1st Round Options...


Apr 27, 2013
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The Roof
I think that if they are smart they could trade down and get another first round pick and use the two to get the best LT in the draft along with a good QB prospect. Then they go get a WR or CB with their 2nd pick.
Thats not a bad idea either..

There are sooooo many scenarios that could happen and i wouldnt be mad at 98% of them.The best thing is the Bears will 100% have a different starting QB next year and that what im thankful for this Thanksgiving.

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Bears Fan For Life TT&T
Nov 4, 2012
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Fort Eustis, Virginia
He could probably be had for a 2nd and then we could draft Garrett in the first.. .This is the best case scenario.

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The Patriots are going to want more than a 2nd. Perhaps if they tacked on a 3rd or 4th. It'll be interesting to see what happens, but I'd be a lot more comfortable with the idea of them drafting the #1 or #2 QB on the board over trading for Jimmy G.


Apr 27, 2013
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The Roof
Jimmy is going to get a huge contract for no reason soon. If the team that knows him best and will be in need of a QB soon doesn't want to pay him, why do we? And more likely a 1st on top of that? No thanks.
The eastern illinois connection will come into play this offseason,weather it be Jimmy or Romo....mark my words..


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Bears Fan For Life TT&T
Nov 4, 2012
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Fort Eustis, Virginia
Jimmy is going to get a huge contract for no reason soon. If the team that knows him best and will be in need of a QB soon doesn't want to pay him, why do we? And more likely a 1st on top of that? No thanks.

Good point about the contract! What has Jimmy G done to warrant a big contract?


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Feb 7, 2016
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He could probably be had for a 2nd and then we could draft Garrett in the first.. .This is the best case scenario.

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Rumors say the Pats want him for a 1st and another pick. Maybe it's them trying to sell high and then bargain down the line, but in a world where Sam Glassford can get a 1st it's not out of the question.


Bears Fan For Life TT&T
Nov 4, 2012
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Fort Eustis, Virginia
Thats not a bad idea either..

There are sooooo many scenarios that could happen and i wouldnt be mad at 98% of them.The best thing is the Bears will 100% have a different starting QB next year and that what im thankful for this Thanksgiving.

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It'll simply be a case of who we all feel Pace should acquire whether that's via trade, FA, 1st round, second round or higher.

This is the position they need to hit hard in the offseason. My dream scenario is this:

Bring back Hoyer and Connor Shaw, draft Kizer and a fourth rounder. Let the competition commence in training camp and preseason! Hopefully it would lead to Hoyer getting cut and the Bears having three young QBs with a lot of upside with one in particular who would stand out amongst the group and be the superstar the Bears need.


High Ranking Member
May 18, 2014
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The eastern illinois connection will come into play this offseason,weather it be Jimmy or Romo....mark my words..


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I wouldn't mind Romo and drafting someone in the 1st to learn the basics from him. He won't cost much after his injuries, has shown he can play, and we don't lose a draft pick. Jimmy G trade has Jay C trade written all over it. Hard pass on Jimmy from me.


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So you know for a fact that the Eagles would only move to get Wentz?

No you don't so STFU.

And you don't know if other teams knew who the Rams were taking so maybe you should stop acting like you know more than you do cause nobody on here believes the shit you spew out of your mouth.

Happy Thanksgiving though.


Bears Fan For Life TT&T
Nov 4, 2012
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Fort Eustis, Virginia
Rumors say the Pats want him for a 1st and another pick. Maybe it's them trying to sell high and then bargain down the line, but in a world where Sam Glassford can get a 1st it's not out of the question.

So very true! The Patriots spent a 2nd on him and expect to make a profit. The tape is out there of him. It's very limited, but it's there. Not sure if Pace's scouts have taken a good look at him or not.


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But if we hired Mcdaniels,wouldnt he be bringing that patriot offense with him? What I saw from Jimmy G do this year,he was absolutely destroying teams.Did you see what he did to the dolphins in not even a half? 199yards and 2 TD's..

Jimmy G is a stud and needs to be brought back to the great state of Illinois.If garret is on the board at #2 Pace has to take him and trade up for Kaaya or Trubisky or whatever the fuck his name is.

OR...we sign Tony Romo and draft Garrett and trade up like above stated....it's really a win win,I truly believe that Cutler is a cancer to this team and needs to be OUT as soon as heavenly possible.

We could always franchise Alshon and trade him and a Third for Romo,that is if he is not released but I assume Jerry wants draft pics and good players.

We will have a good QB next year guaranteed,expect Mike McCoy to be brought in for the OC job being that he will be fired after the season,and I believe he will be an awesome offense mind that could help ANY of the stated QB's Above.All that assuming Fox is still here which I KnOW he will be.

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He'd bring the offense but can he bring the Patriots winning culture is the question or change our losing culture to a winning culture??


Bears Fan For Life TT&T
Nov 4, 2012
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Fort Eustis, Virginia
Hey I'm all for whoever can fill that spot the best for this team. I'm not set on one over another. Whoever Pace needs to get and however he has to do it to get it done. Whether that's trading for Jimmy G or trading with Cleveland to get that #1 pick to ensure they got their guy or standing pat figuring they can't go wrong with one or the other in the draft or they may figure there's a better prospect in the second or third round that everybody is sleeping on and Pace wants to look smarter than everybody else. Honestly I don't care how it's done as long as it's done. Please just get Jay Cutler outta here and insert <young future franchise star QB> whoever that might be.


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Thats not a bad idea either..

There are sooooo many scenarios that could happen and i wouldnt be mad at 98% of them.The best thing is the Bears will 100% have a different starting QB next year and that what im thankful for this Thanksgiving.

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Good idea but i see much bigger needs on this team than LT for sure. Why use a 1st round pick on a LT when Leno is 25 and is doing a good job there for us? Draft a CB or a S or a TE or a OLB over a LT especially in the 1st round.


Apr 27, 2013
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The Roof
Fuck it,go all in for Romo and draft the best QB available to learn under tony for 2 years.

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Aug 21, 2012
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Fuck it,go all in for Romo and draft the best QB available to learn under tony for 2 years.

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If it wasn't Thanksgiving, I'd dislike the shit outta you for this drivel. What do Romo and Cutler have in common?

They. Can't. Stay. On. The. Field.


High Ranking Member
May 18, 2014
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If it wasn't Thanksgiving, I'd dislike the shit outta you for this drivel. What do Romo and Cutler have in common?

They. Can't. Stay. On. The. Field.

I'd sign Romo as long as he's cheap and we bring back Hoyer. Only if we're taking a QB early in the draft though.


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Fuck it,go all in for Romo and draft the best QB available to learn under tony for 2 years.

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To have a young QB learning from Romo sounds great to me. He's a very positive guy and he can ball when healthy so i'd be great with that.


Apr 27, 2013
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The Roof
To have a young QB learning from Romo sounds great to me. He's a very positive guy and he can ball when healthy so i'd be great with that.
And just imagine if Romo played all year passing to White,Merideth and Miller with Howard in the backfield.

It could be a winning combination that would make for a very entertaining season

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Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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I have two major issues with the Garoppolo thing.

First, of less significance but still an issue, is that we wouldn't get the four years on a rookie contact to see if he's worth giving a huge contact to. The contract will be part of any trade that happens. I don't feel good about anchoring the team to another trade project for several years. We just did that with a more talented QB than Garoppolo and who was more experienced. I view Garoppolo as largely unproven because I believe just about any functional QB could plug into the Belichick system and win games. We saw the mediocre Matt Cassell win 11.

But my bigger issue is that I just don't think he's that good. I think he's a solid, functional QB who can probably have an o.k. career as an average starter, but I don't see that "it factor" in him. I don't think he's the kind of special talent that can elevate the players around him and take a team on his back and win. I don't see him as having that game-changing ability. I don't see him as being the type of QB who will win playoff games because he was just flat out the best player on the field and made things happen.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's like Cutler where he'll be flat out bad at times and cause his team to lose, I think he can win as a functional part of a very talented team, but I don't think they're going to win because of him. As much as the likes of Kizer, Watson etc may have their flaws, and may end up being busts, I think they may have that kind of special ability to do great things and take teams to another level, at their best. I don't want a functional QB with the 2nd or 3rd overall pick, I want to take a shot at a player who might be special.

While we complain about the Bears sucking, despite the shitty 90s and Trestman debacle and whatnot, it's been 44 years since they had a top 3 pick. I want to make the most of it. I don't want Jonathon Allen or Jimmy Garoppolo or trading down for the best cornerback and picking up a "decent prospect" later. I want to swing for the fences and take a shot at a potential franchise player who can help us win superbowls.
