Article: Whatever happens, the Bears must keep Cutler


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Newport Beach, CA
419 posts in this thread and I don't remember one of guano's actually discussing the topic at hand...but we are the trolls

Says the pot to the kettle. This thread was going fine at the beginning until u did the usual trolling. I just called u out before as did many others, and I did it again. Cheerleading for a dislike repper...that is pretty sad.

Back on topic. Cutler is gonna be a Bear for at least 1 more year. Bitch about it, troll it, whatever u do best. Deal with it


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419 posts in this thread and I don't remember one of guano's actually discussing the topic at hand...but we are the trolls

I think his last post was some baseless post on how if Cutler had remained in the HOU that the Bears would've won.

Nevermind that Cutler played terrible before getting knocked out.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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We need a thread titled "Whatever happens, the Bears must let Cutler go." That's how I see it. Here's a guy never been much more than an overhyped mediocre QB, on the wrong side of 30, concussion issues, diabetic, other injury concerns, neither Bears nor Broncos ever had success with him (unless you count 1 playoff win vs a 7-9 team success), and he does not work well with others.


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Unless Cutler can improve his TD/Int ratio, basically keep his mistakes to a minimum, and stay healthy...I don't see a point in keeping him. If Cutler still shows he is mistake prone with solid WR's, an overhauled line, a competent OC, an offensive minded HC, a tremendous upgrade at TE, and 2 versatile RB's...than what is the point of resigning him. Cutler may have potential and shown signs of talent, but he hasn't proven that he is a must sign player for us. The team has gone through a lot of changes and I think with those changes we have a team that can be successful with a game manager type QB. So in no way are the Bears in a situation that they must sign Cutler no matter what happens this coming season. Cutler needs to prove that he can keep the ball out of the defenses hands first.

Not saying I want a game manager type QB, just saying with the team we have I feel we can be just as successful with a game manager as we would with Cutler.

The bolded were not game managers, they were flat out bad...Orton may not have been the best QB but he was a game manager. Again, I prefer us not to have a game manager QB, but if the Bears let Cutler walk I can be ok with a game manager until we find the next franchise QB.

My reaction after every dumb mistake Cutler makes


Not if he can't be more efficient with the ball.

If he has another year with throwing almost as many picks as he does TD's, I say cut him loose and draft a QB

What part was stupid?

If Emery was sold on Cutler why let him play out his contract? Why not give him that $15M that the author states Cutler is worth right now?

Here is a sample of my first 5 posts in this thread


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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So if Cutler can't show any consistency and better efficiency, how does handcuffing the team to him for another potential 3-4 years make sense? You can get the same type of production from a first or second round rookie for much cheaper than $15M/year

Yes you read that wrong, I was saying if he doesn't improve his TD/Int ratio and can keep his mistakes to a minimum and stays healthy than I don't see a point in keeping him. If he can improve in all those areas than keep him and build on that improvement.

In the past 3 years here are the QB's that were drafted in the first 4 rounds:

2013 - EJ Manuel, Geno Smith, Mike Glennon, Matt Barkley, Ryan Nassib, Tyler Wilson, Landy Jones.
2012 - Andrew Luck, RG3, Ryan Tannehill, Brandon Weeden, Brock Osweiler, Russell Wilson, Nick Foles, Kirk Cousins
2011 - Cam Newton, Jake Locker, Blaine Gabbert, Christian Ponder, Andy Dalton, Colin Kaepernick, Ryan Mallett

The bolded names are all starters for their teams, the names I italicized have stepped in and either started or played when the starter went down with injury. I didn't include the 2013 draft picks on the starter list because we don't know, but if I had to guess EJ Manuel may end up being the day 1 starter, Smith and Glennon could potentially be the starters by the end of the year and Landy Jones may see some time for injury relief.

Of the ones bolded Weeden, Gabbert, Ponder, and Locker are the worse of the bunch...and Ponder still led his team to the playoffs. Foles and Cousins have shown promise in the time that they have played.

QB's can be found, you are going to get some guys who aren't that great, you are going to get some guys who can get the job done and be average to maybe even a solid QB, and if we can get lucky we can snag a franchise QB. Point being if our front office sticks with the mentality of there is no one better out there and not take a shot at a QB then we won't ever know who we can get.

I was all for drafting a QB this past year, so we can have that back up plan if Cutler doesn't improve or even regresses. Since we didn't draft a QB, there is no point in handcuffing us to a player who just isn't improving on his weaknesses and taking us to the next level. I'm not saying we are guaranteed to find that QB to take us to the next level in the draft...but if we can get someone who can give us similar production for a lot less than what Cutler would cost than why not?

Technically only 5 were starting for their teams in the post season....had Ponder not been injured he would have been the starter for Minnesota in the playoffs. But the point still stands that 6 of those QB's led their team to the playoffs and all were either rookies or second year players.

I think we may have a dry spell in terms of highend QB's in the draft, but I still feel we can draft someone who can give us similar production. He may not be a worldbeater but be good enough to keep defenses honest and keep the mistakes down.

And here are my next 4....yeah you got me I was trolling from the get go


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Kinda like the slackers did the last two an embarassing fashion?

Leave that piece of GB doodie alone. He is part of the fecal foursome that spews out such logic all the time. We need them to tee off on when they post doodie. It is quite entertaining

I had to jump in here Teddy bc u are hogging all the action from the fecal foursome trolls! I feel left out. Too bad we can't bring back the rivals forum and stick em over there but we need the :troll::troll::troll::troll: gang for entertainment

I hear you but since their posts can't be taken seriously to anyone over the age of 5, I file the thank you gang under the category of amusement. Just had to jump in bc trolls be trollin you and I felt left out. See you and the whole gang on the next Cutler thread. :troll:

Classic screenshot! I think there are a couple more but still hilarious! Troll feed is out of stock

And here are your first 5 posts, just so you can have a comparison


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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What's this thread about?

If you go by what guano has posted than it is about the "fecal foursome" and GB trolls.

But if you sift through his shit, than you will see it is about if the Bears are in a position where no matter what they have to sign Cutler...see the OP to read the article.


Cutler, huh?

Hmmm, never has one man created so much 'debate', needed or not.

If he goes, then we need another donkey to beat because whoever it is, that poor bugger just won't please everyone.

I'd go with a pie chart, wouldn't need the 18 pages of back and forth then.


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Cutler, huh?

Hmmm, never has one man created so much 'debate', needed or not.

If he goes, then we need another donkey to beat because whoever it is, that poor bugger just won't please everyone.

I'd go with a pie chart, wouldn't need the 18 pages of back and forth then.

Vash is slackin

And if our D takes a step back this year...that'll be added to the list


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Aug 21, 2012
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Newport Beach, CA
And here are your first 5 posts, just so you can have a comparison

Hmmmmmm. U seem to have cherry picked and left out the posts where u of all people were commenting on other posters and your trolls jumped in too. U are a joke and you leaving out facts like u always do to try to strengthen your case actually makes it weaker when the other parts that u left out are put into play. I just was coming in to balance out the trolling. Nice try though. What a joke. Thanks for the :doorrofl:


Packer Fan
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Hmmmmmm. U seem to have cherry picked and left out the posts where u of all people were commenting on other posters and your trolls jumped in too. U are a joke and you leaving out facts like u always do to try to strengthen your case actually makes it weaker when the other parts that u left out are put into play. I just was coming in to balance out the trolling. Nice try though. What a joke. Thanks for the :doorrofl:

You mean he left out the references to your shitty posts?


Objective Fanboy
Aug 21, 2012
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say we didn't sign cutler what fa qbs would be out there and what good qbs are there comin up in the draft?

run and shoot

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....what ya' go thru, trying to show the fanboys, jay is a avg. at best Qb

