although it may be unfathomable to you:
A.The team with the best player in the NBA does not always win the title...Lebron was the best player this year but dirk won the title that doesnt make dirk the best player all of the sudden. In the original argument(whoever the hell started this crap) someone said that Pippen was the best player in the NBA..and i argued he never was even at his peak because he wasnt that great of an offensive player...kevin garnett was not the best player in the league in not arguing overall career arguing was he ever the top player in the league and the answer is no....because as a player he was good but not great offensively
Maybe were misunderstanding each other. Im not gonna go so far as to say pippen was the best player in the league. I said you don't need to be the BEST SCORER on your team to lead a team to a championship. But even still. Tim duncan was arguablt the best player in the mid 00s. He barely scored more than pippen. Magic never lead the league in scoring. Bill russell was a relatively terrible scorer and he has the mvp named after him.
B.You're arguing overall career greatness...the thing is we have no idea how pippen would have done by himself for a long duration..we can speculate for hours..but you're never going to know exactly...yes titles is a huge part of greatness..but being the best player in the NBA correlates to MVPs and not necessarily titles(TEAM wins rather than individual) and overall career greatness
Obviously we will never know. But this goes both ways. Which is what I've always maintained. Pippen never had the chance to lead a credible team to a championship.
i know scoring is not the most important thing in sports....thanks for the reminder...did you come here also to tell me we landed on the moon?
if you asked me I would've told you
but he was never the best player in the NBA..which is what the argument was about..even at his best in 93-94 and as the leader of his team he was not the best player in the nba...or he would have won the MVP