B-Hawks 2023-2024 Season Thread of Bedard


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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A few more shots but not a ton of difference. The kid really needs some help out there. Just woefully lacking offensive skills teamwide. A lot of these guys barely qualify as NHL players....I would guess there are some AHL teams that would give them trouble. Sad. It's really tough watching this kind of hockey after the Toews/Kane years....but a total rebuild is usually pretty painful. We get to witness it first hand. Yay!!
On the positive: he and Chevy were seeing each other all night. It's a start.

On the negative: I think Soder needs to be dropped and Stauber should be brought in at least for a few games played. The worst that can happen, Stauber gets lit up like Soder.

Oh, and we pressbox'ed Seabrook before: No reason we can't pressbox Jones. He was curdled afterbirth last night.


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On the positive: he and Chevy were seeing each other all night. It's a start.

On the negative: I think Soder needs to be dropped and Stauber should be brought in at least for a few games played. The worst that can happen, Stauber gets lit up like Soder.

Oh, and we pressbox'ed Seabrook before: No reason we can't pressbox Jones. He was curdled afterbirth last night.
Yeah I'm a bit confident about the insistence on playing Soder. Gotta find options unless they are just really worried about totally breaking his psyche for the future in which case they think he's the #1 in the long run which is even more perplexing.


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Feb 24, 2020
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very long time fan of Blackhawks have not posted since living in IL 7 yrs ago.... the past 5 years have been abominable for this franchise, despite drafting lots of good (or top) talent the perspective is "this is still a mess and not fun to watch". Since 2019-20 season this team is 124-189-33; past 3 seasons 68-134-22 and there is no upward trend in sight (IMO). Looking at the minors (IceHogs) after two playoff seasons (lost in 1st rd both years) they are now .500 and not a lot to get excited about so, what is the future and more importantly for fans.... WHEN is the Future? Sad to say, not likely next year 24-25 , maybe 25-26 to get to the playoffs but a long long uphill climb to another championship .


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Yeah I'm a bit confident about the insistence on playing Soder. Gotta find options unless they are just really worried about totally breaking his psyche for the future in which case they think he's the #1 in the long run which is even more perplexing.
The thing that gets me is that Stauber and Soder are the same age. Both are waiver-exempt. The only difference I see is that Stauber's deal expired this year and is arbitration-eligible.

But yeah, .875SV% /4.00 GAA? That's not good in any measure; no matter how much the defense sucks.

Stauber might not be any better of an answer than Soder, but unless he gets lit up like Soder, he might be able to give Mr. Azek a rest every now and then.


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Another wasted performance
How so? He's growing and getting better regardless of the trash he's currently surrounded with. Losing is more important than winning at this point. Only bad thing is that there is very little that anyone would want at the deadline.


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Aug 24, 2012
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How so? He's growing and getting better regardless of the trash he's currently surrounded with. Losing is more important than winning at this point. Only bad thing is that there is very little that anyone would want at the deadline.
Yep all that matters is he keeps growing and getting better, if we also help our draft position than all the better.

One thing I was a bit worried about was how would he handle his first big NHL injury and coming back. Would it take him some time, or would he play timid? Nope.. with what is it 6 points in 3 games? Plus he put the puck in the back of the net 2 more times that got called off because of offsides, so yeah he seems to be doing great and hasn't missed a beat.


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May 14, 2010
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How so? He's growing and getting better regardless of the trash he's currently surrounded with. Losing is more important than winning at this point. Only bad thing is that there is very little that anyone would want at the deadline.
Because others need to get better around him? He needs to play with players who are going to play around him for years to come? He's not going to be able to get so good someday that he just instantly makes them win every game? He needs to be able to rely on others to make a play instead of just playing the quantity game?


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Aug 24, 2012
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Because others need to get better around him? He needs to play with players who are going to play around him for years to come? He's not going to be able to get so good someday that he just instantly makes them win every game? He needs to be able to rely on others to make a play instead of just playing the quantity game?
Well one way to get others around him better is to draft better players, loosing sucks but it helps in that department.


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Because others need to get better around him? He needs to play with players who are going to play around him for years to come? He's not going to be able to get so good someday that he just instantly makes them win every game? He needs to be able to rely on others to make a play instead of just playing the quantity game?
Who exactly who needs to get better. They have a team of near untradable players. One young star, a couple of guys playing out their career and trash. They aren't getting any better.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Who exactly who needs to get better. They have a team of near untradable players. One young star, a couple of guys playing out their career and trash. They aren't getting any better.
Korch, for one. I don't think he's horrible but he definitely makes some rookie mistakes as-expected by a rookie D-man. Doesn't mean he shouldn't be trying to get better.

Reichel, for another. He's down in the A like he should have been for awhile but I'm hoping this sparks him as opposed to him just petering off into oblivion.

For the most part I agree though: We have Bedard and Vlassic who look like the real deal with respect to their roles (degree of skill notwithstanding) and the rest are either in development with a somewhat uncertain future, or a much of placeholders and never-will-bes.

Come next year I'm expecting better. Guys like Allan should be up. We'll have a better view of the development of some of our players and others should be getting a taste of the NHL, as well as some old waste being cycled out. We should also be starting to look outside for assets that can be fit-in core pieces rather than stopgaps--as long as acquiring those pieces don't mortgage the future.


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Well one way to get others around him better is to draft better players, loosing sucks but it helps in that department.
Except this isn't the first year, second year, third year.... They've been to the playoffs once since the 2016-2017 season and in the 2017 playoffs where they were one of the best teams in the league, they got swept in the first round. In 2020 they were essentially the last team in during a shortened season for COVID.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Except this isn't the first year, second year, third year.... They've been to the playoffs once since the 2016-2017 season and in the 2017 playoffs where they were one of the best teams in the league, they got swept in the first round. In 2020 they were essentially the last team in during a shortened season for COVID.
It didn't help that we had a beancounter at the helm who refused to listen to whatever hockey mind braintrust he had at his disposal. We basically had to start at Ground Zero because of the damage he did, and we're still paying for it *cough*SethJones*cough*

Kyle from Chicago, even though he's not a hockey guy, seems to at least be listening to the hockey minds around him which is a step up from the previous gen even though the jury is still out on him. There's not much he could do with what we have around to make things better this season, but much like building the last core it's a multi-season project. The 'hawks need to balance out the talent they have in their prospect cupboards with outside talent they should acquire via trades and FA, but they also need to know what talent they need to acquire to properly fill in the gaps.

To wit: Up until this year I through we'd have to go outside the club for a shutdown Hjammer-type. We might have that in Vlassic. So, that's one thing we don't need. If Chevy keeps it up we might need only one player to play opposite of him and Bedard, instead of Bedard needing 2 players flanking him.

We don't know if Der Comesso or Allan are the real deal yet. Same with our other recent draftees. Whether or not they hit changes what we need to look for. And, as for the players around now who are rookies? Either they get better or they're flipped for better personnel. But simply winning the Bedard Sweepstakes? Not going to be great the following season with the gutterslime around him--even if we weren't decimated by injuries.


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May 14, 2010
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It didn't help that we had a beancounter at the helm who refused to listen to whatever hockey mind braintrust he had at his disposal. We basically had to start at Ground Zero because of the damage he did, and we're still paying for it *cough*SethJones*cough*

Kyle from Chicago, even though he's not a hockey guy, seems to at least be listening to the hockey minds around him which is a step up from the previous gen even though the jury is still out on him. There's not much he could do with what we have around to make things better this season, but much like building the last core it's a multi-season project. The 'hawks need to balance out the talent they have in their prospect cupboards with outside talent they should acquire via trades and FA, but they also need to know what talent they need to acquire to properly fill in the gaps.

To wit: Up until this year I through we'd have to go outside the club for a shutdown Hjammer-type. We might have that in Vlassic. So, that's one thing we don't need. If Chevy keeps it up we might need only one player to play opposite of him and Bedard, instead of Bedard needing 2 players flanking him.

We don't know if Der Comesso or Allan are the real deal yet. Same with our other recent draftees. Whether or not they hit changes what we need to look for. And, as for the players around now who are rookies? Either they get better or they're flipped for better personnel. But simply winning the Bedard Sweepstakes? Not going to be great the following season with the gutterslime around him--even if we weren't decimated by injuries.
But that's was my whole point, I said what a wasted performance, and I was told we have nothing, all we can do to help is lose to bring more draft picks, to which I've said we've been sucking, we've had a lot of draft picks regardless of who picked them. The jury is still out on Kyle, but he didn't fully clean house from the scouts and folks who made those picks, as a matter of fact he was part of the management team at that time. We have at least 2 hand fulls of players 24 and under on or around this active roster right now who have been drafted by the Hawks. They need to be developing and getting better. We can't waste Bedard's talent on them just being honored having been on the ice with him. He's a generational talent that makes those around him better, and I haven't seen that much and that's on them. Yes, we're limited in what we can bring in FA and Vet wise, but we're not limited in the development of the young players who still have a shot to be better. And I've not seen many bright spots there at all and nothing with consistency. The fun of the first time around core was that we saw those future core pieces step up. We didn't know who they were at the beginning of the season, but they emerged. You could feel who was going to work together and who was going to stick, and who was getting it. At the end of this season I've seen some bright spots but I can't say that their is a single player I would hate to see go outside of Bedard. Maybe Vlasic, but only cause I love his size and calling him the Big Pickle.


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Aug 24, 2012
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Except this isn't the first year, second year, third year.... They've been to the playoffs once since the 2016-2017 season and in the 2017 playoffs where they were one of the best teams in the league, they got swept in the first round. In 2020 they were essentially the last team in during a shortened season for COVID.

I mean we where a shitty team and that got us Toews at #3, following year we where shitty again and got the 1st overall and got Kane and that helped build a dynasty.

This team needed to do a major rebuild and thats what they did. It got torn down and we got Bedard because of of it, and he looks great and we are in a pretty good position to be drafting high again so hopefully we are witnessing the early stages of another dynasty being built.

This is how it works.. sucks to watch them get destroyed but they need to draft talent and so far thats what they are doing


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Western Burbs
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The Hawks were never torn down and blown up like KD did. He's playing the long game by building from the ground up. Unfortunately, to everyone's dismay....it's not MLB, the NBA or the NFL. Very few NHL first round picks jump right in like Bedard did, even far less on later round picks...hockey is a different animal. I mean he could have pulled a Bowman or Pulford and signed some over priced vets....might get you a handful of meaningless wins than you're getting now but to what end. It's gonna take some time....key word is PATIENCE.

Sure it's ugly, semi unprofessioanl hockey. For the immediate future, that's what you're going get....if you don't like it.....don't watch.

But if Davidson did/does his job, the turn around will be coming....some of it next year to a small extent, but more likely the year after.


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C

I am sure this has been seen, I ran the dialogue through Google translate for "English" from "maniacally obsessed autistic spectrum teen,"

And I thought the mistake was very telling in one of the probably unique ways that Bedard mentally processed hockey in real time(forgive the psychologist perspective).

He does in fact say "you were just slow"but most subtitle translations are ...mistaken for "you are slow", like Foligno thought..."are you calling me slow" "no you were going slow"....

But Bedard was telling a moment by moment recap of the play....and it was a fractional thought but a documented detail in his mind...."slow"...you were just slow, in other words, too slow to make the play that was available, his brain rejected it with a quicker label...simply "slow".

To make a pass to another moving object clearly you have to gauge the other meteors speed well if not precisely. In bedards mind...it was a split second "slow" "you were slow"... Foligno wasnt going to be in the right window at the right moment. The brain doesn't have time to compute much at level 12 Tetris.

An 18 trying to explain that came out "you were slow"
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