1st Round Options...


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Feb 16, 2014
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I can tell you with 100% certainty that he had worked out a trade to move up to #2 in the draft. H did not pull the trigger because he could not get certainty on whether the Rams were taking Goff or Wentz. And he did not want Goff.

That's dumb if true. If they worked out a deal then you wait and see what the Rams do before making it official. If the deal was already in place pending the Rams' selection then it shouldn't take much effort at all to make the deal official and move up if the guy Pace wanted was still sitting there.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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Here's the thing. When you have a top 3 pick, it goes back to the argument of drafting BPA or drafting for need. It's clear that we have a dire need at QB. However, when you have possible all-pro talents staring you in the face (Garrert or Jonathan Allen) do you pass them up for a QB that has several flaws/question marks?

I've mentioned before that teams have used the strategy of taking that potential all-pro talent and then coming back for their franchise QB later in the first or early 2nd. In 2013 the Raiders QBs were Matt McGloin and Terrell Pryor. In the 2014 draft they went Khalil Mack with the 5th overall pick then grabbed Derek Carr with the 36th pick.

2013 the Vikings had Matt Cassell, Josh Freeman and Christian Ponder as their QBs. In the 2014 draft they took Anthony Barr with the 9th overall pick then grabbed Teddy B with the 32nd pick.

Just because you have a need at QB doesn't mean you have to reach for one with your first pick. If you have reservations about any of the top QBs then don't reach for them and take the player with less question marks.

I think BPA only goes to a certain point. QB is more important than any defensive position, even a pass rusher. Virtually every QB has question marks, unless you're talking about a consensus "sure thing" like a Manning or a Luck, in which case you'll need to make sure to have the #1 overall pick right as one of these once-in-a-decade type prospects comes out. Aside from that, all QBs will have something to answer.

I think in the Bears' situation, QB is clearly the biggest need, and if the identify one who they think has a good chance of being a "franchise QB", they should take him over a DL like Allen who might seem like more of a sure thing at his position.


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Cowboys were smart enough to at least take a chance. Bears didn't even do that. The need was painfully obvious for a young QB and they passed on several young QB's.

And they wanted C.Cook but he got drafted before they could get him so they settled for D.Prescott...lol


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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I can tell you with 100% certainty that he had worked out a trade to move up to #2 in the draft. H did not pull the trigger because he could not get certainty on whether the Rams were taking Goff or Wentz. And he did not want Goff.

How do you know that?


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Dec 2, 2013
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He just doesn't get it which actually says a lot about him. He has so much hate for the Bears and R.Pace that he can't even look at things in a logical way.

Don't hate the Bears.

Don't hate Pace either.

Just don't think he's done anything so far to prove he's a good GM and he's done a lot to prove he isn't.

You for some reason think he walks on water...



First time, long time.
Feb 16, 2014
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I think BPA only goes to a certain point. QB is more important than any defensive position, even a pass rusher. Virtually every QB has question marks, unless you're talking about a consensus "sure thing" like a Manning or a Luck, in which case you'll need to make sure to have the #1 overall pick right as one of these once-in-a-decade type prospects comes out. Aside from that, all QBs will have something to answer.

I think in the Bears' situation, QB is clearly the biggest need, and if the identify one who they think has a good chance of being a "franchise QB", they should take him over a DL like Allen who might seem like more of a sure thing at his position.

The point I was trying to make was that we aren't the first team to go into a draft with an extreme need at QB, but other teams didn't panic and draft a QB just because. You saw the trash those two teams had at QB and they still didn't pull the trigger for a QB with their first pick.

One thing I didn't mention was that the Raiders gave themselves some insurance in case Carr wasn't ready by bringing in Matt Schaub for 2014. The Vikings stuck with just Ponder and Bridgewater in 2014. Now if the Bears decided to bring in a vet to help guide their rookie I wouldn't be opposed to that at all. Hell, I half-way expect it.


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 20, 2012
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I was thinking the same thing. You're all over the place with this shit. You're not happy with him drafting 3rd because you don't trust him to get the pick right, and your reasoning for not trusting him is that he didn't have the unique clairvoyance to know that a 4th rounder nobody expected to start was going to do well in the first half of the season on a team with the best OL and RB in the game. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

You're missing my point.

I am not happy with him because he hasn't taken a chance. I'm not saying he should have known Dak was gonna be Dak. No one knew that. Not even the Cowboys. They were smart enough to try. You have to try... I would have been happy with Brissett or Lynch or anyone really. I just can't believe he knew he had Cutler and didn't go for ANY young QB. That's scary bad judgement IMO.


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That's dumb if true. If they worked out a deal then you wait and see what the Rams do before making it official. If the deal was already in place pending the Rams' selection then it shouldn't take much effort at all to make the deal official and move up if the guy Pace wanted was still sitting there.

That's exactly how teams do it. Oh poor poor Mongo....aka Wrongo.


N.eg it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
May 18, 2014
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That's dumb if true. If they worked out a deal then you wait and see what the Rams do before making it official. If the deal was already in place pending the Rams' selection then it shouldn't take much effort at all to make the deal official and move up if the guy Pace wanted was still sitting there.

Kind of hard to do that when the Browns traded the 2nd pick to the Eagles a week before the draft.


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You're missing my point.

I am not happy with him because he hasn't taken a chance. I'm not saying he should have known Dak was gonna be Dak. No one knew that. Not even the Cowboys. They were smart enough to try. You have to try... I would have been happy with Brissett or Lynch or anyone really. I just can't believe he knew he had Cutler and didn't go for ANY young QB. That's scary bad judgement IMO.

Did we also have B.Hoyer and C.Shaw at that time or did we get them after the draft?? Serious question.


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He said "you cant judge young kids until after one or two years".

I say you can.

Good or bad.

But you can't. you can guess or assume by what you know or have seen from them in college but you can't predict correctly and if you could then there damn sure wouldn't be sooooooooo many 1st round busts right???


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Dec 2, 2013
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I'm not saying he should have known Dak was gonna be Dak.

I'm saying he should have known he was worth using a 4th round pick on.


Captain Objectivity
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Aug 20, 2012
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You're missing my point.

I am not happy with him because he hasn't taken a chance. I'm not saying he should have known Dak was gonna be Dak. No one knew that. Not even the Cowboys. They were smart enough to try. You have to try... I would have been happy with Brissett or Lynch or anyone really. I just can't believe he knew he had Cutler and didn't go for ANY young QB. That's scary bad judgement IMO.

Yeah, I wanted him to take a QB last year too. In fact I wanted him to pull the trigger on Paxton Lynch, and when Goodell said the trade was made up to 9, for a brief moment I was jizzing my boxers because I thought he WAS taking Lynch. But he didn't. He obviously didn't like him enough, and perhaps felt that all of the later round QBs like Prescott were nobodies.

So he's highly selective about who he takes as his shot at a franchise QB. Not surprising seeing as he's a young, first time GM whose performance will be judged largely on whether or not he can get the most important position right. That doesn't make me feel worse about his likelihood of getting the pick right. If anything, the opposite. It shows he's dotting his i's and crossing his t's and is going be thorough in his decision. So when he does pick Trubisky/Watson/Kizer/whoever, we will at least know he isn't just taking a wild swing.


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 20, 2012
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Did we also have B.Hoyer and C.Shaw at that time or did we get them after the draft?? Serious question.

Don't know. I actually liked/still like the Hoyer signing. I just want some young blood to develop. And you have to draft someone to do that. My one and only point is you have to start taking some swings at this.
