Another exciting action packed blockbuster summer with Pax

Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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I don't see it. All he does is make up shit. Point out where the fuck I compared Mirotic to Dirk?

heres were dirk was brought up

Miriotic is Dirk 2.0, Deng will learn to play iso ball, get handles, and create. He'll finally be our own version of Lebron!

then you came in here guns blazing talking about nikola is one of greatest euro big men ever and talking about all his accolades because heff said dont compare him to dirk

i think you hate heff so much you blindly quote him and just start hating on whatever he said

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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also now that i actually read past the dirk 2.0 part i see Frenchie was being sarcastic lol

how did that statement turn into a 6 page thread lol
Right, you beat me to it. The Lebroad comment should have told anyone that Frenchie was being sarcastic! Then Heffy went on Dirk tear! Here's how it went down.......


This was hef's resonse to Heffer's sarcastic statement:

Why do people say this stuff? Dirk Nowitzki is not your average player! He is one of the greatest big men ever! Why compare this guy to Dirk?

After that stoopid resonse, I resonded with this:

I can see you giggling with this statement. Since you taken the Dirk outa your mouth for a moment, Mirotic, in Europe, is actually one of the greatest big men ever. I just thought I'd point that out. He's graded much higher then Toni Kukoc was.

I even suggested leaving Dirk out of the convo. I mentioned him as one of the best bigs ever, from Euro, cuz of what he said. Then I made my point that he's accumalated more accolades then Tony had at 22, which I find encouraging. Then Playboi went on and on about Dirk again!

See what I mean?

Hell with "Bear" seem to take pride in being an ass clown. You want to justify comparing Mirotic to the ONLY EUROPEAN PLAYER TO LEAD A TEAM TO AN NBA TITLE...go right ahead. And here's a little hint while you are on your voyage for a got damn television! You are friggin' clueless.

I then resonded with this:

Mirotic is winning accolades that NO other player has before at his age. Pardon me for being optimistic! Now go molest your Lebron doll.

Then Playboi had this ultra intelligent response:

You aren't being're an idiot. You are just being stupid. Don't for a second think, dumb ass, that any of the dumb shit you say should be confused with optimism. Optimism is me wishing you would figure out that you are clueless and shut the hell up.

The only fuckin dumbass here thinks he Hue fuckin Heffner!

Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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i guess heff took it as you were trying to defend the dirk statement (i did aswell)

heff never said nikola was gonna be trash...he basically said you're reaching for the stars thinking hes gonna be dirk 2.0...then you came in and took heffs comment the wrong way i guess

Bear Pride

Bears Gonna Shock the World!
Aug 28, 2012
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i guess heff took it as you were trying to defend the dirk statement (i did aswell)

heff never said nikola was gonna be trash...he basically said you're reaching for the stars thinking hes gonna be dirk 2.0...then you came in and took heffs comment the wrong way i guess
The main issue I have with Hef is he keeps telling me I said shit when I didn't. People were making posts that Mirotic was an unknown, which is true. I choose to be optimistic, and be encouraged what I hear and read about him. I posted some 'positive' things about Mirotic to debate the people who were downplaying what he could bring to the table.

Then Hefferboi came in, as usual, with his insults and hot air about about the Heat and his little BFF. The funny thing is, I've never really liked Dirk as a player. He had the 'soft' label for years. It was only until he beat the Heat that he became a great player.

My main point was what did this have to do about being optimistic that Mirotic can help the Bulls?


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
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Saying he will be the next Dirk is to much. He's the best european by a large margin and is also one of the greatest players to ever play the game.


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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heres were dirk was brought up

then you came in here guns blazing talking about nikola is one of greatest euro big men ever and talking about all his accolades because heff said dont compare him to dirk

i think you hate heff so much you blindly quote him and just start hating on whatever he said

I didn't know you pointed this out to dude. He must have been on X or something when he wrote that. But I don't take too kindly to a person showing up talking crazy to me and saying things like "Get the Dirk out yo mouth"...we all know what that play on words meant.

Its like a dude taking a swing at you when you are fighting someone else, then wonder why you trying to whip HIS ass in retaliation.

By the way...another dumb statement. Dirk was a hall of famer, League MVP and considered a great player BEFORE winning a title. He had been a franchise player for damn near a decade BEFORE that. Just sayin'


Ignoring Idiots
May 6, 2009
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Saying he will be the next Dirk is to much. He's the best european by a large margin and is also one of the greatest players to ever play the game.

I agree, that was my whole Frenchie...something he already knew. I took his statement out of proportion. But comparing this guy to one of the greatest ever? No mas.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
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Planet Klendathu
Fuck that, MiR0 will set the league on fire. There is going to be a new NBA rule instituted to limit his minutes just so the games can be fair.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
I didn't know you pointed this out to dude. He must have been on X or something when he wrote that. But I don't take too kindly to a person showing up talking crazy to me and saying things like "Get the Dirk out yo mouth"...we all know what that play on words meant.

Its like a dude taking a swing at you when you are fighting someone else, then wonder why you trying to whip HIS ass in retaliation.

By the way...another dumb statement. Dirk was a hall of famer, League MVP and considered a great player BEFORE winning a title. He had been a franchise player for damn near a decade BEFORE that. Just sayin'

I dont understand why BearPride likes referring to penises on sports messageboards in almost every basketball related statement or argument hes involved with.
B.P is creepier than SP94.
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Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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surprise surprise they are at the bottom of the trash heap looking at Anthony Trolliver lol

allot of better options still out there harrington, jaimson, tyrus, hell even malcom thomas

why are we looking at this scrub?


Staff member
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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surprise surprise they are at the bottom of the trash heap looking at Anthony Trolliver lol

allot of better options still out there harrington, jaimson, tyrus, hell even malcom thomas

why are we looking at this scrub?

I dunno. All I got is he's a Paxson boy.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
surprise surprise they are at the bottom of the trash heap looking at Anthony Trolliver lol

allot of better options still out there harrington, jaimson, tyrus, hell even malcom thomas

why are we looking at this scrub?

Because Paxson is one of Fred Sanfords best customers.


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Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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i'd like to send a thank you to the bobcats/hornets.....first by signing pargo and then signing tolliver....they are cleaning out the dumpster so paxson cant go pickin


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
i'd like to send a thank you to the bobcats/hornets.....first by signing pargo and then signing tolliver....they are cleaning out the dumpster so paxson cant go pickin

How in the hell can you be thankful to Charlotte for being yet another NBA team to help destroy Ben Gordons career.
I hate the Bobcats and the Pistons and i could never be thankful for those pitiful orginizations.
The Bulls orginization should be glad i dont hate them too for what they did to our friend Ben.

Purhaps with all the new garbagelike aquisitions the Bobcats have recieved, maybe they will be willing to send B.G back to his rightful team, the Chicago bulls..
Charlotte dont need Ben now....They have new players whos careers are already ruined to ruin some more.
They are so greedy.

Considering that coaches are now allowed to be traded, maybe we could trade our gm Paxson for Gordon.
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Sep 3, 2012
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Watch the Bulls get BG back after next year after they strike out on Lebron..........again

Axl Rose

and I knew the silence of the world
Oct 11, 2011
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How in the hell can you be thankful to Charlotte for being yet another NBA team to help destroy Ben Gordons career.
I hate the Bobcats and the Pistons and i could never be thankful for those pitiful orginizations.
The Bulls orginization should be glad i dont hate them too for what they did to our friend Ben.

Purhaps with all the new garbagelike aquisitions the Bobcats have recieved, maybe they will be willing to send B.G back to his rightful team, the Chicago bulls..
Charlotte dont need Ben now....They have new players whos careers are already ruined to ruin some more.
They are so greedy.

Considering that coaches are now allowed to be traded, maybe we could trade our gm Paxson for Gordon.

lol i just said thanks for signing those garbage player so we dont, chill

hopefully BG gets more minutes this year...dunfap was an idiot...they have a new coach hopefully he knows what hes doing

but yeah i hate ben has to be in that wasteland...somebody asked him on twitter if he was still in the league :(
