There is risk whenever you sign a free agent because almost always their peak years are behind them physically and you have to overpay given the nature of the economics of baseball. I just think with all the evidence available that CJ Wilson in that 15-17 million range for 4 years is a better gamble than Fielder or Pujols for 7 or 8 at well over 20 million per.
ya i guess the risk of free agency as well as amount of money that is invested into just the nature of supply and demand in the baseball market as well as other things..
it does support another point i made on another thread that the foundation of a team should be built on the farm system rather than free agents .UNLESS you are a financially stable big market team such as NY..then having good prospects should arguably be the first priority
Are you suggesting in your couple of previous posts that CJ is a top 5 pitcher(or am i comprehending that wrong?)
He is an impressive pitcher no doubt(good K/BB ratio..relatively low ERA)
but i do not think he is on the level of a Halladay,Hernandez,or others you have noted
for one thing, Wilson is NOT an ace...frankly, i dont see much evidence to suggest that(this is only his second or third season getting a front rotation amount starts)
that doesnt mean he cant come into the cubs organization and pitch well for us(but my point is we shouldnt overpay for him..i think another pro argument you can make for wilson is the fact that he pitched in the AL)
We were NOT the best team in baseball in 2008. We didn't have the best record and weren't the world champions. Though it could be argued that the 97 win Cubs were better than the 100 win Angels, but I'm not quite sure about that.
hmmm interesting...didnt they not make or win the world series either?
neither of team even made it past the first round
it goes to show that because of the way baseball is structured(relying on pitching which teams like the dodgers and sox had that year as well as batting streaks)...that it is not easy by any stretch to win the world series..EVEN if you are one of the eight teams to make the playoffs AND have the best record
whether or not the season is a failure because the team does not do well in the playoffs is completely subjective imo