There are no qualifying innings but only 2 CY awards have been given with less than 200 innings since 1990. Four NL pitchers, with reasonable CY aspirations, will make that mark in Scherzer, Cueto, Bumgarner and Arrieta. If this is a 6 man race, and I believe it is, Kershaw and Hendricks will be the outliers for different reasons. Of the four 200 inning plus guys only Scherzer and Arrieta have a real chance at 20 wins which is another mark voters like to see, dumb as that is. I think if Scherzer gets to 20 he wins. If he doesn't and Arrieta does, while SF drops out of the playoff hunt, I think it's going to come down to Hendricks and Kershaw as I don't see any way anybody that has actually watched Arrieta this year gives him the CY while ignoring his teammate.