2018 Bears - Perception does NOT equal Reality


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Dec 18, 2016
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Congratulations Spartan, 9 pages of whining and counting. Must have cleared your calendar for this bitchfest.


Aug 14, 2018
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The perception is the Bears are having a great year in the genius HC's first year. The reality is they have been fortuitous and good fortune doesn't hold up for long, and Nagy's not a genius. The team has relied heavily on their weak schedule and league leading number of turnovers and, as we saw last Sunday, when that turnover advantage isn't there bad things happen. Same could be said of their loss to the faltering Dolphins.

For the most part, this year, the Bears have played solid football and limited mistakes while taking full advantage of the good field position provided by all the turnovers as well as penalties. Bears opponents have given up an average of 20 yards more in penalties per game. When all has gone well for them, it went very well and that helped boost the overall perception of the team as they blew out struggling teams in Buffalo and the Bucs and then recently secured 3 consecutive wins in divisional games. Then, of course, the wheels of the Chevy fell off in Jersey. Say good bye to any remote possibility of a bye. Time to look at the reality of the situation. Is this team really that good? Are its top players as good as perceived when the rose colored glasses are removed?

When the Bears brought in Khalil Mack, the perception was they were getting the best defensive player in the league and it instantly boosted their chances as SB contenders. The reality is he has not been the best defender in the league, does not occupy several blockers on every play, as perceived by many in these forii, and it's never wise to assume a player can play at that extremely high level he played at in the past. You seldom see players get DPOY more than once. Bears have only ever had 2 players win it and only 1 of them won it a second time. So, no, Mack is not way above all other defenders and has not had near his most productive season with the Bears. He has not been as disruptive as he was with the Raiders. In his DPOY year Mack led the league in amount of pressure (sacks+hits+hurries)put on opposing QBs. Last year he was second only to Von Miller. This year, with the Bears, he barely makes the top 15. While the Bears get their fair share of sacks, we usually have not seen the consistent pressure put on QBs. The effects of that were also seen in that last loss to the Giants. Yes, their QB was sacked 3 times but, other than those sacks, the completely immobile Eli was given a whole lot of time to pick his targets on most other pass plays.

With the Bears offense, the perception has been they've looked good, even very good, at times and their QB has established himself. The truth is the QB has only had about 4 good games out of the 10 and they were against weaker teams who were struggling. In the other 6 games, he has a rating of 73 with 6 TDs and 8 Ints. And he and the Bears offense have relied heavily on good field position provided by the defense. On plays in the Bears own end of the field, Trubisky has an 82 rating with 1 TD and 5 INTs. Bears would also do best to avoid close games with Mitchell. When there is a 1-8 point differential, Trubisky has a 79 rating with 7 TDs and 6 Ints.

As we enter the final 4 game stretch, the Bears have but one sure win left in the current worst NFL team, SanFran. The other 3 games will be tough. The Packers are the worst, but Rodgers is done tanking for the removal of McCarthy so will be going all out to beat the Bears again. Despite the manner in which CCS twits minimized the loss to the Giants, it comes with serious repercussions. It is now more likely that the final game of the season, when the Bears drive the wobbly wheeled Maserati to Minnesota, will be the deciding factor as to who will win the division and have home field advantage on WC weekend. In such a scenario, a home win by Minnesota would mean they'd, again, have home field advantage if they play the Bears a third time in the playoffs.

The whole premise of this rant is stupid. You can’t compare last years stats to this years because of the rule changes. The league as a whole is scoring more and giving up more yards. I believe scoring is up 5 points and yards allowed are up 10 percent. Troll


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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Of course they are. Something is either true or it isnt.

As proven by your statement. Unfortunately the truth about your posting evades you as your perception of same is in opposition.


Sep 24, 2015
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As proven by your statement. Unfortunately the truth about your posting evades you as your perception of same is in opposition.

That's just wanna be/pseudo intellectual bull pucky.
Merry Christmas! (even though the holiday is complete bullshit)


Aug 14, 2018
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Cherry picking stats that fit his negative whoa is me mindset.

Ignoring the fact that the league has changed dramatically this year

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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The whole premise of this rant is stupid. You can’t compare last years stats to this years because of the rule changes. The league as a whole is scoring more and giving up more yards. I believe scoring is up 5 points and yards allowed are up 10 percent. Troll

Haha. People do get butt hurt when there perceptions are shown to be ridiculous. The Bears ranking # 24 in points allowed in 2nd half has not a damn thing to do with rules changes but thanks for the laugh and for providing a prime example of how off a fan’s perception can be.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Cherry picking stats that fit his negative whoa is me mindset.

Ignoring the fact that the league has changed dramatically this year

Going from #1 in the Nfl in points allowed to #24 might be your perception of cherry picking stats, but your perceptions seem to be even more ridiculous than the more common ones.

Tom Arrow

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Aug 3, 2011
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I'm down with the "any given Sunday" thing but stronger teams much less prone.

I agree about stronger teams...some people look at the exception like its the rule. The Cleveland Browns of the previous 2 years make that "on any given Sunday" rule not quite an undebateable fact. In the real world there are very few truly undebateable facts.

Tom Arrow

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Aug 3, 2011
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I guess Hamp and OB are poor fans too...they say about the same thing you do Spartan. We allwanna see the Bears get lucky and win out...but thats what it would take.... luck....they have much growing and learning to do...starting with Nagy who i like but has a way to go too.


CCS Donator
Aug 29, 2012
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Fort Myers, FL
How do you feel about the RAMS now?


I agree especially when you consider the Hawks have lost a lot and still offered little help to Wilson even while letting key big money players on defense go. Think the Rams kinda tailed off last year too. Wouldn't say they were a fluke but don't expect them to be as good this coming season. A team like the Chargers always seem to be on the cusp but just never seem to get there. I expect the Bears to do little more than overtake the Lions in the division.

Let's see, lost their final 3 home games (including loss to the aforementioned Niners who blew them the fuck out), scored total of 26 points in final 2 games and were noncompetitive in WC game. Do people still talk up Suh? To hell with that POS.

I'll agree that Suh is a POS. :)

Not slamming on you being off on your RAMS prediction, but...

Q: If the Bears are right now what the RAMs were last year, will you still damn them for what's to come next season? More similarities than differences.

Tom Arrow

New member
Aug 3, 2011
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Yup. I think 2 in the next 5 years honestly. This team is on its way up and next year will be in the elite of the NFC. By elite I mean they’ll get a first round bye. And also it’s not very warrior spirit like to be satisfied with only 1 SB in your life time.

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How many times have the Chiefs been to the Superbowl in the last 5 tears? go listen to Hamp and OB to get a sense of where a couple hall of Famers think the Bears are going...I kinda hope they are wrong but they believe Nagys trickery is gonna come back to haunt him big time...we'll see!


Aug 14, 2018
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Going from #1 in the Nfl in points allowed to #24 might be your perception of cherry picking stats, but your perceptions seem to be even more ridiculous than the more common ones.

The Bears defenses currently allows 20.1 points per game. That’s 2nd in the league.


Aug 13, 2010
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The perception is the Bears are having a great year in the genius HC's first year. The reality is they have been fortuitous and good fortune doesn't hold up for long, and Nagy's not a genius. The team has relied heavily on their weak schedule and league leading number of turnovers and, as we saw last Sunday, when that turnover advantage isn't there bad things happen. Same could be said of their loss to the faltering Dolphins.

For the most part, this year, the Bears have played solid football and limited mistakes while taking full advantage of the good field position provided by all the turnovers as well as penalties. Bears opponents have given up an average of 20 yards more in penalties per game. When all has gone well for them, it went very well and that helped boost the overall perception of the team as they blew out struggling teams in Buffalo and the Bucs and then recently secured 3 consecutive wins in divisional games. Then, of course, the wheels of the Chevy fell off in Jersey. Say good bye to any remote possibility of a bye. Time to look at the reality of the situation. Is this team really that good? Are its top players as good as perceived when the rose colored glasses are removed?

When the Bears brought in Khalil Mack, the perception was they were getting the best defensive player in the league and it instantly boosted their chances as SB contenders. The reality is he has not been the best defender in the league, does not occupy several blockers on every play, as perceived by many in these forii, and it's never wise to assume a player can play at that extremely high level he played at in the past. You seldom see players get DPOY more than once. Bears have only ever had 2 players win it and only 1 of them won it a second time. So, no, Mack is not way above all other defenders and has not had near his most productive season with the Bears. He has not been as disruptive as he was with the Raiders. In his DPOY year Mack led the league in amount of pressure (sacks+hits+hurries)put on opposing QBs. Last year he was second only to Von Miller. This year, with the Bears, he barely makes the top 15. While the Bears get their fair share of sacks, we usually have not seen the consistent pressure put on QBs. The effects of that were also seen in that last loss to the Giants. Yes, their QB was sacked 3 times but, other than those sacks, the completely immobile Eli was given a whole lot of time to pick his targets on most other pass plays.

With the Bears offense, the perception has been they've looked good, even very good, at times and their QB has established himself. The truth is the QB has only had about 4 good games out of the 10 and they were against weaker teams who were struggling. In the other 6 games, he has a rating of 73 with 6 TDs and 8 Ints. And he and the Bears offense have relied heavily on good field position provided by the defense. On plays in the Bears own end of the field, Trubisky has an 82 rating with 1 TD and 5 INTs. Bears would also do best to avoid close games with Mitchell. When there is a 1-8 point differential, Trubisky has a 79 rating with 7 TDs and 6 Ints.

As we enter the final 4 game stretch, the Bears have but one sure win left in the current worst NFL team, SanFran. The other 3 games will be tough. The Packers are the worst, but Rodgers is done tanking for the removal of McCarthy so will be going all out to beat the Bears again. Despite the manner in which CCS twits minimized the loss to the Giants, it comes with serious repercussions. It is now more likely that the final game of the season, when the Bears drive the wobbly wheeled Maserati to Minnesota, will be the deciding factor as to who will win the division and have home field advantage on WC weekend. In such a scenario, a home win by Minnesota would mean they'd, again, have home field advantage if they play the Bears a third time in the playoffs.

Lol. Due to pairity, most NFL games come down to mistakes and good teams capitalize on oppents mistakes. This write up is just looking for away to discredit the Bears success. Also the Giants loss was because the backup QB played & wet the bed.


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Lol. Due to pairity, most NFL games come down to mistakes and good teams capitalize on oppents mistakes. This write up is just looking for away to discredit the Bears success. Also the Giants loss was because the backup QB played & wet the bed.

He’s trolling. Shocker.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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The Bears defenses currently allows 20.1 points per game. That’s 2nd in the league.

Again, your perception doesn’t jibe with reality. Not second in the league, but fourth. And that would still be all good....if games were cut in half and ended at halftime. The fact remains they’re 24th in the league in the second half and that speaks of them being significantly more vulnerable in the second half and a good team, and sometimes even a bad team, will and have already taken advantage of that fact.

If a team truly wants to be considered a top team in the league, they need to play the full 4 quarters of football.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Lol. Due to pairity, most NFL games come down to mistakes and good teams capitalize on oppents mistakes. This write up is just looking for away to discredit the Bears success. Also the Giants loss was because the backup QB played & wet the bed.

You could put the Giants loss all on the backup Qb but that just shows how dim-witted your perception is cause there was plenty of blame to go around from the HC to the refs, to the Qb and other players, including the weak 2nd half defense, as well.

The Osweiler-led Dolphins were certainly no better than that Giants team, who does it make you feel best to blame for that loss?
