Bears ownership refuses to take a stand


I don't have a party
Aug 31, 2014
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Socialist Republic of California
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you need to read about who wrote the original national anthem and understand WHO it was intended for ...

You do realize that at a certain point people just stop reading anything you post because they have read it a 1000 times already.
Then again...might slow down all them red bars.

Just sayin


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Palatine, IL
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you need to read about who wrote the original national anthem and understand WHO it was intended for ...

Get off that. This is currently about what escalated the issue. A desire from on top to restrict freedom of speech... unless he agrees with it.


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Apr 23, 2017
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Hyde Park
Keep feeding the media's narrative you fucks. Stop talking about this kneeling and not kneeling shit and it all goes away.

Get used to it. Its gonna be with us for a while now.... now that POTUS has spoken.

Trump is the one who stoked a dying flame.
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Jul 30, 2013
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I do find it amusing that so many people refer to those on the left as snowflakes, but they lose their minds and boycott a game because someone kneeled during the national anthem.

Talk about irony.

Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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Oh shit, didn't know the constitution has a day off every week. God damn.
For the record, the constitution covers freedom from percecution from the government persecuting or jailing you for expressing your point of view. It does not protect you from consequences when representing a private entity.

Too many leftist idiots think the first amendment gives them the right to say whatever the hell they want whenever the hell they want and not suffer the consequences.

It's the latter part that is lost on them. You cannot say bomb in a movie theater your yell hijack in an airport and get away with it. Yet to hear leftists tell it, that would also fall under the First Amendment. Except it doesn't and neither does protesting while on company time.

When you work for a private entity, you serve at their leisure and must follow their rules. If the company allows protest, okay. If it does not then the first amendment isn't going to protect you from being fired by that company.

Another thing is that if the company allows you to protest on their time but the customers who purchase their product do not like said protest, that is the company's decision which will put themselves at a significant risk. It is stupid business. Michael Jordan was once asked why he didn't get more politically active when he was a player. His response was genius from a business perspective: " because even Republicans buy shoes." That is a smart businessman who keeps politics, religion, and other divisive influences out of his business, for the sake of continuing to make money. And if you are not in business to make money and you don't understand the point of a business.

If the NFL had a brain, they would demand that all players must stand for the national anthem so, have people going around to the players to explain that national anthem has nothing to do with police brutality but rather respecting men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms, and then create a part of the NFL office or Commission that would help players who wish to protest various things to do so on their own time with groups that would positively reflect on the league.

Instead of, the numbers for the NFL have been doing the lean ever since Kaepernick started his protest and the sports media started covering it.

And when surveyed, the people who no longer watch the NFL mostly are saying that they stopped not because of slower boring games but because of Rich, spoiled athletes disrespecting the flag, and the men and women who served. Leftists and leftists in the media may do everything with pretzel logic that they can talk around this, but that remains the number one polled reason why people are turning the NFL out.

And it isn't just the NFL. And it's not just people who voted for Trump.

The Emmys had their lowest rating ever. This summer was the worst for Hollywood movies in quite some time. The reason is really simple. Escapism.

People watch sports and movies to get away from the crazy world. It's a way to tune everything else out for something fun and engaging. When idiots drag politics in to sports on game day, and into their movies then it ceases to be escapism and the things that people are trying to escape from are present in their entertainment.

To the dumb leftist, they see this as the perfect opportunity to win people over to their side of the argument. The reality is people get fed up and tune out. They go find their escapism elsewhere. When it comes to big business, you can either work to earn a profit, or hold strongly to the political ideal, but not both. Injecting politics into anything will kill a business.

The people in their deluded Echo Chambers won't be able to grasp this to do their own cognitive dissonance, but I will be quite curious to see what the ratings for the NFL are over the next 3 weeks.

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Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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Get used to it. Its gonna be with us for a while now.... now that POTUS has spoken.

Trump is the one who stoked a dying flame.
Let's watch the ratings. If the NFL experiences an acceleration in Lost viewership over the next 3 weeks, then the media Talking Heads can no longer deny that the protests are the things that are hurting the game.

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Teddy KGB

Cultural Icon
Apr 25, 2011
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I do find it amusing that so many people refer to those on the left as snowflakes, but they lose their minds and boycott a game because someone kneeled during the national anthem.

Talk about irony.
Snowflake is someone who bitches and moans about a man not being able to use a woman's bathroom. There's a difference between that and deciding to tune out a product that has many members of it disrespecting the armed forces and the people who fought and died for this country.

Anyone who can't see the difference between the two is mentally unhinged.

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New member
Apr 23, 2017
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Hyde Park
For the record, the constitution covers freedom from percecution from the government persecuting or jailing you for expressing your point of view. It does not protect you from consequences when representing a private entity.

Too many leftist idiots think the first amendment gives them the right to say whatever the hell they want whenever the hell they want and not suffer the consequences.

It's the latter part that is lost on them. You cannot say bomb in a movie theater your yell hijack in an airport and get away with it. Yet to hear leftists tell it, that would also fall under the First Amendment. Except it doesn't and neither does protesting while on company time.

When you work for a private entity, you serve at their leisure and must follow their rules. If the company allows protest, okay. If it does not then the first amendment isn't going to protect you from being fired by that company.

Another thing is that if the company allows you to protest on their time but the customers who purchase their product do not like said protest, that is the company's decision which will put themselves at a significant risk. It is stupid business. Michael Jordan was once asked why he didn't get more politically active when he was a player. His response was genius from a business perspective: " because even Republicans buy shoes." That is a smart businessman who keeps politics, religion, and other divisive influences out of his business, for the sake of continuing to make money. And if you are not in business to make money and you don't understand the point of a business.

If the NFL had a brain, they would demand that all players must stand for the national anthem so, have people going around to the players to explain that national anthem has nothing to do with police brutality but rather respecting men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our freedoms, and then create a part of the NFL office or Commission that would help players who wish to protest various things to do so on their own time with groups that would positively reflect on the league.

Instead of, the numbers for the NFL have been doing the lean ever since Kaepernick started his protest and the sports media started covering it.

And when surveyed, the people who no longer watch the NFL mostly are saying that they stopped not because of slower boring games but because of Rich, spoiled athletes disrespecting the flag, and the men and women who served. Leftists and leftists in the media may do everything with pretzel logic that they can talk around this, but that remains the number one polled reason why people are turning the NFL out.

And it isn't just the NFL. And it's not just people who voted for Trump.

The Emmys had their lowest rating ever. This summer was the worst for Hollywood movies in quite some time. The reason is really simple. Escapism.

People watch sports and movies to get away from the crazy world. It's a way to tune everything else out for something fun and engaging. When idiots drag politics in to sports on game day, and into their movies then it ceases to be escapism and the things that people are trying to escape from are present in their entertainment.

To the dumb leftist, they see this as the perfect opportunity to win people over to their side of the argument. The reality is people get fed up and tune out. They go find their escapism elsewhere. When it comes to big business, you can either work to earn a profit, or hold strongly to the political ideal, but not both. Injecting politics into anything will kill a business.

The people in their deluded Echo Chambers won't be able to grasp this to do their own cognitive dissonance, but I will be quite curious to see what the ratings for the NFL are over the next 3 weeks.

Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk

Too much to read on a busy Sunday. But as an Attorney I can tell you that you are wrong. The Constitution gives these football players the right to "free speech".... that does not guarantee a person a right to employment. Yes, the owners can fire them. But where would the league be if they did that? That would indeed be dumb.


Sep 27, 2010
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Get off that. This is currently about what escalated the issue. A desire from on top to restrict freedom of speech... unless he agrees with it.

It's not restricting freedom unless he orders someone in to shut them up. He is also free to state his opinions and call for boycotts like every other American.


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2013
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Snowflake is someone who bitches and moans about a man not being able to use a woman's bathroom. There's a difference between that and deciding to tune out a product that has many members of it disrespecting the armed forces and the people who fought and died for this country.

Anyone who can't see the difference between the two is mentally unhinged.

Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk

Whatever you say, snowflake.

run and shoot

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Quote Originally Posted by run and shoot View Post
Actually it's very American to want stand for freedom for all not some.

You said it right there. STAND

Oh the irony

note....... freedom for all not some. Note....the anthem originally meant freedom for some NOT ALL

run and shoot

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Apr 28, 2013
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You do realize that at a certain point people just stop reading anything you post because they have read it a 1000 times already.
Then again...might slow down all them red bars.

Just sayin

truthbedamned......thanks for " stop reading " and truth be damned is the truth. wink


Magitek Knight
Aug 30, 2012
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Trump is a fat fucking cocksucker and so are all his brain dead supporters

it should be every patriotic American's duty to stand up to Trump

run and shoot

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Apr 28, 2013
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Get off that. This is currently about what escalated the issue. A desire from on top to restrict freedom of speech... unless he agrees with it.

read op post......I was only addressing it

Quote Originally Posted by Wildest5 View Post
When did I ever say I was kicking anyone out? All I said was leave if you don't have enough respect in your heart to stand for people who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Yes, I do use what the constitution says to make a point every day of my life for the past 14+ years. And that's cause I have signed the dotted line and I am making the point to defend their freedom and yours. Like I said a time and a place for everything and if people don't want to stand for the national anthem (which signifies unity also especially during sporting events) then those people are the ones being racist and trying to separate themselves.


Magitek Knight
Aug 30, 2012
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You must abide by company policy while on company time. That's part of your employment contract. Have you ever been employed?

Pro sports have more powerful unions than do most jobs, they don't have to do everything the company wants them to do. Thats why they have collective bargaining agreements.

Don't be a house slave

Space Invader

Aug 21, 2012
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Somewhere away from fucktards.
You aren't going to watch? Very powerful. They will probably cancel next weeks games as a result of your actions.

Do you think there's fault on both sides?

so you're not gonna watch because the Steelers aren't coming out for the anthem!??????
Pretty sure the poster was joking that if the Steelers did forfeit, they wouldn't have a game to watch. thus, not having to watch the Steelers kill the Bears.

Let's all step back and catch our breath for a sec.

I Just Want To Read

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Dec 2, 2012
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I think what Kap did was a bit disrespectful because he went too far. A smaller gesture than I'm not going to be part of this may have been better but I do respect his right to do as he sees fit. Just because I think he over did doesn't make me blind to his right to do so or his employer right to not resign him due to revenue concerns in an entertainment industry. Trump just escalated this to where and lash back against players will be fruitless due to numbers and only the game will suffer from lack of participation from those that only see this as anti American as opposed to exercising a right to speak out against oppression from the top.

It's absolutely mind blowing to me that people can view kneeling during the anthem as "going too far". That's as polite and non-violent as protest gets.

The bottom line is that a large portion of the country is against black protest in all forms. Which means they are wholly opposed to the cause itself rather than the form of protest.


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2013
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dumbass reward goes to you. even more stupid than the people saying this is "disrespecting the flag"

Colin was using the anthem as a platform to protest police brutality which is code name for white people hating minorities. The irony of his protest is that blacks kill each other by the thousands each and every year and yet Colin didn't find it in himself to use the NFL as a platform to protest that. They are a bunch of hypocrites.
