B-Hawks 2023-2024 Season Thread of Bedard

Chief Walking Stick

Heeeh heeeeh he said POLES
May 12, 2010
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I am sure this has been seen, I ran the dialogue through Google translate for "English" from "maniacally obsessed autistic spectrum teen,"

And I thought the mistake was very telling in one of the probably unique ways that Bedard mentally processed hockey in real time(forgive the psychologist perspective).

He does in fact say "you were just slow"but most subtitle translations are ...mistaken for "you are slow", like Foligno thought..."are you calling me slow" "no you were going slow"....

But Bedard was telling a moment by moment recap of the play....and it was a fractional thought but a documented detail in his mind...."slow"...you were just slow, in other words, too slow to make the play that was available, his brain rejected it with a quicker label...simply "slow".

To make a pass to another moving object clearly you have to gauge the other meteors speed well if not precisely. In bedards mind...it was a split second "slow" "you were slow"... Foligno wasnt going to be in the right window at the right moment. The brain doesn't have time to compute much at level 12 Tetris.

An 18 trying to explain that came out "you were slow"


CCS Donator
Aug 23, 2012
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Enemy Territory via southern C
As for the rebuild we got lucky, compared to like the Kings who need a Bedard and an elite goalie to complete their rebuild that is doomed to stutter.

We might be a worse hockey team at both AHL and NHL levels than the last 2-3 years, but the quality depth has been recycled to be much younger, and it extends far into the amateur and college cosmos.

All those picks will surely not hit, and we still have a Jones problem, and the goalie problem. But a top 4 pick in this draft should slot nicely next to Bedard or carry a second line. It's going to be a great player, imo.

If #1 we have to take Cellibrini, but if not #1 we transition to taking the best fit available to compliment Bedard.

We won't build a championship team 100% in draft, but the assets we continue to acquire are all about managing the cap for years to come, wheeling and dealing in such a way to open the Bedard window to a long successful decade at least.

I believe you can already see that Mazrek plus Bedard and a stout team is already dangerous. Teams like to get a lead and avoid us if they can.
They don't seem to want to play us straight up.

I think that is the other difference from 3 years ago, where we are now physically opposing and nobody messes with us. Tinordi, Vlasic, Crevier, Blackwell, Dickinson, Foligno...

Like teams are beating us but they aren't PUNKING US like they were. They want to play hockey not cause a physical attrition on young prospects by extracurriculars.

A few years ago Toews was our only tough guy as insane as that sounds.

We now have over half a dozen guys that can make your life hell if you step out of line, like the entire team stepped up and did after Bedard injury.

Believe me the word got out, that if you touch Bedard be ready for the longest most miserable game of your life.

Foligno fought straight off but many stepped up to send that message loudly.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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But that's was my whole point, I said what a wasted performance, and I was told we have nothing, all we can do to help is lose to bring more draft picks, to which I've said we've been sucking, we've had a lot of draft picks regardless of who picked them. The jury is still out on Kyle, but he didn't fully clean house from the scouts and folks who made those picks, as a matter of fact he was part of the management team at that time. We have at least 2 hand fulls of players 24 and under on or around this active roster right now who have been drafted by the Hawks. They need to be developing and getting better. We can't waste Bedard's talent on them just being honored having been on the ice with him. He's a generational talent that makes those around him better, and I haven't seen that much and that's on them. Yes, we're limited in what we can bring in FA and Vet wise, but we're not limited in the development of the young players who still have a shot to be better. And I've not seen many bright spots there at all and nothing with consistency. The fun of the first time around core was that we saw those future core pieces step up. We didn't know who they were at the beginning of the season, but they emerged. You could feel who was going to work together and who was going to stick, and who was getting it. At the end of this season I've seen some bright spots but I can't say that their is a single player I would hate to see go outside of Bedard. Maybe Vlasic, but only cause I love his size and calling him the Big Pickle.
At the end of 2006 was there any player you would have hated to see go other than Keith or Seabrook?


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Jun 10, 2010
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At the end of 2006 was there any player you would have hated to see go other than Keith or Seabrook?
Apparently, he doesn't get that most of the players developing aren't even here. If things go as planned.....when this team is ready to compete there probably won't be any more than 4 or 5 of the current team still around.
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Staff member
May 14, 2010
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At the end of 2006 was there any player you would have hated to see go other than Keith or Seabrook?
Yes... there were for sure players other than them I would have been upset with losing. Some rightfully so, and some that I would have been mistaken about not wanting to go. Lot of people were high on Barker... just ask Puck Jim. And Big Buff. I won't say Crow as that's probably just my hindsight. But Calder and the ABC line for sure. Now, that's of course the... really like these players want to keep them, not the "I can't live without them and there is no trade that I would send them away for" but this team, I can't say I have much if any fan favorites right now from a young guy standpoint other than those I've already pointed out.


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Jun 10, 2010
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Western Burbs
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The ABC line.....lol, they left Chicago and all died slow deaths collectively. Not a single one of them did anything once they left Chicago, except one by one venturing back into the minor leagues.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Yes... there were for sure players other than them I would have been upset with losing. Some rightfully so, and some that I would have been mistaken about not wanting to go. Lot of people were high on Barker... just ask Puck Jim. And Big Buff. I won't say Crow as that's probably just my hindsight. But Calder and the ABC line for sure. Now, that's of course the... really like these players want to keep them, not the "I can't live without them and there is no trade that I would send them away for" but this team, I can't say I have much if any fan favorites right now from a young guy standpoint other than those I've already pointed out.
Fair enough. I honestly thought Vrbata would have taken the next step but he never did. But in all actually i didn't think there was much to look forward to back then. All the goalie's were not good for us (including Khabi), I thought the ABC line was overrated in my opinion. Seabs was a bright spot. Keith was raw but showed potential (TBH I never thought he'd be there best D-man the'hawks have ever had, but I'm glad he was!), and everyone else were has-beens and never-will-bes...

Very similar to now.


Scratched for Vorobiev
Dec 8, 2014
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Apparently, he doesn't get that most of the players developing aren't even here. If things go as planned.....when this team is ready to compete there probably won't be any more than 4 or 5 of the current team still around.
That's the point I was driving at.

Even though there might have been some players way back when that we were high on that didn't pan out, in actuality only Keith and Seabs (and Crawford, but he wasn't a full time NHL'er) worked out. Everyone else was gone.

I think if this build is successful, there will only be a handful of players with us now up at the NHL level that will be a part of it. Everyone else is a stop-gap.


CCS Enforcer
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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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On a complete side note, my son got his first 2 and a 10 at states this past weekend. It was totally warranted, we were down 6 and one of their guys took a run at one of our weaker players and destroyed him. No call was made, and 2 shifts later my son cross checked the other team best player face first into the boards. Son goes if the refs aren’t going to control the game have to protect my teammates.

Fred Garvin

Feb 13, 2018
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Bedard w the killer penalty...and Mrazek let the puck get loose to allow the 2nd goal. Terrible Hawk defense. No help for Mrazek at all. All around bad, bad team...which is obvious...and they have the gall to air this disaster on espn.

Fred Garvin

Feb 13, 2018
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So this rebuild is based on keep getting the #1 pick and the next year and the next....etc etc? Cuz the minor league Ice Hogs suck as well. Hawks will be good by the time Bedard retires...and Mrazek gives one up with less than a second left. Lol. Unbelievable.


Silicon Valley CA Bears H
Aug 21, 2012
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Silicon Valley, CA
So this rebuild is based on keep getting the #1 pick and the next year and the next....etc etc? Cuz the minor league Ice Hogs suck as well. Hawks will be good by the time Bedard retires...and Mrazek gives one up with less than a second left. Lol. Unbelievable.
When will you STFU and stop cunting? Anyone with halve a brane knew this year's roster was at best bottom-5.

They are performing exactly as predicted.
