

Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A

2 pennies is better than no pennies.

me game list is up to 4 now.. slow build up based on the skills i should have at each step... ill get to that survival game one day./.. probably gotz to make 10 other ones first to acquire dem skills

1 really basic side scroller attacking EA over sumin sumin.. i did QA fer EA a few times in me other life decades ago..
2 Side scroller/RPG based on the understudy of __________
3 Side Scroller/ Run n gun based on some funny global shit
4. basic RTS/City Builder/ secrets

i tried to be someone else.... But nothing seemed to change cause god took me shoulder n me ways of the ways so i would be the me..
I know now, this is who I really am inside... i finally found meself



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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
I don't get it

sum times in life we just dont gets it..

like yesterday.. this simple fucking bit of code fucked me

public class Checkpoint : MonoBehaviour
private bool isActive;
public Animator animate;

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider2D collide)
if (collide.tag == "Player" && isActive == false)
animate.SetBool("flagActive", true);

isActive = true;

i was stumped fer a good hour or two on why this part of me system wasnt working cause this code looked the same as me other trigger animations in other scripts.. i finally fixed it and got shit working correctly to trigger me animation but fuck... i thought something was wrong with the engine... fucked around messing with shit there first..

the problem started cause i let MS visual autocomplete part of the code when typing and that shit left out 2D...

i wrote the (collider2d collide) and the rest and couldnt figure out why it wasnt working cause private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider2D collide) looked normals to me. i was like... I DONT GET IT.... but i got it after rewriting it and not letting auto complete do me shit..

sucks not having a teacher there on demand but i gots it

public class Checkpoint : MonoBehaviour
private bool isActive;
public Animator animate;

private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collide)
if (collide.tag == "Player" && isActive == false)
animate.SetBool("flagActive", true);

isActive = true;

that lack of auto completing "2D" cost me a couple hours of i dont get its..

Just keep pretending you read his retardation and he will keep typing it instead of creeping out women and children IRL all day from simply existing.

i may creep out kids cause im aloof and scary not full mayo looking to most of deez inbred mayo kids around these parts.. but the woman.. nah m8, i aint lost that yet.... i gots another decade n a half before i looks creepy old.. if anything, i get creeped out by 18-20yr old chicks checking me outs.. im like im old enough to be yo daddy.. but thats what they looking fer.. creepy

i was gonna make a game called chief lil dik. but why waste the energy on a meaningless character...

def not as meaningful as me character that gonna lead game #3... he def wanted dead or alive


that school contacted me about that entry level gaming course and im like not interested cause im doing me own course.. they then offer a way reduced fee.. shits almost free.. i think the class numbers is borderline low and they need a couple more students to be able to run the course... idk.... but im like ill think about it.. but i doubt i go.. i like me self paced course thats diverse in me learnings.. n the freedoms.. however having a teacher to solve issues on demand like above would be nice..

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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
Liked Posts:
sum times in life we just dont gets it..

like yesterday.. this simple fucking bit of code fucked me

public class Checkpoint : MonoBehaviour
private bool isActive;
public Animator animate;

private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider2D collide)
if (collide.tag == "Player" && isActive == false)
animate.SetBool("flagActive", true);

isActive = true;

i was stumped fer a good hour or two on why this part of me system wasnt working cause this code looked the same as me other trigger animations in other scripts.. i finally fixed it and got shit working correctly to trigger me animation but fuck... i thought something was wrong with the engine... fucked around messing with shit there first..

the problem started cause i let MS visual autocomplete part of the code when typing and that shit left out 2D...

i wrote the (collider2d collide) and the rest and couldnt figure out why it wasnt working cause private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider2D collide) looked normals to me. i was like... I DONT GET IT.... but i got it after rewriting it and not letting auto complete do me shit..

sucks not having a teacher there on demand but i gots it

public class Checkpoint : MonoBehaviour
private bool isActive;
public Animator animate;

private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collide)
if (collide.tag == "Player" && isActive == false)
animate.SetBool("flagActive", true);

isActive = true;

that lack of auto completing "2d" cost me a couple hours of i dont get its..

i may creep out kids cause im aloof and scary not full mayo looking to most of deez inbred mayo kids around these parts.. but the woman.. nah m8, i aint lost that yet.... i gots another decade before i looks creepy old.. if anything, i get creeped out by 18-20yr old chicks checking me outs.. im like im old enough to be yo daddy.. but thats what they looking fer.. creepy

i was gonna make a game called chief lil dik. but why waste the energy on a meaningless character...

def not as meaningful as me character that gonna lead game #3... he def wanted dead or alive


that school contacted me about that entry level gaming course and im like not interested cause im doing me own course.. they then offer a way reduced fee.. shits almost free.. i think the class numbers is borderline low and they need a couple more students to be able to run the course... idk.... but im like ill think about it.. but i doubt i go.. i like me self paced course thats diverse in me learnings.. n the freedoms.. however having a teacher to solve issues on demand like above would be nice..

Play some les Claypool


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Play some les Claypool

idk m8... i dont wanna play some bassists riffs for a bassist who wont drop they bass loop... ppl thinks im insane but this makes me paranoid, ya limpd geezers.


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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
tl; that guy gonna read it

Busy Busy out of me routine. Still driving hours n shit cause of life: extended fam health shit, surgeries etc. things should go back to normalz in a few days.

didnt workout today... only managed to do a lil learning and scripting, got me checkpoints with respawn points working together and figuring out a code delay wiff coroutine in unity. may cram in some mo before bed if i dont get distracted with learning me musics and outlining bs game songs.

my eta of being finished with me 2 level demo this week is def off by a week or 2 cause of the life shit. AND spending time fucking with music.. Come da first of July def gonna make a timed schedule to fit in me exercise/different learnings/life. need blocks, but freedoms to deviate from da schedules cause i will wants to. just need more structure on digital paper to be mo effective n efficient. Woooooooo

4k monitor arrived.. def missed having a 4k monitor.. but didnt want to part with me ultrawide by trading back with the fam 4k monitor. a stacked set up is nice. always did side bys.... a 5k2k is still the long term play... but def keeping stacked monitors a thing.

the 3070 isnt that bad @4k even with 8gb.. loaded up cyberpunk and was getting 60+ fps Ultra on a 4k 60hz monitor.. with dlss.. im not in da city though.. so may have to adjust it some then and custom ultra with dlss high performance or something.. rdr2 was locked at 60k ultra. idk if dlss was on or not. its was 90-100 at 1440p ultra, dont member.. 60 fps is good enough for single player shit.. if i gunna fps vs ppls or sumin will use 1440 customs for da 144hz.. unless i upgrade gpu.. but no rush.. cause i havent been playing games meself.. just minecraft n wwe2k24 wiff the youngin from time to times..

looking at me desk in me office now and im like meh...... i regret i got rid of me OP speaker set up for star wars dolls.. i ended up moving me star wars elsewhere and put sum of me transformers back up...... i sold a lot of the star wars cause i didnt really want em all.. but kept several shelfs of dem dolls.

back to me desk.. think i may sell the transformers on it.. idk.. they dont do nuffin for me.. no nostalgic kick.. just overpriced paper weights taking up desk space.. dunno what i need desk space for but i think i grew up the last year or so and ya knows. hmmm better n bigger satellite speakers for me dev studio

could get rid of the hutch and add a 4k tv instead.. hutch is the reason i got rid of me original 4k monitor.. it was too tall and blocked off me transformers on da hutch some... but no TFS, no hutch.. no worries... will think on it the next year or so.. gotz shit to do.. me set up is enough to do what i needs to comfortably as is.

been a challenging couple of weeks but still taking steps in the process yo. take steps... ya hoes.. got get it.. step, run.. ....walk... like an egyptian

tl:dr edits:

bought to turn up da heats come july firss.. n get serious.. just playing at the moment...
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A


Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
it was probably July 1st elsewhere first.. Turned up the heat some.

tooks some game dev relax days heading up to July 1. managed to double my normal learning time on day 1 of turn up the heat, probably have some time left to triple it while i go focus on muzaks or sumin.

def learning shit, retaining some, but def need more muscle memories. more n more practice and ill be mo better. self learning does take some patience.. trying to figure shit out on ya own, is def taxing.. especially when you dont know what you are doing.. but that aint gonna stop me,. had to trouble shoot some bs today.. paciencia nessisito o fuck mierda upside they brane.

was suppose to have an off day from exercise today cause i forgot to rest before the 1st.... but membered it was july 1 and got some in.. new distance running motion is legit..

def learn long sum distance running motion if you gonna pick up da running. id refer you to the youtube legend who i learned from but forgot they name. only ran 25 mintues today before doing sum boxing drills but my legs were fresh as after and could have ran another 25min fairly easy.. the breathing though.. thats another story....

go gets it.. your sun is rising, take it to da house..


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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Dealing with the lifes n me fleeting mentals and still moving forward. Juss at me pace.

Where am I at? oh, i got me some today.

Ive had to look at me exercise routine. Boxing has been shit since fucking me shoulder. So decided to start running more and boxing less. Got a referral to do an MRI on it just havent made that call yet. Too many NPCs out there manning them phones. gives me anxiety. Was running more and boxing less before i wanted to get serious about boxing again. then it was mo boxing less running... its going to get reversed until me shoulder is fixed. guess its time to build up to longer runs.

Did introduce push ups back today before me run. been months since ive done any. normal push ups r too much on me shoulder. Had to do knee ones -- just one set of 50. tried to focus on chest, triceps but shoulder started talking to me around number 40. Bumped me sit up reps to 75.. Need to work up to 100 per. build back up to 2-300+ per day. Had just been doing 2-4 reps of 50 but kept going today. didnt do much when me back was fucked. @75 could have gone more but meh.

Walked for 12 min as a warm up which seems to be a norm for me anymore and then ran for a jackie robinson.. 42 minutes. then a 6 min cool down walk. slower pace.. maybe 12ish min miles. idk.. tried not to look at the timer today. looked down around 40 mins and was over 5k already. was going slower focusing on breathing pattern. my new running form is nearly muscle memory. i check my keys here and there but was focusing and messing with breathing patterns. once i get them both synced.... itll be on.

worst part about the treadmill is the timer. runs get slow if i look at it even once. dont look you say.. but i know at the current ambient tem,p at the pace i was going, that at 10 mins i will have a drip of sweat finally break on me head. at 20 mins like clockwork me body will heat to another temp lvl. i dont even have to look. try to trick meself by saying every song i hear is 2 min and 30 secs even if they 5-6 min. then the first sweat drip hits

Boxed for 32 mins.. no breaks really cause it was light work. my breaks between rounds might be sit ups/pushups/squats/directional pendulum shit. my rests are approved for up to a min but dont take em on days like dis. most of that 32 was 20 pure foot work.. with a lot of that being slip line shit. not throwing many punches with intent with me shoulder acting all sus but throwing them for motion purposes.

12 mins on the bag mostly lead hand shit at 40% power 60-70% speed. tried to work in me bum rear left.. just touching the bag at this point. the situation def fucks with me mentals more. however, still working

finished off the workout running another mile around 10 min and another 10 min walk cool down.

game learning front.. game is basically done. basic loop is done, a few levels. collectible,s health pick ups, audio, menus, etc all the basic shit. dont have to but gonna try and add different types of damaging types.. like a saw, falling shit etc. maybe moving platforms and maybe a bowser like boss to learn some more while im making a basic mario sidescroller. after that will move on to something else.

dunno how long itll take to add the other shit.. learned that estimated time in game dev dont mean shit.. even for basic shit. it might have taken someone a few days to complete what i have if they had the know hows.. however.. dont care.. not comparing.. buts i did it in me time with me mentals and before that basic game dev course has even started. i couldnt make a side scroller 1-2 months ago.. i can now push them out now if i wanted to. basic ones no one would probably want to play though.. sounds like a free mobile game with ads.. hmmmmmmm?

def want to move on to more refined audio learns too.. but me usb sound card died. aka i moved it rearranging me desk.. dropped it and stepped on it at some point making one of the inputs fucked... was cheap china shit to begin with but it worked good ..... me back up one is shit... too much line noise.... so looking into an audio interface. need one for xrl mic and hooking up to a mac mini with no audio in.
gonna mess with krita too.. blender and gimp are fine but just messing me other shit..


tl;aint goona.. wooooooo

ne who.. def opening up shop.. step at a time.. go get it


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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A

M8, you knows whats really okayy.

That college i was gonna go to for a entry level game dev course sent me an email today. im like thats strange cause i officially withdrew last week and got a confirmation saying as much. im happy doing me own learns. n keeping me money

N e's... i open said email and get a link for free Adobe CC for students.

Log into adobe via a student portal email address and my profile has access to the entire CC suite. Downloaded and installed Illustrator and Photoshop beta to check out their next gen AI. def wanna see how powerful it is

was looking into Dalle-e to help with my future work flow.. like character sprite sheets n shit.. dunno if adobe firefly can do that or not. willl set some time up in da future to mess with these. only messed with illustrator for 5 mins ... seems a lil different but familiar.. program is goated. probably casue ive used cs2 version the most in terms of creation.. years of use but years ago... goes hand n hand with the photoshop doing certain thangs

IDK how long i have access to the Adobes but according to my adobe account its a institutional learnings thang. If this school pays forever do i gets this forever? Or for at least a year n how long me course was suppose to run.. idk.. dont care... gotz it now... might learn how to crack it if they stop paying they bills. or apply and withdraw 3 weeks before class starts evey year??

also get multi puter installs but only one active session at a time.. going on da mac too

I was talking about adobe in one of me threads. maybe this thread. thanks universe.. #grateful..... sweet dreams are made of these.

edits.. sheeeiiit... wooooo
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
dear diary,

5+ more ks 2day.. probably gonna stop running for a specific distance for awhile and just focus on longer times.. maybe start shooting fer an hour or nearby at lower paces. build up them leg oxygens things.... got me mri nex week. may crank up boxing a couple days to damage me shoulder more so they can cleary see whats up.

a good thing about a proper running form is the ability to control cadence easier.. especially at lower speeds. makes changing effort while keeping the same speed fluid. i would complain if i ran too slow for 2 long n would go faster. now its not an issue

working on me game learning still.. adding a boss. has projectiles.. so me next learning game def gonna have my main character shooting.. have 1-3 more days of my current game learning imma do. game is done just adding extras to it before moving on to nex game learning styles or somein else.. idk, mind playing tricks on me

edit for the edit
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Yeah. literally, gameover. Finished me first game learningz. did me demo build... a few levels, boss, multiple enemy types. environmental hazards. saves, audio, ui's etc.. the works.

What did i learn?.. how to make a mario style game. what did i retain? no idea yet. but with me notes, i could push out basic mario style bs for evers. Dunno what imma do with that knowledge. Id only be comfortable pushing out a free ad based mobile game at this point. especially based on these basic functions i gotz.. tons of free basic shit out on the mobiles that no one plays. def the place to be. if this was 1987, i def would hit it big time.

idk where to nexx. will think on it.. only been working with unity.. may want to branch out to unreal engine c++/blueprints at some point and learns there too.. dunno when.. tons of learnings on me plates.. every direction i look.. more learns looking at me.. trying to keep me learnings in a scope cause they creeping.. but still a step at a. may just do a shorter blender 3d one nexx.. messed with 3dsmax and sketch back in the day.. hopefully it aint too hards. i think ill do the infamous donut tutorial or something similar.. idk sumin short to break it up a tad.

id like to congratulate and thank meself for this self award.. and to the universe for looking out.. im a legit game dev now. a shitty inexperienced one, but def onez nonetheless

im only functioning on one cylinder atm n making it happen.. go get it ppls.


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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
Dear Jane,

two steps forwards, an avalanche taking me 10 back.

while me back was better it still wasnt 100.. got a CT donez

grade 1 anterolisthesis and L5 pars defect... so at some point in me whenevers i was walking, working, boxing, running around like a man, with a fractured back. lol. back been hurting for years but doables.. the other week it was fuckd though.... growing up, they always told me to just rub some dirt on it. FML

Had me MRI on me shoulder today. Had a couple of sessions beating the shit out a bag with the sus shoulder beforehand. funny thing.. made it feel a lil better while using it, but would recover to the same pains and didnt get worse. just felt weak...other than that i havent worked out. Suppose to start PT on me back next week or sometime. Will go from theres maybe. aint doing no surgeries

Havent start me next game learnings. Did do a short tutorial on blender, but not much else. chillaxing for a minute. pixel self course, game 1 self course, blender. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Had an audio interface come in with a new mic.. been fucking with that though.. one more day of being a pig and ill start games 2 tomor. but All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

Need to run starting tomorrow.. getting too soft.... fuck waiting for PT.

something keeps getting in da way.. imma slap dat biich if it dont move

edit..need to eat some cement n harden up
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Token CCS Minority
Apr 22, 2021
Liked Posts:
Fozzie Land, Muppet City, The Former US of A
so fucked back and got me shoulder mri results today.

bursitis, impingement, torn labrum, articular cartilage tear and some other scaring n shit. DR is baffled cause of age.. me shoulder suppose to be 80 i guess.. do you do anything hard.. yeah ive been punching the shit out of things on and off fer years. you need surgery.. ill think about it doc, ill get back to you.... followed the news with a boxing session.. shit hurt but fuck it.. only gots 70% power in it, but i can still drill.

get hard ya fucks,,, dont mind it... da mind, lose it.. its not yours.. 101010000111010010110101111



Chief Walking Stick

Heeeh heeeeh he said POLES
May 12, 2010
Liked Posts:
so fucked back and got me shoulder mri results today.

bursitis, impingement, torn labrum, articular cartilage tear and some other scaring n shit. DR is baffled cause of age.. me shoulder suppose to be 80 i guess.. do you do anything hard.. yeah ive been punching the shit out of things on and off fer years. you need surgery.. ill think about it doc, ill get back to you.... followed the news with a boxing session.. shit hurt but fuck it.. only gots 70% power in it, but i can still drill.

get hard ya fucks,,, dont mind it... da mind, lose it.. its not yours.. 101010000111010010110101111



Maybe you got the wrong scan on the wrong body part. Next time ask for a CT scan on your brane next time.
