

Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Woooo, biches!


Damn, i feel good. Feel like fucking 2 nite.

Slayed that workout... for a fat old man that is.. fat to me, but def not to sum of yall dorito dusted peeps..

@HeHateMe , i know you been wonderings about me life with yo random @s. Well, Ive decided to pass on going back to school for game dev, this year.

I had developed some basic shit back in the day with unity. Did like a zork game, brick breaker shit, frogger etc bs and was making a side scroller platformer but quit there and went to work a job instead.

SO, before i drop some bands on game dev i wanna make sure i wanna do it..

so in da nexx year:

Gonna pick up where i left off and go back to square one and make that side scroller.. a mario type jump on yo head shit.. may call it soy boy. a game about some soy chief with a walking stick jumpin on peeps heads saying eat me arse. a hawk dropping dildos could be a boss.. a fish fuckin fisherman slinging discus fish another one.. endless possibilities... @Ares wanna fund a game?

then will move on to the metroidvania style sidescroller .. etc etc.. will recommit to learning pixel art, reup on 3d modelling n start that animation process... will get to 2.5d and 3d dev maybe in a year or so.. one fat step in front of the other bois..

after i hit me goals afta the year, ill redecide then.. when i put in the work, ill reward meself. plenty of resources on the line to learn shit.. probably will learn more that way than i would at dat entry level course, but thats not the point.. class is about networking in da biz and having a perp who knows how to answer specific questions on demand.. ..

anywho, id be doing it to be an indie anyway..

June 30 2024, hey universe its on. you know what i want to do.. if you dont know, imma bout to show you.. so bring it to me..

time to grind... after i procrastinate some though

edit: must edits
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
It's May still btw

watch out fer them f5 nados bro... def mayday..

def still 2024 too, thanks for the reminders and carez


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Damn, still may, today.

Bout to put that grind in. Well still gotta caffeine up, cause 4 hrs sleep, but aint gonna let a lil non optimal sleep slow me downs.

whats stopping you today biches... time to lace up.. fuck those demons...

hmm... damn me internal juices followin today... wooooooooooooooo!! ready to rock... time to go get some

high speed, low drag.. stay hard

goggins would be proud

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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
What a fucking workout. Probably me best workout siince ive been back working out. Def not the hardest or longest.. It was the focused effortless effort over the session that mazed me. drenched and huffing here and there but I could still do another session.... something clicked.. after having one of me worst workouts in forever the other day, the universe blessed me with a level up.. #grateful. def still walking after din din.

on day 6 of 6 this exercise cycle.. dunno if imma rest tomar.. ppl says you should or u gonna get hurt.. im already beatz up and hurt.. i aint got time for that NPC mentality. cant run, fucking walk m8s.. cant walk, fucking crawl... cant fuck a chick, fuck a fish.. do what you gotta do..

you dont have to continue down that path.. turn round.

dont stop believing

but ya gotta do more than just believe.. u juss gotta do..

So slayed workout.. what else to do today..

Ah yeah.. i think ill reinstall blender.. not that ill get to 3d shit this year, but i need it there to remindz me.
think ill reinstall unity and start attacking me shit.. become relentless, right
carpe diemz @everyone

not gonna start with the c# again... actually gonna start with pixel art/animation.. wanna have some assests ready to go once i do start that portion.

by the time school is in session late jewel why, i should have learned a huge chunk of their course on me owns.

dont let them project their self hatez on you.... dem fucks juss NPCs ..ill pray for you NPCs

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Konnichiwa biches
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A

calling all cars, calling all cars..


@nc0gnet0 hate to question your logic, but, how can one be a has been, if theyve always been a never was?

Is the down syndrome kid from new Zealand writing stuff no one reads again?

N yet, here we is, and youse twos, or just you, acting as twos, is here.

Mang, you should take your act on da road. Its a bit unfunny 2012ish, but im sure someone will laugh. NPCs gonna NPC though. cause UWUTM8

You def gotta be an partial owner relying on google cents M8.. aint no one this #allin on a random site.. you should have started tee's on the side too, then you wouldnt have to be here 24/7 tryin to drive clicks. great merger right? u muss be so mud. however, if you aint an owner, bless yo hearts. #allin


Woke up early but fell back to sleep today @npcs, guess the lack of sleeps caught up. much needed rest but damn, a late start to me day.

Got some irl shit out da way now its me times folk, day 7 of 7 of this exercise cycle.. my rest day will be a low impact 30 minimum min run and 30 min afta din din walk.. nuffin else

Did getz the blender and unity installed. pulled shit from the internets to start me pixel art/animation shit.. probably gonna start dat tonights.

@realboysngals...u can leave and come back to a specific place years later and those perps will still be there spewing da same same... cause NPC..

Lace up n Level up real ppl....

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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
wooo! nutted that workout @readeverysinglethingNPC..

dunno if this is a real level up or if that added sleep gave me da boost. but while running im like imma do some drills afta.

the run was an easier paced one, basically a double time cadence for me actives and vets. it was 36-38 minutes to 5k. ran fer 42 mins.. was gonna stop at 40 but anytime im near 40.. gotta do 42 for jackie yo.... walked for 3 min for a short cool down then went and did a rocky montage.. think i need a weighted vest for the lighter paced runs.. will look into them.. kind of defeats the purpose of a recovery run though.. but adding a lighter pace day with weights may be something i gets too.. i know me light pace is walking fer you 20 yr old 140 pound pro runners but imma old fucking 500 pound super heavyweight..

then put in an hour of boxing shit.. burnt me legs up doing countless squat sets.. usually 30 seconds of squats followed with a 30 second squat hold.. a good minute of fun..

doubt i walk after din din since i added that extra work and want to get to me pixel learnings.. idk yet.. waking up late fucked me timings up..

step at a time ppls.. lace up n levels up

edit: forgot to edit
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
I'm in a chair and can't get out

Wooooo! Hell yeah, bro. self honesty is a major step. What you do with that realization is up to you.

tl; dont wanna read.. dont carez.. but that guy gonna read it all..

Been a few plus days M8. lots going on.

Still slaying workouts, had one off day.. may take one next week before i go back to me boxing gym. shoulder still fucked but i got a 6 week ramp up imma do. if it aint 85% by then, imma have to shut it down and have me docs investigate further.

universe heard me and i came across a dirt cheap weighted vest on marketplace and gotz it.. 20 pounds.. so ive just been using it on me after din din walks... too heavy and not fitted properly to run in.. aint trying to kill me already old joints.. need a 10 pounder for that.. did shadowbox in it though.. its a really cheap one where you cant adjust the weights and it fits like shit.. but it works for what it is.. a walking/pushup/situp/squat one for 10 dolla eh.. #grateful.. thanks universe

Started me game dev learning cycles... started the pixel learnings portion like i said i was going to. found a 7-8 hour instructional course on pixels and aseprite softwarez. Im about 50% through the course. do a lil every day. course time plus practice time. maybe 12-14 hours of irl time in thus far. might get decent by hour 150-250. its a step though, mang..

did make a couple of soundtracks for a game i havent produced yet.. songs aint polished finished but the gutz there...just need to do some fine editing to them.. produced them on garageband ipad.. i dont like ipad garageband. use to use garaband 14 years ago or so, when i had me last mac.. regardless, i made a couple of probably not banging game tracks on the ipad and then fell into a cheap mac mini that should be here nexx week.

damn universe heard me disappointments when comparing desktop vs ipad garageband.. that 1070 i gotz for 25 bucks works.. it had some rust on the face plate i cleaned and sold it for 100, killing me sli distraction dreams.. took that 75 profit and put it towards a cheap mac mini late 2018.. $179 minus dat 75 profit.. 104... 104 for a mac mini 2018 in hongakonga where i is, is a great deals.. 2018 has the latest 0S and may get another 1-2 more years of os updates being they were still selling these intels at least into 2020 so maybe mac os 15.. idk or care but just wanted the latest garageband. i3 model 8gb and 128gb storage.. base model as, but its only fer garageband and logic pro n summin else.... will suffice.

will be even less once i sell me i7 and its itx mobo.. much like you, i had to be honest with meself.. once i was honest with meself, i had the realization that the emulator station is just a distraction. AND i dont need that temptation in me life if im going to make gamez yo. its gone soon. oh and that china itx frame came,, super china product.. so many parts, no fucking instructions.. works and decent quality but imma flip that and the china sfx psu that arrived.. so the already cheap mac mini will be free plus i gets some cash in returns..

sure i may not be able to make a game i wants for 5 years.. but id rather have the skills in 5 years then be the same person in 5 years still wishing i had the skills... oh probably be more like 10 years right.. but probably gonna have to settle to a certain degree of buildz as a one man band and make the i settle fer dat game @ year 5.

do you wanna be stuck in that chair at 50?

lace up and get hard ppl

edit edit edit, guy!

damn, def gonna fuck 2 nite
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
oh shit, SUP, the bois was thirsty for a reply. they been f5ing for days? or do they get random bar notifys? shiieeet thats #allin

worst wannabe knockoff rory and firsttimer eva.. def not made in china.. probably 80s paki.. sus as

anywho, boy yos.. lace up and seize the day.. aint ya got any testoes left?..

i knows what will get your inner fems going...

edit, edit, guy!
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