Article: Whatever happens, the Bears must keep Cutler

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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Just as it's no surprise to see the Knox fanboys get all butthurt whenever someone mentions his name.

Sorry Mick but it's not an excuse to point out the valid flaws in Johnny's game. Only meatball fans blame the QB when a WR gets physically beat at the LOS and fails to cross the face of the defender on a slant... or gets out muscled coming out of his break causing an INT. Let's not revise history and act like Knox was Calvin Johnson out there. He was a one trick pony deep threat who struggled just as badly as Hester whenever he was matched up with a physical corner.

It's not an "excuse" to point out the fact that Hester and Knox getting absolutely manhandled by GB's corners was a contributing factor to Cutler's struggles vs them. Just like the OL allowing Matthews to look like Lawrence fucking Taylor every time we play them is also a contributing factor.

Look, no doubt Cutler has legit flaws in his game but let's not act like the dude plays in the vacuum of space, and that mentioning a valid criticism in regards to any of the other players on offense is an attempt to make an excuse for him.

We may not see eye to eye much, but you nailed this. Very well put.

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It's gonna be nice to one day have a Qb, who doesn't apologists.
Aug 20, 2012
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New York State(sucks)
i dunno man knox vrses bennet is like arguing my garbage smells less terrible than your garbage in the end their both still garbage. neither of them were or are more than averae talent that would rot at the very bottom of most nfl teams rosters

Knox really wasn't garbage though. Again, for a fifth round pick he played well & his production would have warranted him being third round pick. Just because Lovie/Martz had him in the wrong position doesn't mean he was garbage by any means. I'd love to see how this offense would do with Knox being part of it & finally allowed to stretch the field against single coverage.

Neither Knox or Bennett were number one WRs, but nor were they garbage either. Bennett is a decent slot receiver when he stays healthy

Ya can't have a Brandon Marshall type at every WR position.

Whomever said Knox was force fed the ball in Martzs system is a putz the most receptions he ever had under Martz was 51 in 2010 which is low for a guy who is being used as a premier WR, came 40 yards shy of a 1000 season & averaged 18.8 yards per, 5 TD's, only one droped pass. Knoxs production was similar in 2011 in only 14 games with a higher yards per catch average of 19.6 yards, 727 yards, 2 TDs, & 1 dropped pass. After Hanie replaced Cutler he basically had no shot at matching his TD totals from 2010 along with his own injury.

By no means is that pro bowl production, but FAR from being garbage, especially for a fifth round pick. I'd love to see Knox in the offense with Marshall, M. Bennett, Jeffery & Forte.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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Aug 25, 2012
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So if Cutler can't show any consistency and better efficiency, how does handcuffing the team to him for another potential 3-4 years? You can get the same type of production from a first or second round rookie for much cheaper than $15M/year

I agree drafting QB's should be part of the plan. I just think it's completely unrealistic to think quality QB's are just laying around to be picked up. If the college's keep cranking out guys like RGIII, Wilson, and Luck every year then I'm wrong, it was the start of a trend I didn't recognize. If this isn't a trend, and I'm right, the Bears are up a creek without Cutler. I would just like to hear one slightly realistic option before letting Jay get away.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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I would just like to hear one slightly realistic option before letting Jay get away.

Problem is they don't have any options or answers to offer. That would mean the possibility of being proven wrong should their suggested QB's not pan out. And we can't have that. The internet is serious business remember and they have precious internet reps to maintain. So instead it's better to just point to Wilson and Kaepernick and act like their 1 year of success now means finding franchise QB's is a gimme and any team can easily scoop one up with a mid round pick.

To them they don't need to have any answers since it's so easy to get franchise QB's now. Just cut Cutler and draft whatever QB you want! It's fool proof! Last years rookie success proved it's now a guaranteed lock we can just plug in whatever rookie we want and make the playoffs!


Aug 21, 2012
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Baltimore, Maryland
Unless Cutler can improve his TD/Int ratio, basically keep his mistakes to a minimum, and stay healthy...I don't see a point in keeping him. If Cutler still shows he is mistake prone with solid WR's, an overhauled line, a competent OC, an offensive minded HC, a tremendous upgrade at TE, and 2 versatile RB's...than what is the point of resigning him. Cutler may have potential and shown signs of talent, but he hasn't proven that he is a must sign player for us. The team has gone through a lot of changes and I think with those changes we have a team that can be successful with a game manager type QB. So in no way are the Bears in a situation that they must sign Cutler no matter what happens this coming season. Cutler needs to prove that he can keep the ball out of the defenses hands first.
???? what? did I read that wrong? If Cutler improves his TD/Int ratio, basically keeps his mistakes to a minimum and stays healthy you don't see a point in keeping him?


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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???? what? did I read that wrong? If Cutler improves his TD/Int ratio, basically keeps his mistakes to a minimum and stays healthy you don't see a point in keeping him?

Dude... Cutler could shatter Rodgers 2011 season td/int ratio while leading the Bears to a SB win and the haters would still whine and want to replace him next year.

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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Problem is they don't have any options or answers to offer. That would mean the possibility of being proven wrong should their suggested QB's not pan out. And we can't have that. The internet is serious business remember and they have precious internet reps to maintain. So instead it's better to just point to Wilson and Kaepernick and act like their 1 year of success now means finding franchise QB's is a gimme and any team can easily scoop one up with a mid round pick.

To them they don't need to have any answers since it's so easy to get franchise QB's now. Just cut Cutler and draft whatever QB you want! It's fool proof! Last years rookie success proved it's now a guaranteed lock we can just plug in whatever rookie we want and make the playoffs!
Nobody said it's easy but looking at all the teams last year who had much success with rookies/first year starters/ free agent should make you see it's more than plausible. Why a fan would want their favorite team to stay the course with their very average QB who has been taken to the whipping post far too many times by their main rival, IDK, it defies logic.


well baked
Aug 20, 2012
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Nobody said it's easy but looking at all the teams last year who had much success with rookies/first year starters/ free agent should make you see it's more than plausible.

It's also more than plausible that last years success was a fluke and Wilson and Kaepernick will come crashing back down to reality this season. Sorry but 1 year of success does not negate decades of history that proves otherwise. If they end up continuing their success then awesome, I just think it's a little early to be crowning their asses after 1 season and acting like it's now a trivial process to upgrade the QB position.

Why a fan would want their favorite team to stay the course with their very average QB who has been taken to the whipping post far too many times by their main rival, IDK, it defies logic.

Who here is suggesting what you're saying exactly? From what I've seen on this board of late most folks are reserving judgment until they see how the season unfolds. I personally have no problems moving on from Cutler if he stinks up the season. But either way the Bears need to draft a QB regardless of how he plays. I just think it's dumb to throw the guy away before you have a better option in place and ready to step in.. which we currently don't have.


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Sep 7, 2012
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To clarify, I think Bennett is the better WR, while Knox is faster. To your original point Knox might have been the more dangerous offensive weapon, but for me Bennett would be the one convering 3rd down and chipping someone on run plays.

I agree Knox might have been faster and maybe a better athlete but Bennett was always better at catching the ball and running routes.

Uncle Zeek

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Jul 26, 2011
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It's also more than plausible that last years success was a fluke and Wilson and Kaepernick will come crashing back down to reality this season. Sorry but 1 year of success does not negate decades of history that proves otherwise.

Actually, it does, and if history is proving anything, it is that gunslingers are a thing of the past and by the time that trend comes back around again, Jay will be on his 8-10th concussion, and retired. So why would we make a long term commitment to him that would financially strap this team when we could give a draft pick less and accelerate their development because they wont be second fiddle?

Warrior Spirit

The Truth
Sep 12, 2010
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It's also more than plausible that last years success was a fluke and Wilson and Kaepernick will come crashing back down to reality this season. Sorry but 1 year of success does not negate decades of history that proves otherwise. If they end up continuing their success then awesome, I just think it's a little early to be crowning their asses after 1 season and acting like it's now a trivial process to upgrade the QB position.

I don't know if you know how rare it is for rookies and first year starters to play at that high level. It's not something that a QB can just luck into. RG3 highest passer rating for a rookie ever. Wilson was right behind him only 2 points less. CK set an all time record against the Packers after starting only for a half season. Had over 100 QB rating in the post season. A fluke? Hell no. Qbs have been pushed harder to get better as the passing game has grown throughout the years. 10 years ago you'd have a handful of QBs with a rating over 90 and a rating of 85 would be considered above average. Now, it's just average and you have about 10 QBs with ratings over 90 and a handful over 100.

Who here is suggesting what you're saying exactly? From what I've seen on this board of late most folks are reserving judgment until they see how the season unfolds. I personally have no problems moving on from Cutler if he stinks up the season. But either way the Bears need to draft a QB regardless of how he plays. I just think it's dumb to throw the guy away before you have a better option in place and ready to step in.. which we currently don't have.
The Bears have certainly passed up on some golden opportunities over the years and it's a damn shame. Sometimes teams appear scared to make a move at the position especially when they have an average QB. Might be better to let him go and have that sense of urgency to find a QB. Washington had one of the very worst QB situations in 2011. In 2012 they draft not only a high quality starter by trading up but got a very good backup as well. With a HC like the Bears have now, they shouldn't be fearing whether they can find an average or better QB to replace what they have now.


CCS Donator
Aug 16, 2011
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So if Cutler can't show any consistency and better efficiency, how does handcuffing the team to him for another potential 3-4 years make sense? You can get the same type of production from a first or second round rookie for much cheaper than $15M/year

That's why I think we should have drafted a qb this year. I wanted to groom a qb just in case. Now we might be keeping Cutler for a year while looking for the replacement...Unless the Bears are willing to roll with Blanchard.

You can find a rookie to start to give you the same type of production, but even that won't be easy to do. Hell, I thought Campbell couldn't have been this bad and yet he had worse production. Unless you saying any rookie we draft next year can be better than Campbell, I disagree with you that you can get a rookie with the same type of production as Cutler.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
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Given our history with QBs, Cutler is the best thing this generation has ever seen and we should hold onto that. Rookies like Wilson and Kap don't come along that often and even if they did, we'd pick McNown that round anyway.


CCS Donator
Aug 16, 2011
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Given our history with QBs, Cutler is the best thing this generation has ever seen and we should hold onto that. Rookies like Wilson and Kap don't come along that often and even if they did, we'd pick McNown that round anyway.

I usually don't like this line of thinking. Just because somebody else who was in charge of the team made stupid mistakes the first time, doesn't mean the new person will make similar mistakes. For all we know, Emery could be good at drafting(Still waiting on that Shea pick to pan out).

However, what I can say is that there is no point of getting rid of Cutler unless we have something equivalent or better in place.

Run the ball

CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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A side note here, do you guys think Jay is good type of QB to learn under(groom).
