I thought I read where you were a 50 year fan of the Cubs...if that is true, then you should know better. I've seen this team throw away youth on veteran players over and over again thinking "this is the year". Do these names ring a bell...Heredia, Karchner,Broglio, Clemens, Schiraldi, Nipper,Ruthven, Tabler, Reitz, Ontiveros, Murcer, Renko, Biitner, Paul and Locker. Some of the young talent they saw fit to dump to pick up that list of "stars" were Madlock, Holtzman, Moyer, Garland, Smith, Palmeiro, Eckersley, Sutter, Brock, Caudill, Thornton and North.
I'm positive Eggpants knows and remembers.