Another exciting action packed blockbuster summer with Pax

payton 34ever

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I'm amazed at how many threads on this board degenerate into what I like to call arguing about arguing. It's just basketball, guys. I love it too, but that's no reason to get so bent out of shape towards each other.


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I'm amazed at how many threads on this board degenerate into what I like to call arguing about arguing. It's just basketball, guys. I love it too, but that's no reason to get so bent out of shape towards each other.



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I'm amazed at how many threads on this board degenerate into what I like to call arguing about arguing. It's just basketball, guys. I love it too, but that's no reason to get so bent out of shape towards each other.


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Welp, heres some more fuel for my theory that Paxgars standpattness make them incompetent and pass up minor tweek opportunies to deepen our bench.
Pax used to at least be able to bring in fill in guys, but now hes even slipping on that subject.

Another decent affordable veteren that could of helped the Bulls bites the dust.
Thanks PaxGarJerry................again.
Link Below:

Yup, another exciting offseason with Pax in full effect.
And Dunleavy being the 1 and only signing this offseason just doesnt cut it for me and frusturates me as a Bulls fan.
Ever frigin year and i dont think next offseasons action will be much better if history repeats itself.
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Three if by air
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Honestly, I'm glad we have "Stand Pat Pax". Imagine the boneheads that we would have on this roster. Derrick would claim that he needs another season to recover, just to avoid playing with all of the headcases that you guys want.

Happy Human 1001

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saw this and I pretty much agree with all the points in it
Why the Bulls can never win the off-season
By DougThonus, today at 8:33 am

Every year, Bulls fans look forward to the off-season, waiting for the big move to put them over the top. Waiting for management to do something, anything, to get better than the Miami Heat. After all, we'd better answer Reggie Rose's call and get some talent in here or perhaps Derrick Rose won't play again. Every year the Bulls make some minor moves on the bench and appear to come back worse.

It started with Watson + Brewer + Korver + Asik turning into Teague + Hinrich + Nate + Belinelli + Nazr. It continues with Nate + Belinelli turning into Dunleavy Jr + Snell. Minor moves, no big splash, and we're not even happy with the minor moves. How could you let go of Nate Robinson after all he did?

There are two dynamics at play here. The first is the lack of the big splash.

The Bulls aren't in position to make a big splash. Who is the big splash player that puts you ahead of Miami? What roster move do you make and then say "the Bulls got this now"? Dwight Howard was the only player in the NBA (when healthy) that I would have said that about. Dwight Howard who didn't want to come here and proved he had the balls to walk away from the extra year and leave as a free agent.

I was in the trade for Howard either way camp. Bullet dodged. Let's be thankful I wasn't the GM, the Bulls would be far worse off if we had traded for Howard.

After that? The Bulls will always be worse on paper than Miami. It doesn't mean they'll lose, but it does mean that we'll enter the season feeling pretty uneasy about our chances. It does mean we'll feel that we didn't do enough. How could we have done enough if we still feel like the underdogs after all?

That's crux of the Bulls position in terms of getting significantly better. However, in order to add a 'star', the Bulls would likely need to give up the Bobcats pick, Jimmy Butler, and Nikola Mirotic to make another team bite with Luol Deng matching salary, and even after that package you are only 'maybe' getting Kevin Love or LaMarcus Aldridge who could both split in two years are your low tier stars not your superstars and both would play the same position as Carlos Boozer who wouldn't be leaving in the trade package.

Don't get me wrong, I drool at the idea of adding Love or Aldridge, but when the cost becomes two key rotation players, your two best future assets, and the result is a mismatched roster where you won't easily be able to trade your way into a good one because no one wants Boozer? Time to stand back and say this probably isn't worth it. Especially since after that mess everyone can walk away in two seasons.

Oh by the way, good chance that both teams would have said no to that package anyway given that they both rejected packages including the #1 pick for their players.

So when you slowly back away and realize the star route wasn't the way to go (at least this season) that leaves us with discussing the bench. There was quite a bit of anger about the Bulls blowing up the bench mob last season, but in the end, the new bench mob lacked the big man depth of the previous one but added more of what this team really needed. Shot creation and scoring.

The Bulls last season were far better off with what they had than if they had kept the old group together even including Asik, and while I wish Asik was back here, if the Bulls stay healthy then they won't miss him all that much. You can't play four on five basketball against a team as athletic on the perimeter as the Heat.

Now we're going through the motions again, watching the beloved Nate Robinson walk away, and I loved Nate Robinson as much as you. I think the Bulls needed someone with Robinson's attitude coming off the bench, and I'm not sure I see that. However, much like Jimmy Butler stepped up and destroyed what Ronnie Brewer could have done, the Bulls will look to fill Robinson's void internally.

The biggest way it gets filled is by Derrick Rose returning. In the end, the need for a Nate Robinson went from 48 minutes a game to about 10 minutes a game with the return of Derrick. Marquis Teague can't shot like Nate, but he can get to the hole and create his own shot. I'm excited to see what he can do.

Jimmy Butler looks like he's improved his shot creation skills as well. The Bulls don't have that true ringer off the bench like they did with Nate, but going into the season, Nate was on a non guaranteed deal and wasn't viewed as what he was either.

In the end, I think the Bulls can help make great bench players with their system, coach, and trust. When you look at the Bulls off-season in players in and out, it looks like a miss, but it looked like one last year too. Instead, I think Chicago will be better than Bulls fans think. A year without Rose has left us feeling that they're mediocre.

They're not. Make no mistake, the Bulls are coming back as one of the best teams in the NBA. They'll threaten to win 60 games [and possibly win more], and they'll be the Heat's biggest nemesis this season. We'll see Jimmy Butler step up, we'll see Marquis Teague play better than expected, and the guys we thought we'd miss will be filled in for successfully.

The Bulls are a star player away from having a shot to look as good as Miami on paper, but they're only a role playing big man away from hitting about as high a mark as they could in the off-season and still have a shot to fill that void


Three if by air
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Good old Thonus strikes again.


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Oct 8, 2010
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Chicago Illinois
Honestly, I'm glad we have "Stand Pat Pax". Imagine the boneheads that we would have on this roster. Derrick would claim that he needs another season to recover, just to avoid playing with all of the headcases that you guys want.

SO basically your saying that Lamarcus Aldridge would of been a headcase too?
Standing Pat and not being active in the market is a good thing?
So staying championshipless and just good enough to fill the seats and a playoff round or 2 every year satisfys your NBa bulls cravings?
Thanks for sharing that with us.
But i totally disagree with you.
Are you John paxson?
Somtimes i wonder.


Entirely too much tuna
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SO basically your saying that Lamarcus Aldridge would of been a headcase too?
Standing Pat and not being active in the market is a good thing?
So staying championshipless and just good enough to fill the seats and a playoff round or 2 every year satisfys your NBa bulls cravings?
Thanks for sharing that with us.
But i totally disagree with you.
Are you John paxson?
Somtimes i wonder.

No cap space. No roster flexibility. No way to deal Deng's expiring deal without finding out how healthy he is going into the season. Boozer's deal isn't expiring yet. Mirotic isn't ready to come over. Haven't seen what either rookie, or Teague can do yet. Haven't seen how Rose will come back.

All reasons to stand pat. It was an uneventful offseason for everyone not named Houston, Los Angeles (either team), or Philadelphia. Nothing to see here.


Three if by air
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SO basically your saying that Lamarcus Aldridge would of been a headcase too?
Standing Pat and not being active in the market is a good thing?
So staying championshipless and just good enough to fill the seats and a playoff round or 2 every year satisfys your NBa bulls cravings?
Thanks for sharing that with us.
But i totally disagree with you.
Are you John paxson?
Somtimes i wonder.

Oh yeah, I forgot about those imaginary trades the Bulls didn't make to become better.

Daa Bearrs

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Aug 28, 2012
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I feel like half of this fanbase is projecting their anger from Derrick Rose's injury onto Bulls management. The Bulls organization from top to bottom has done a fantastic job of building a very good team that should be in contention for quite some time, but they haven't been in contention the past two seasons because Rose got injured. GarPax can't do jack shit about that. Before his injury they put together back to back 1st seed seasons and made it all the way to the ECF the one and only year Rose was healthy for the playoffs under Thibs.

Teams like the Nets, Knicks and Lakers are spending money like wild on "superstars" and going nowhere. The only team that has spent tons of money in free agency and won anything are the Heat and that's mostly due to having Lebron fucking James on the roster. So I'm going to sit back and appreciate "cheap" ass Reinsdorf for putting together a great product and laugh my balls off at fucktards like Dolan all the while.


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Oct 8, 2010
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I feel like half of this fanbase is projecting their anger from Derrick Rose's injury onto Bulls management. The Bulls organization from top to bottom has done a fantastic job of building a very good team that should be in contention for quite some time, but they haven't been in contention the past two seasons because Rose got injured. GarPax can't do jack shit about that. Before his injury they put together back to back 1st seed seasons and made it all the way to the ECF the one and only year Rose was healthy for the playoffs under Thibs.

Teams like the Nets, Knicks and Lakers are spending money like wild on "superstars" and going nowhere. The only team that has spent tons of money in free agency and won anything are the Heat and that's mostly due to having Lebron fucking James on the roster. So I'm going to sit back and appreciate "cheap" ass Reinsdorf for putting together a great product and laugh my balls off at fucktards like Dolan all the while.


I been angry with Bulls management since 1998.

So when management strikes out again next offseason, what will the standpat excuse be then?


Three if by air
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So when management strikes out again next offseason, what will the standpat excuse be then?

Strikes out on what?

Has it not been 100% obvious yet?

The Chicago Bulls are a scouting/drafting team. They are less Jerry Buss, more Gregg Popovich. Also, you not liking that the Bulls have become a scouting/drafting team, then constantly venting it out on other Bulls fans, is really not helping anything. Shit in one hand, wish in another.


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No cap space. No roster flexibility. No way to deal Deng's expiring deal without finding out how healthy he is going into the season. Boozer's deal isn't expiring yet. Mirotic isn't ready to come over. Haven't seen what either rookie, or Teague can do yet. Haven't seen how Rose will come back.

All reasons to stand pat. It was an uneventful offseason for everyone not named Houston, Los Angeles (either team), or Philadelphia. Nothing to see here.

All the reasons to stand pat is because he done fucked up to where he has no other choice but to stand pat.
Stuck in mediocreville.

I dont know bout yall, but i want championships and thats not happening until we get another alpha dog for Rose.

So you guys can keep making excuses for papa pax and ill keep my fingers crosses while hoping for Paxs resignations and Jerrys for sale sign.

I want action, not messageboard posters excuses to try and justify the obvious LACK of action.


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Sounds good. We will. You're welcome.

good plan.
You guys keep being gullible if thats your cup of tea, and il continue to use common sense and logic and not be blinded by what really is.
Thank you mr. smarty pants.
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Three if by air
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good plan.
You guys keep being gullible if thats your cup of teas, and il continue to use common sense and logic.
Thank you mr. smarty pants.

There is no common sense in yelling at your TV(see sig).


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There is no common sense in yelling at your TV(see sig).


What Bulls fans have to look forward to this season for all of Paxs hard work this offseason.
(See SP94's avatar)
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Three if by air
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What Bulls fans have to look forward to this season for all of Paxs hard work this offseason.
(See SP94's avatar)

So who is going to have more success this year? JR's Knicks, or Dunleavy's Bulls?
