you know what they choose to release? In other words you support his ability to create his own confidential

material and release what he sees fit?

Knowing that Micheal Moore donated $20,000 to his release spoke volumes to me.

I don't think many support him. But on the same hand when do we stop playing God?

Find out who leaked the information would be the better route. Not the guy WHO'S NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. The US has no right to do anything to him. He's not a Citizen and he's not IN THE US.


Julian Assange is Australian, the Kid in the Army (just because he is 23 does not make him mature fluff) is American. When he was cleared to handle the material he handled, he was sworn into, and signed a document saying he would not do what he did, for that right there he will get a long prison sentence. HE DOES NOT DESERVE TO BE EXECUTED. Fluff, I am a 20 year vet, that has/had a clearance well above what that little dumbass had. Want to argue with me about this???? Pretty cool to sit there and spout your Patriotism, never having served a day in your fucking life.

When it comes to our govt, yeah, there needs to be some transparency, when it comes to the military, not so much, when we are actually doing our jobs. What the CIA and the rest of the Intel/Spy services (Mossad, what ever the Brit secret service calls them selves now, etc) those guys have abused their authority for's just catching up to them.

No IHF, I am not for wikileaks or anything like that....the cause more danger than good.

Very good post as usual Bubble.

I say people who cry are mostly HYPOCRITES! It's ok for our Government, they support, to do what ever they like in the name of Democracy. Even when it's most certainly not a democratic way they seek it a majority of the time.

So maybe the CIA should just "whack" him as it seems that would be right up their alley?

And Again I'd love to see what dirt they have on the FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS since it's clear they RUN THE WORLD!


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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So the overall impression I get is that most of you responding in here support Wikileaks and those involved?


You trust a nut job who wishes the U.S.A ill will to be completely honest in releasing classified information?

How do you know what they choose to release? In other words you support his ability to create his own confidential

material and release what he sees fit?

Knowing that Micheal Moore donated $20,000 to his release spoke volumes to me.

While I support the idea of transparency that this represents, I'm not entirely sure what has been released, why, in what quantities, and I don't feel fully informed. This is the main reason that I bring up the topic, and in the back of my mind is the exact reason you posted in bold.

With all of this coming out and the new found power, how do we authenticate everything he puts out in mass? What's to stop him from in the next release creating his own cable and slipping it in with the others. Something that guides an agenda or he's paid to release?
