[quote name="ericalynn"]
Great picture! I'm pretty sure I don't even remember taking it...I probably posed for a lot more I don't remember.... :lol:
Love the two photo-bombers in the back...(except they're not
really bombers because they're Hawk fans, too, so it's all good...)
I would love to go back down to St. Louis again, and I will try (on my own if I have to, Jeremy....though the schedule really sucks this year for St. Louis....but I will definitely try. If I'm coming, you
know I'll call you.)
At this moment I am seriously leaning towards Nashville (DYING to see that city, plus one of my friends at work goes down there every single year for the Hawks, and I'm jealous after hearing his stories...)
I also have family not far from Columbus, so the Columbus game is looking like an
absolute must for me (again, with just me and my son if need be...guess I'll see you there, Mill!)
I also have road-tripped to Minneapolis-St. Paul about, oh--a
million times (ex-boyfriend...don't ask.) I know that trip like the back of my hand... I would
totally go there again. (And as the ex was clueless about hockey, or any sport for that matter....I know----
what was I thinking? Hooking up with a guy like THAT?---it's not like I'd run into him there or anything...)
The only other destinations I'd consider (right now) would be D.C. (I freakin' love D.C.) and Atlanta. I have 50,000 AA miles burning a hole in my pocket....(used my last 50,000 on a trip to Vegas to see another Hawk fan friend of mine get hitched...too bad the Hawks don't play
there)...that'd be one hell of an IHN trip...
So if the consensus IHN vote comes to Nashville, Columbus, St. Louis or St. Paul, count me in; I'll drive to any of those places. (And quite possibly be willing to fly to Atlanta or D.C.)[/quote]
Well I hope everyone comes back to the Loo again this year. But I would be willing to travel around as well. Nashville wouldnt be a bad drive either. I was thinking of you Erica when the Flyers were doing well because i know they are your second favorite team. I got a few more pictures from that trip as well. i will have to drop them in a picture thread soon.